
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Antonin Dolohov. The Gringotts heist (again). First Kiss, Part 1. The Artefacts of the Founders of Hogwarts, Part 3. Helga's Cup of Hufflepuff.

Guys, I did a massive release here:


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I hope you enjoy the read.


Alexandros Peverell sat in his office, puzzling over how he could get Voldemort's Horcrux from Rosier's safe in Gringotts. He had been sitting like this for two hours now, and in that time he had only had three ideas. The first was to rob Gringotts (again), and the second was to try to bargain the cup away from the goblins. But both of these ideas entailed big piles of problems. In the case of the robbery, if he was recognized or his appearance was noticed, he could ruin his relationship with the goblins, and they had half of his money in the bank and he could lose it. If Alex tried to bargain for the cup, he could lose half of the gold again. The last option was to reveal to the head of Gringotts a part of the future and show him what Voldemort could do to them because of the cup, but Peverell could not risk it, as he was afraid to even imagine what could happen. 

The young lord's musings were interrupted by a knock on the door.

- Come in, - Alex threw, towards the door, rubbing his temples. The door opened and his fiancée entered the boy's office. Bellatrix Black, as always, looked perfect. Her long black hair, uncombed, fell in waves below her shoulder blades. Fine facial features, aristocratically pale skin, and slightly upturned nose, and the most mesmerizing bottomless amethyst eyes that looked anxiously at the boy himself. - Bellatrix, is something wrong? - The boy asked in a slightly tired voice, looking at the girl.

- Does something have to happen for me to come to my fiancé? - Black's voice matched her appearance. It was deep and mesmerizing. The whole of Hogwarts would probably turn grey with shock if they heard her voice at this moment, as she only spoke like that to her sisters and Alex himself. - Besides, you haven't left your office for hours, and I'm worried," Bella said with the last word, approaching Alex from the back and putting her hands on his shoulders she began to massage him.

Peverell at the same moment forgot all his worries, problems, and other things, the only thing he cared about was the girl standing behind him, who gave him her caress and care. 

- Honey, you're incredible, - after five pleasant minutes, the guy said in a satisfied voice. 

- You flatter me, - the girl was already on Alex's right side, suddenly a very tempting idea came into Peverell's head, and he hurried to fulfill it. - What? - the girl asked curiously, noticing how her fiancé's face had taken on a very sly expression.

- Not at all sweetheart, not at all, - with these words Alexandros, grabbed and pulled the girl by the waist, putting her on his lap, putting his other arm around her waist.

- What are you doing? - Bella asked, blushing.

- How cute you are when you blush, - she expectedly blushed even more and buried her face in her fiancé's chest, so as not to show her blushing face. The guy only grinned at the girl's actions and leaned back in his chair. His mood was immediately lifted, and his tiredness was gone.

- Alex," Bellatrix's voice sounded after ten minutes of silence.

- What?" the young lord asked, looking at the girl who had already rested her head on her fiancé's shoulder.

- Can you fulfill one of my requests? - the boy was a little surprised, but still, nodded his head to continue. - Can you kiss me? - and now Alex was completely out of it.

- Of course, I can, but I wonder why? - the Slytherin asked, having coped with the shock.

- Well, I wanted to," Bella mumbled, looking away.

-' There's something she's not telling me,' the boy thought. - If you want me to kiss you, then at least look at me, - these words were said almost in a whisper in the ear of the shaken girl. However, she came to herself quickly and slowly turned her head towards the guy, and then looked up, meeting the gaze of dark-blue eyes.

Their "stare" lasted for half a minute while the couple stared at each other blankly. Neither of them noticed Alex leaning in a little, and Bella lifting a little. It seemed like an eternity passed until their lips touched in a kiss.

The former Potter had kissed a couple of times in his past life, but they were no match for the current one. Bellatrix's lips were incredibly soft, and when her arms wrapped around his neck, he felt as if time had stopped around him.

Bellatrix herself was feeling just as much sensation as the boy, even more so. She had always been energetic and cheerful, but only around her family. But never before had she been overcome with such a feeling of elation as when the boy's lips made contact with hers. She felt dizzy from the emotions she felt, and to hold on she put her arms around the guy's neck and pressed herself against him even tighter.

When the couple broke away from each other, they just looked at each other in silence, though a smile wandered on their faces. Without saying a word, the girl rested her head on the boy's shoulder again, and after a couple of minutes, the boy felt her breathing even out.

Sighing, the boy lifted the sleeping Bellatrix in his arms and carefully got up from his seat, then went to the master bedroom, where he put the tired girl on the bed, covered her with a blanket, quietly almost sneakingly left the room, and went to the dining room.


Alex was surprised to see Darius sitting at the table, but the table was also set for two.

- Darius, where are Narcissa and Severus? - The boy asked in surprise, sitting down in his seat.

- Narcissa fell asleep in the library, so I ordered the housekeepers to take her to her room, and your brother is busy cooking some potion and said he can't get away from it for a moment," the man replied.

- I wonder what kind of potion? He's been at it for almost a month, but other than a revolving potion, he's never cooked anything for that long," the guy said to no one in particular.

- He said that he wanted to get the mastery before you, so he decided to make his potion, - the keeper answered the surprised Alex.

- What kind of potion? - Peverell asked with his usual curiosity.

- He called it Aconite Potion, which he thought would help werewolves keep their sanity in the form of a dog," Darius said, helping to quench the boy's curiosity. - What have you been thinking about in your room for the last two hours? - the man suddenly asked.

With a sigh, the boy recounted the problem with the cup, the Horcrux, and Gringotts. In response, Darius thought for a while, then said:

- I have a couple of ideas.

- What kind of ideas? - Alex asked with hope in his voice.

- I'll use my metamorphic ability and take the form of some lord, but I'll need the key of this lord, but it's not a problem. Next, I'll put an imperious on the goblin accompanying me, then order him to take me to Rosier's safe and order me to open it, the goblins have duplicate keys for each of the safes. As soon as I get the cup, I'll use the traveling," Peverell Senior laid out his thoughts, and the young lord marveled at his ingenuity.

- Good, then we'll do that when you can do it. - Peverell asked.

- Today I don't think so, I don't want to do anything, tomorrow Antonin will visit us, and after that, I think we can do it, - the man answered thoughtfully.

- Then it was decided, - then both of them started to eat.


Peverell senior was right, the next day Antonin Dolohov appeared in the main drawing room at lunchtime. Darius himself went to meet him and five minutes later brought him to the small dining room, where Alex and his brother, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Pollux, and Cassiopeia Black, who had joined them, were already sitting. 

- 'Come in Antoninus,' the keeper said to the man frozen in the dining room doorway.

- Welcome to Peverell Manor Mr. Dolohov," Alex greeted the man.

- Thank you, Lord Peverell," the Russian replied with a slight bow.

- Oh, Antonin, - to everyone's surprise, rejoiced Cassiopeia.

- Cassiopeia? - the man asked incredulously, and when the woman nodded in response, he was also pleased in return.

- So you two know each other? - Pollux asked in a suspicious voice.

- He and I did research together, so we know each other quite well," Miss Black enlightened her brother.

- We'll leave the talking for later, but now sit down," Lord Peverell said, pointing to the chair opposite Cassiopeia. 

- Thank you, Lord Peverell," again bowing slightly, the man said.

- It's just Alex and you don't have to bow every time," the boy said, surprising the people present, especially the Blacks.

- Good, then you should call me by my first name and 'you' too," the Russian nodded.

- Deal," the boy grinned.

- "My lord, what is the reason for your behavior? Usually, you are distrustful of guests, but this," Darius' voice rang out in his head.

- "I'll tell you later," Alex waved away, taking a sip of tea. Lord Peverell had plans for Dolokhov, he was going to make this Russian, if not a friend, at least an ally. In the 'past,' Dolokhov had been one of Riddle's most trusted confidants. But aside from all that, even though he was a half-blood, he was still a powerful wizard that only Bellatrix Lestrange could match, and that was unlikely. Another proof of his power and skill was that he had defeated Alastor Moody in the Battle of the Arch of Death in the Department of Mysteries. Because of this, Peverell was going to make him his ally, or better yet, his friend. If he faltered or refused, there was an option to involve Cassiopeia, for even the naked eye could see that the two sympathized with each other. And he was sure that Cassiopeia would help him, because Miss Black respected only the strong, and Alex and Darius were not the last on her list of the strong. 

- Antonin, what is your reason for coming to this country? - Alex asked, twenty minutes later, when the plates were empty.

- I got bored in my homeland, it was too quiet. I got the mastery of the second degree of dark magic and blood magic, now I won't do further research, at least until I test my knowledge in practice, and there is a lot of passions brewing, - answered the Russian with anticipation in his voice.

- So, you already know what the balance of forces and sides is here? - Darius asked, sipping his tea.

- Yes," the Russian nodded.

- And what do you know? - Pollux asked with interest.

- Three sides, the Ministry doesn't count. The Muggleborns are led by Dumbledore, the fanatics are led by Voldemort, and the neutrals are led by Black and Malfoy. The strongest are the neutrals who have almost half of all the aristocrats in Misty Albion at their fingertips, the fanatics are second with just over a quarter of all the aristocrats, and the last is the Muggle-borns who have less than a quarter of the total number of aristocrats," the man finished and cleared his throat, taking a sip of tea.

- You have to guess whose side the Peverells are on, right? - Darius asked in a quiet voice. 

- If the Blacks are sitting here, I can assume they're on the neutral side, am I right? - Dolokhov looked at Alex and answered the question with a question.

- Yes, you're right, do you mind joining us? - Peverell asked bluntly, and Darius covered his eyes again with his palm, surprised at his lord's directness.

- No, I don't mind," Dolokhov replied, grinning at the boy's actions.

- Welcome to us, but you'll have to make an unbreakable vow," Peverell senior said, removing his palm from his face.

- Just in case, show me your hands and pull up your sleeves," Alex said, surprising everyone present, even the Russian, but he did what he said and pulled up his sleeves, showing everyone his clean hands that didn't have even a hint of Riddle's Dark Mark on them.

- What's that for? - Antonin asked in a suspicious voice.

- Just a test," Alex waved his hand.

As soon as lunch was over, everyone went about their business. Alex and Darius went to the library, and then to the ritual hall to perform the ritual with Vodemort's Horcrux. Bellatrix and Narcissa also to the library. Pollux, citing fatigue and some business, went to Black Manor on the fireplace network. And Cassiopeia and Antoninus to the garden to talk and just walk around. 


The next day was business as usual. Alex decided to postpone his studies that day, and fully devote it to his future wives. They didn't mind at all, that's why the whole trio spent the whole day in Cosmic Lane. However, Peverell had visited Cosy Lane not only for a walk but also to keep an eye on Darius, who was supposed to commit a theft at Gringotts today.

As it turned out, Dolohov didn't have a home, which was why he had been staying at Peverell Manor since yesterday. As soon as Cassiopeia heard about it, she decided to stay at Peverell Manor, but neither Dolohov, nor Darius, nor Alex were against it.

He shook his head and looked at Narcissa, who was eating ice cream at Fortescue's with a very satisfied face, but her sister was not far behind her.

An hour later, when the girls and Alex had talked about everything that had happened and had managed to eat three scoops of ice cream each, a voice rang out in the boy's head:

- "My lord, I'm done," Darius' voice was a little tired.

- " Good, I'll be at the manor in a couple of minutes," Alex replied just as mentally, then cut the connection.

- Ladies, I think it's time for us to go back," the girls nodded immediately, as they looked a bit tired too. Without further ado, the boy put his arm around the girls' shoulders and apparated as usual to the main living room of Peverell Manor.


Appearing in the main drawing room, Lord Peverell went to his study where the family keeper was waiting for him. Upon entering his study, Peverell saw Darius sitting in an armchair, with a very familiar artifact, a Helga Puffendui cup, on a table nearby. The man himself also looked unwell, his entire torso was bandaged and his breathing was a little heavy.

- Are you all right Darius? - Alex asked with undisguised concern.

- Nothing, it will heal, - the man answered in a hoarse voice.

- Who did that to you, goblins or something? - Lord Peverell asked in surprise.

- No, those little things can't do much, it's just that when I got to the Lestrange safe, I ran into a dragon. A Hungarian Tailwalker to be exact. It managed to scorch my right arm a bit and whip my tail," Peverell Senior explained the reason for his poor condition.

- When will you get better? - Alex asked anxiously.

- The fractures from the tail whip will heal quickly, but the burn from the flames will heal for the next month because dragon flames are stronger than usual and even potions won't help, - Darius answered with a tired sigh.

- I see, in that case, you will not leave the manor for the next month, we will interrupt your training for a while, and now go to your room to rest, - ordered the young lord.

- I will," the young lord ordered, "and now go to your room to rest. 



Two hours before Alex.

Darius, wrapped in a dark robe with a deep hood, appeared in Lute Alley, and then slowly made his way to the exit of the alley, using legalism to see who had a safe at Gringotts. However, the right person was quickly found, and he was on his way to the bank at the moment.

Catching the right guy was easy, even too easy. No one paid attention to him in the alley, so it was possible to knock him out and move him to a dark alley quickly, with the help of legalism, having extracted information about him. After taking the key, wand, and appearance from him, Darius went straight to Slanting Lane, where the entrance to the magic bank was located.

Once through the doors of the bank, Darius stopped and took a deep breath, calming his nerves. After a moment, the man put on his friendliest smile and went to the nearest available goblin at the high counter.

- Good afternoon," Peverell said as he approached the counter.

- Good afternoon," the goblin mumbled, looking up from his parchment.

- I need to get something from my safe," Darius informed the goblin in the same friendly voice.

- Do you have a key? - The man showed the goblin the key he had taken from the mage in Lute Alley. - Follow me," the pair headed for the carts.

Peverell had never liked this method of transport, but he had no choice and sat down next to the goblin with a pained expression on his face. As soon as the man sat down, the cart began to move, picking up speed. The high-speed ride through the dungeons of Gringotts continued for a minute. By the end of the ride, even the impenetrable Darius had turned paler than usual. 

- 'We're here, please follow me,' the goblin said as soon as the cart came to a stop.

- "Imperio," as soon as the goblin's back was turned to him, Darius hurled the first unforgivable at him with the wand he had taken away. The effect followed immediately, and the magical creature simply froze in one place.

- Take me to Rosier's safe," the man ordered, and the goblin nodded silently and got into the cart. The cart moved immediately, but it moved much faster this time, and after a couple of tens of seconds they reached the place where Rosier's safe was.

Ordering him to follow him, the man gingerly began to move forward along the corridor. Ten seconds of walking and the corridor led Darius into a large room where the door of Rosier's safe stood ten meters in front of Darius. Peverell was about to move forward when he heard suspicious noises somewhere above. Darius looked at the source of the noise and cursed foully to himself, as a full-grown Hungarian Tailed Dragon was staring at him with a snarl. 

Seeing that the dragon was opening its jaws, about to breathe fire on him, Darius swiftly and forcefully jerked to the right, letting the incredibly hot flames pass through. Falling onto his stomach, the man rolled sharply to the left, and another jet of fire flew to where he lay. Jumping to his feet, Darius jumped back again, and a pair of sharp claws bent forward and landed where he stood. 

With a wave of his wand, Darius transfigured a dozen wolves around him, which attacked the dragon, distracting it from Peverell. The man looked at the results of his work with satisfaction, but then, after luring the goblin to him with a tantalizing spell, he ran towards the safe.

- Open the safe," Darius ordered, glancing at the dragon.

- I need a little time," the goblin said in an indifferent voice.

- How much time? - The man asked with a weary sigh, already assuming the worst.

- One minute," the goblin said.

- Come on, move it," the man ordered in a strained voice, watching as the tailed wolf tore three of the wolves to pieces, bit one, crushed two, and burned the rest with a strong wave of flame.

Finished with Darius's mutts, the dragon went after the man himself and exhaled a strong jet of incredible fire in his direction. The guardian could have dodged, but there was a goblin behind him opening the safe door. So the man swung his wand transfiguring a steel wall three meters high and two wide in front of him.

The dragon flames were very hot, so it was no surprise that after a minute of continuous fire, the steel began to melt. A small portion of the flame broke through the wall and caught the right shoulder of the hissing man.

- It's done," it sounded just as Darius was thinking about killing the dragon. 

- Good, open it," the man said, looking at the goblin, but at that moment he didn't notice how the winged lizard came three meters away and twisted around to strike with its strong, long, and flexible tail. The blow was strong and precise, and it hit exactly in the area of the seventh and eighth ribs on the left side. Darius did not expect this from the lizard and flew back inside the safe, taking the goblin with him.

The door to the safe was large, but not large enough for an adult dragon to fit through, so the lizard, with a loud growl, remained standing on the other side of the safe.

Peverell got to his feet and without further ado began searching for the bowl he needed. The safe was huge, there was a large pile of gold in the middle of the room, but Darius was sure it wasn't all the gold the Rosier family had. Along the right wall were racks of books and artifacts, and on the left side a stack of portraits.

- "Found it," the man's mind flashed as he spotted a beautifully decorated badger bowl among the artifacts. Picking up the bowl, Darius could sense that it was enchanted, and the bowl itself smelled perceptibly of black magic. Checking the artifact, the man made sure that the item was under a return spell that would work as soon as it left the safe in the hands of someone other than the one who had cast the spell.

- With a wave of his wand, Peverell removed the return spell and placed it in his spatial pocket, then turned his attention to the goblin who had been standing nearby the whole time.

- Go back and pretend that nothing happened," the goblin nodded and pulled out an artifact.

- What is this artifact? - The man asked with interest.

- They are 'tinklers', special artifacts used by goblins to scare away dragons," the goblin enlightened the shocked man. The "man" himself stood there with an indifferent face and inwardly cursed himself with the last words he could.

After half a minute of calming down, Peverell adjusted the goblin's memories, and then with a snap of his fingers opened a dark space, where a second later he entered. And he came out right in the office of the head of the Peverell family, after which he put the loot on the table and contacted Alex.

-"My lord, I'm done," Darius' voice was a little tired.

- "Good, I'll be at the manor in a couple of minutes," Alex answered the same mentally and then cut the connection.

As soon as the connection was broken, the man sat down on the chair and drank a burn potion, though it didn't help much against dragon flames.

End of Flashback


After sending Darius to his room to recover, Alex called Toby and ordered him to take the bowl to the same place as the medallion, and went to the library to look for a ritual for extracting Horcruxes from artifacts and then moving them to other and preferably fragile objects.