

*Harry's POV*

It has been a strange week. Then again strange things always happened in my life. My teachers hair turning blue, my hair growing back overnight, talking to snakes, ending up on the roof after running from my cousin and his friends. But this week has been stranger. First off a letter addressed to my cupboard under the stairs. Uncle Vernon didn't like that letter and took it from me. But more kept coming along with owls. Owls, owls, and more owls. It got so bad my Uncle boarded up the house but then a swarm of letters came through the chimney. I thought I could take one without notice but I got caught and…

So my Uncle decided we had to move. Now in some lighthouse in the middle of nowhere. Once more I have to pretend to have cake on my birthday by drawing a cake on the dirty floor as they won't let me have a bed here. Loud booms resounded as someone banged on the door like a cannon and then the door broke revealing the largest man I have ever seen. The man bent my Uncles shotgun like it was made of taffy. But he seems kind to me he even brought me a cake.

Turns out my mother and father didn't die in a drunken car crash like my Aunt and Uncle told me. From the giant mans words I am a Wizard, a person with magic, and my mother and father were a Witch and Wizard too. Of course I was 'raised' to believe magic was a fake so I didn't believe him right away until he gave my cousin a pigs tail using his umbrella. I'm a wizard? Well it does explain the odd things that happen around me that get me in trouble.

A flying motorcycle! I am actually in a flying motorcycle! I should probably be scared but no I just feel freedom I suppose that's the word. As I am lead to believe I am famous for something, defeating some Dark Lord I don't remember. People in this Leaky Cauldron place seem to congratulate me but I don't remember doing anything and honestly I think they should be praising my mother and father not me after all I was a baby when all this happened after all. One man stuttered a lot and smelt like garlic. I am told he will be my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, whatever that means. This man, Quirrell though gives me chills I can't explain.

Hagrid, the giant man or rather half giant, lead me around back and he opened a wall by pressing his umbrella to three bricks. It opened to a whole different world. It was like some shopping district and from what I been told it mostly is. I already see a shop for animals, books, a shop with broomsticks in the window.

Before we can get in too far a boy began walking towards us. He is looking directly at me but he doesn't have the awe or the gratitude like the others who only see me as The Boy-Who-Lived, even Hagrid gave me that look. No, this black haired boy is just looking at me, just Harry. From his eyes, which were green like mine yet darker, I can tell he doesn't see me like everyone else. I think for the first time in my life someone is looking at me as just myself. Not a Freak, or a liar, or delinquent, or most recently a Savior. No just Harry. It's comforting.

The boy walks straight up to us seemingly ignoring Hagrid. "Are you Harry Potter?" Even the way he talks to me is as if he is just speaking to another person, wait not entirely, I can hear something else in his voice but I can't seem to recall what it is. I can only nod my head and thought this boy before me wanted to see the scar but no he doesn't even look at my forehead. He merely smiles at me. His smile held such warmth in it it nearly scalds me. I never received such warmth before. "I am Alexander Black and I am your brother." I was stunned.


[Good Morning Host and Happy Birthday! Due to it being your birthday you will get 2 prizes instead of one! Also you will have a greater chance of better rewards!]

'Oh so I get bonuses for my birthday, good to know.' "Please sign me in system"

[Signing in…. Host is reward with 1x Perfect Wand and 1x Summon: Morph]

I draw out my two newest acquisitions. One is a card with a picture of an amorphous pink blob with eyes and the other is a beautiful wand. The wand is a darkish tan color. The base has an orb with three faces in different states one happy, one sad, and one angry. From the mouths of the faces were three vines that spiral up the handle and a part of the shaft. The handle itself had a scale pattern to it.

"Nice" I said feeling it in my palm left me feeling energized as if my natural magic was dancing in joy. "System what is my wand made of and also what is a summon card?"

[Answering Host! The wand is made of Hornbeam with Fae Blood core, 10 inches, flexible. A summons card let's you summon any creature or person on the card! Do not worry host they will bring you no harm and are entirely loyal to you! You're current summon card will allow you to summon a small shape shifting alien from another world!]

"Huh interesting" I said before using the card which disappears in a flash of light. Only to see a floating pink blob with large eyes hovering before me. The pink blob smiles and began rubbing against my cheek while purring like a cat. "Hey, it's nice to meet you too morph" I said gently patting the floating blob causing it to make a happy sound. "I know it's a bit early but how about you and me get some ice cream" The creature cheers causing me to chuckle.


After eating our ice cream from Florean Fortescues's Ice Cream me and morph head back to the Cauldron only to see a very large and hairy man coming from there and beside him was a boy with black hair and round glasses with clothes that looked a bit too old and big on his body. Yep that has to be Hagrid and Harry. I walk straight to them or rather to Harry.

"Are you Harry Potter?" The boy, and really he is a bit smaller than me so I have to look down at him, nods causing me to smile at him "I'm Alexander Black, and I am your brother" from the look of his face I can see he wasn't expecting that at all.

Yes the first part is basically a full copy past from my Half Blood Potter. Again this is supposed to be my rewrite and expansion of that story

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts