
Alastor in the Multiverse *Restart*

This is a very Gentle RESTART! In Earth there are two words with two different meanings with two phrases Bad Luck and Good Luck People say "Karma is a Bitch" when they have bad luck People Also say "Good Luck is on My side today" when they have Good luck For Nichimura's Case. He has both Good and Bad luck Good because he passed the semester Bad because he died while watching the midnight Fireworks in Tokyo. Well Shit The God/Goddess pity him so she him. She felt sorry for him so she gave him three choices to enjoy two choices will not make Nochimura Enjoy but the last wish. Follow the (Restarted) Journey of Nichimura Nichina olaying Alastor because fuck it why not? You can follow him and bash shit in the comments but I don't care You can follow him for comedy but I don't care This is purely imagination and fucking friction so don't be serious Also Like this story or a Female version of Alastor will come at your bed at Midnight to 3 AM. GOOD LUCK! And Stay Safe! Also Pic not mine and Any Characters except OCs

Daoistmaster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Xianxu City (Begining) *Short Chapter*

The day of another Tournament Season had arrived!

Well technically arrived because the fighting tournament has announced that they are moved to the capitol city. The stadium in Xunyuan city is gonna be renovated and it will be completed for two years

To much Masaru's disappoinment

But now they mention the capitol city. Nichimura checked him [Map] to see what kind of country they are in

Current location is Xuyuan city

Country currently at is called the Myanjing Empire. The largest country in the continent

The Capitol city of Myanjing Empire is Xiangxu City.

Description of Xiangxu City - The city of Xiangxu was built atop emerald hills of grass and is truly an extraordinary marvel. Its beauty is matched by the backdrop of cascading waterfalls which have helped shape the city to what it is today.

The resources these waterfalls brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have their own man-made waterfalls or similar elements as part of their architecture. Also Cultivators who sometimes practice withing these sacred, divine, and wonderful waterfalls

The skyline is sprinkled with luxurious high rise buildings and their history seemed to shine more now than ever. Trade is at an all time high in Xiangxu and it has attracted a lot of attention. Many different cultures have left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of little contrast has grown into a large melting pot and it's this that unites the 11 million people.

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of take-outs, diners and ethnic restaurants offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy art galleries, musical activities, dance or one of the many other recreational venues.

There are also stores for selling high grade cultivation Items, techniques, recipes, etc

This made Nichimura had a lightbulb appear on his head

"I think moving to the capital isn't that bad. I checked, and it says that they sell high grade cultivation techniques, recipes and many more. I think it's good for your student." Nichimura said to Masaru

"How did you get this information?" (Masaru)

"Well you know my Touya wish right? I have the power to call God! And have infinite amount of data that I collect. The direction to Xiangxu is just North of this city. It says it will take a week on carriage ride. And If I math it right, maybe we will arrive half a week if we use a car to reach there." (Nichimura)

"Do we even have a car?" (Masaru)

"I can spawn vehicles you know? And I will drive. Even I am the one that has a drivers license I will not make you drive. You drive like a fucking maniac!" (Nichimura)

"Awww! But-"

"No buts" Nichimura scolded

Time skip

At Xuyuan northern Gate

They departed from the city and once they are at a good distance Nichimura is ready to spawn in a vehicle

Masaru, Dong Ai, and Xie Ju sat next to a tree

And Xie Ju and Dong Ai are still rivals

XIie Ju holds Masaru's left hand while Dong Ai holds Masaru's Right arm

'Ahh.... This is heaven. But it feels out of place when I am surrounded by to women that is emitting firy fury gazes at each other....... NICHIMURA-SAN!!! PLEASE HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!' He thought to himself as both of his arms are a little tightened that is making him feel uncomfortable. It's even worse when his bith arms are touching their bosoms

Meanwhile Nichimura

"What car that is suitable for off-road? Ford? Honda? Toyota? Volkswagen? BMW? There's so many to choose from." He said to himself while browsing in his system to spawn a fucking off-roader!

About 10 minutes later

He then spawns in a Land Rover Defender (not the Land Rover from Star wars). Equiped with Bullet proof windows and windshield, reasons unknown. The chassis is heavily armored. Improved wheel suspension, improve durability of the tires. Improved Car Engine. Then and finally an improved Air Freshener and Air Conditioner

He somehow upgraded the Land Rover too much...... Nothing's wrong for sure XD

He also made the fuel tank infinite so it doesn't need refueling

He then starts the Land Rover and drives to Masaru's position

Time skip

Nichimura pulls up in front of Masaru. Making Ding Ai and Xie Ju shocked in awe that this vehicle doesn't need horses

Nichimura hops out of the car then opens the door leading the back seat

"Ladies first." Very gentleman of you Nichimura

Dong Ai and Xie Ju hesitated but hops in the in the back of the car

Masaru will ride the front seet

And they continue their journey

In 3 days they will arrive at the capital city Xiangxu

To be continued

Next Chapter "The Noble Princess"

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