
Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Lad reborn in an alternate version of Ben Tennyson, in which the summer journey begins when Ben and Gwen are 15. The main character knows the canon very well and will use his knowledge. --- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation. I hope it won't be that bad --- My patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11

Zeckyll11 · TV
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182 Chs

130. Portaler

- I'm back. - I said loudly, right after teleporting to the hotel.

- You've caused real chaos. - immediately said the grandfather, who was sitting on the couch and watching on TV a report on the arrest of the mayor of Los Angeles.

He was one of the Forever Knights' spies, and it was he who made sure that law enforcement did not react to robot attacks.

- But you have to admit, I did it very nicely. - I sat down next to Max.

- I would say pathetic, perhaps even too much. It was that real show. The whole country will be in a fever for a very long time. At least while the arrests continue. - Grandpa said as he switched the channel to another news report, this time about the arrest of a famous billionaire who was also an Forever Knight.

- Well, the Knights have been up for a long time. Sooner or later they were punished. Given that I got rid of almost 80% of the members of the entire order in one fell swoop, while depriving them of all their money and property, the storm that will be in the world for the next couple of months is a small price to pay. - shrugging, I said.

- On the one hand, I agree with you, especially since you did everything bloodlessly and none of the innocent were hurt, but on the other hand, I'm angry that you did everything alone again and didn't even tell the girls and me about this plan. - Max looked at me with displeasure.

- Hey, I didn't know it would turn out like this. It was spontaneous. Improvisation. I had a good opportunity, and I decided to take advantage of it. - I said honestly.

- Does it have something to do with your new clothes? - said the old man, pointing to my crown and robe, which was still on me, over my suit.

- Completely forgot. - I said, looking at my royal attributes, which the cloth, at my order, absorbed and changed its appearance to everyday clothes.

- So what happened in the end? - Max asked.

- A long story, but in short, I decided to give some worthy Forever Knights a second chance. - I said with a smile, also noticing that sleepy Gwen and Ashley, who seemed to have just woken up, walked past the room on their way to the bathroom.

- Understandably. So, you yourself decided to direct the order in the right direction. - nodding his head, said Max, already guessing everything.

- You can say that. It would be foolish to refuse the resources that the Knights have collected over the centuries of their existence. Plus, extra hands never hurt. This was also a spontaneous decision, but I hope that something worthwhile will come out of this. - I said sincerely.

- I think it's a good decision. It is also an opportunity for you to learn to trust your work to others. Maybe you'll stop doing everything on your own. - again throwing a displeased look at me, said grandfather.

- I'm trying my best. I entrusted the girls to deal with the robots, and when Vaalet appeared, we went together to his squeaks, although I could find him myself in a couple of seconds. - I muttered.

- Yes, and I understand it very well, you are really well done. But then again, I just can't help but worry about you. I'm sorry I pester you all the time. - Max said stroking my head with a faint smile.

- Nothing. I'm even glad that you're so worried about me. It means that you don't care about me. - I said softly, feeling awkward.

- That's right, you're my grandson. And the only one. - Max said hugging me, after which he added: - Okay, I see that you have begun to accept other people's help more, so for my part I promise you that I will grumble less about your reckless actions and I will trust you more. Still, you're old enough.

- Thanks. - I said weakly. Still, it's nice to have such sincere support. In a past life, I didn't have this, and that's why I appreciate Max so much now. Rarely do you meet such people in life.

- It's my pleasure. It's my job, like your grandfather's. Although, I think that's enough of these tendernesses for today. - Max said, releasing me from his arms.

- Hmm yeah. - I said, and then asked: - So, what's the plan for today?

- I don't think it makes sense for us to stay in Los Angeles. Now the city is full of bedlam, so it is unlikely that we will be able to enjoy the tourist attractions. We'd better move on. - Max thought for a moment.

- I agree. Then what is our next goal? - I asked, nodding my head, just as the girls, having completed their morning exercise, entered the room.

- Chicago. This is one of the few megapolises we haven't visited yet. In addition, in a few days there will be a rock music festival, which I really would not like to miss. My favorite rock band 'Shag Carpeting' will host a concert together for the first time in many years. - Max said happily.

- Chicago? But, grandpa, this is Illinois, on the other side of the country. We have always had a strange route, but this is already too much. - Gwen complained.

- You don't understand, Gwen. It makes traveling so much more fun. We spend more time on the road and see a lot more than other travelers, since we travel through the same states, but by different roads. Our summer trip is absolutely unique. - Grandpa said confidently.

- But… - Gwen tried to argue, but apparently she couldn't find the words.

- Calm down, Gwen. If Grandpa wants it that way, so be it. - Ashley said calmly.

- Ashley is right. Anyway, while we are on the road, we are lounging on the bus, and grandfather is driving. There is nothing to complain about here. The driver chooses the route. - I said as I got up from the couch.

- I don't even have anything to say. - Gwen said with her head down, defeat in her voice.

- Well, that's good. Pack your bags, we're on our way. The blockade from the city center has already been lifted, as the army has already arrested most of the Forever Knights. - Max said with a smile.

- What? What blockade? - asked Gwen in surprise, having slept through my entire show.

- I'll tell you later. Let's hurry, we still need to have breakfast. - I said hurrying the girls.

- As you say. By the way, weren't you supposed to meet Hope today? - Ashley asked.

- She texted me and said that research on that gold sphere is a bit delayed. It seems to have fascinated her quite a lot. She'll let know when she's got it all figured out. - I said.

- Hopefully nothing as crazy as what happened to your 'cloth' will happen this time. - Gwen said unhappily.

- I hope so too. Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs. - I said, leaving the room and heading to the hotel restaurant. It's time to continue working on my virtual world.


*Several hours later*


- Hmm, it's been a while since I heard that sound. - I muttered as I heard the signal from the Omnitrix.

- Is this a new alien? - Ashley asked, sitting next to me at the RV table.

- Looks like it. - I said, pushing aside the laptop I've been working on for the past few hours.

- And who is it? - Gwen asked, coming up from the back of the bus where she was reading her books on magic.

- Let's see. - I said, opening the dial and scrolling it over sixty times to get to the new alien.

- It is small. And it looks like a turtle. - Ashley said, looking at the silhouette of the alien visible on the clock.

The alien had a humanoid, slightly chubby build, and his arms and legs were thick and short. His head was a strange, square shape, and apparently, small antennas were visible on it, and behind his back was a round shell, with spikes

- Then, I think I can turn into him here. - I said and slapped the dial.

After that familiar flash of light, I examined myself and saw that I was only 50 centimeters tall. I really looked like a humanoid alien turtle, especially in the face and shell, although you could see the features of a beetle.

I was wearing my usual overalls, but there was a two-tone circle on my stomach. I think I know this alien….

- What a nice little one. - Ashley said and tried to lift me, and she did succeed, but with great difficulty.

- You are very heavy. - Ashley said as she laid me back on the ground, deciding not to hurt her back.

- And what can this strange alien do, besides the fact that he is obviously weak and small, but at the same time heavy? - Gwen asked, eyeing me critically.

- If I'm not mistaken, this is… - I said in a nasally alien voice, after which I raised my hand forward and opened a round dimensional gate leading to the desert.

- Portal? - Gwen asked in surprise.

- Yes. This alien can open portals to any place I've ever been. - I said nodding my head.

If I'm not mistaken, this alien is called the Portaler and has only appeared in the Ben 10 web game. He appears to have been created by some fan. Luckily, I've played the game and know this alien's powers.

- This is…. incredibly helpful. - Ashley said, impressed.

- Yes. And although I have the Two-Tails, and I can use the Infinity Tattoo to move, but sometimes there are situations when the portal is better. For example, to move a large number of people or cargo. Plus, the portal can always be used in combat to redirect an attack. - I said quickly, already beginning to analyze the usefulness of this ability.

- What else can he do? - Gwen asked, curious.

- Just this. - I said and curled up into a ball, just like the Cannonbolt.

Apparently, this is a defense mechanism against predators inherent in this race. This is not particularly useful, but thanks to the spikes on the carapace, the Portaler has good penetration power.

It looks like this alien is more like a mixture of an armadillo and a turtle, and not skulls and a beetle, as I originally thought.

- It's funny. - Ashley said as she watched me roll on the floor of the bus.

- Variety never hurts. I already have quite a few aliens that have similar powers, but that doesn't make them any less useful. Everything depends on the situation. And portals will definitely come in handy for me someday. - I said as I got to my feet.

- I think you're right. By the way, have you checked Ashley? - Gwen asked, suddenly changing the subject.

- Check? What are you talking about? - Ashley asked incredulously.

- I'm talking about your Electrokinesis Tattoo. - Gwen replied.

- What's wrong with her? - Ashley asked, looking at your hand.

- She's fine. It looks like my theory was correct, and Ashley's mental resistance, which she trained due to her Osmosian powers, protected her from the effects of the tattoo. - I said quickly.

- Is that how? This is good. - Gwen said with relief.

- What are you talking about? Can you explain to me properly? - Ashley asked loudly, completely confused about what was happening.

- You know, Ashley... - I started to speak, wishing to turn back into a man, but everything did not go according to plan.

- What the hell… - I muttered, noticing that my Omnitrix failed for the first time, and I turned into Swamp Fire, contrary to what I wanted.

- Why did you turn into this alien? - Gwen asked, looking at me as a Methanosian.

- I don't know. - I said honestly, looking at the Omnitrix emblem.

- Become a man and explain to me already what you were talking about before. - Ashley practically ordered.

- I can't... - I said when I realized that the Omnitrix was not responding to my mental commands and even a slap on the emblem on my chest did not cancel the transformation. What the hell?



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The next chapter will be on Monday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts