*Izuku POV*
Not all men are created equal. I learned that at an early age. Since I was diagnosed as quirkless I have been looked down on with pity and even disgust.
I have looked up stories about quirkless people. A quirkless child is not likely to make it to the age of 30. Either they are killed by someone else or they do it themselves. Sadly the latter is the most common.
People have been discouraging me. Telling me to give up my dreams and trying to beat me down. Not physically though. My brother always steps in if someone were to ever get physical with me.
I am lucky. My brother has believed in me even though I am quirkless. Believing that even without a quirk I could be a great hero.
Still he says if I want a quirk he will find a way to give me one. I don't really believe he can do it. No one has managed to make a quirk. I see him almost everyday writing up formulas on a white board only to erase it and start all over again. He really is putting his all into making sure he can give me a power to call my own.
I count myself very lucky to have a brother like him as not everyone can have someone who believes in them so much. I don't know how I would have dealt with life without him. Probably just another statistic in numbers that the rest of the world doesn't care about.
My brother is very strong even without using his quirk! He took down Kaachan so easily! He is always there to protect me from worse bullying.
My brother is is warm. He is always encouraging me. Showing and teaching me new things. I especially like how he dug into some pre quirk era comics to show me heroes that never had a power like Batman and Iron Man. People who used their brains to help them solve every problem. Showing me I could be a hero like them even quirkless.
My brother is very smart! He knows so many things! I have seen him take apart our microwave and put it all back together just to see how it worked. Mom doesn't like when he does that but sometimes he can't resist taking things apart to see how they work.
There was a teacher in our school who was very bias towards me. He would give me detention for anything even if I didn't do it. He failed one of my papers and I heard him say how a quirkless kid couldn't be smart. The next day he didn't show up. We later learned he was arrested for being part of a terrorist organization. My brother had a satisfied smirk on his face.
My brother is scary. It wasn't the last time such things happened. I noticed that people who were exceptionally bias or cruel towards me had a habit of not coming back. Every time my brother would have this satisfied smirk on his face. Now I can see a bit of fear on the teachers faces when they look towards him. I believe they think they will be next.
Despite the scary side of him I love my brother. How can I not when he believes in me like no one else has since I was 4. How can I not love him when I see him looking so tired after a late night of him studying to make me a quirk. I tell him he doesn't have to keep pushing himself to make me a quirk. But he is as stubborn about making it possible as I am about being a hero.
*Alex POV*
I can't help but facepalm after looking at my latest Sign In. I got something from Naruto. Not jutsus or a bloodline or even chakra! No. I got Naruto's Luck in games of chance (gambling)!
It isn't the worst thing I have ever gotten from the system at least. That was a character summoning card that shall never see the light of day unless I am destroying it.
Just one more reason to get the Power of Destruction from the Bael Devils. It may be a bloodline thing but it is mainly just magic so I should be able to learn it. I have a godly talent for magic at this point.
I got up and did my usual morning routine before getting dressed and going to Zuku's Room "Zuku! You better be awake in there or I will double your training for the day!"
I been making him run and do some work outs with me. It works for two different things. One he won't be a damn weakling even if he doesn't get OFA and if he does get OFA he will have more time to train with it if he is already fit rather than the string bean he was in episode one of canon.
Soon the door opens "Just getting dressed Alex." Says my little bro
"Alright first breakfast then we can do a light jog to the lab" Mom decided to just rent us a place to do our experiments. I got Zuku hooked on building support gear after showing him pre quirk comics of Batman and Iron Man. Two people without powers who use their minds to overcome people with powers.
We get parts from Dagobah Beach, used to be a really nice place til people started dumping all their trash there. Managed to make a make shift laser pistol out of some old battery packs, a microwave, and two toasters. Really got Izuku excited when he saw it.
I'm rather happy I choose to be Izuku's brother. Always felt pity on him in the show with how much he was bullied and belittled. Also felt angry he never put more effort into being a hero than writing in his books
With me here I make sure he won't be that wuss from the first episode. I teach him myself on how to fight, setting him up a foundation. I help him work out so he won't be a toothpick. I make him put that brain of his to use with creating support items or just brain teasers.
I give him hypothetical situations to allow him to strategize on different scenerios. Giving him ethical dilemmas to show that he can't save everyone.
I want him to be the best Hero he can possibly be more than just a 'I'ma punch it real hard' type of hero. Yes I am making the Ultimate Spiderman er I mean Izuku.
Really the hardest part of getting him to be his own hero is getting him to stop being such a fanboy. It is kinda creepy like I am sure if Izuku knew where All Mights address is Izuku would go full on stalker.
The second hardest is his confidence. One positive voice is a sea of negatives doesn't stop him from feeling like he is useless. Sure I am always here but I can't just do everything or he will never grow into his own. Do I like that people still verbally abuse him. Hell no! But I think of it as a way to further temper him. All the greatest characters had to go through something like this and much worse to be who they were.
I am still going to wait til 10 months before the UA exams before offering him plasmids though. I want to see if my being here has drastically changed canon. Will Izuku still met All Might since I am here? Will he get OFA? Those are questions I need answers to.
Sure I know I am not in canon, the Villain Zone shows that. But it should still follow along the Prime universe a bit.
If I give him a quirk now canon would truly be fucked as he wouldn't ask All Might if he could be a hero quirkless. And yes I do want Izuku to get OFA rather than someone else because I still don't want the original. I can make a copy of the stockpile quirk when Izuku has it and then not have to deal with all the baggage that comes with having the original one.
Even if he does get OFA I will still offer him plasmids just to A show that yes I can artificially create quirks like I told him I would and B to give him more options to use in hero work than simply overpowering his opponent with brute strength