
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Livres et littérature
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181 Chs

First Isu Spell.

The third visit to Headmaster office happened during spring because of his experiments on Accio.

That was a day of unexpected breakthrough.

For months, aside from learning new spells like Rivelio, Everte Statum and several other simple charms and hexes in wandless state, he tried to create an Isu analogy of the easiest spell he learned – Accio. He did it eventually, using a thorough comprehensive understanding of Accio process and how mana moved.

When he casted spell again and again he gradually was able to feel the same volume of knowledge among the Isu alphabet, finally deciphering proper word and tracing it back to the origin language letters. It was short, merely three letters.

Like this he replaced actual spell with only an array of origin knowledge and broaden it's capabilities, but it still highly depended on his own comprehension.

Despite having Eternal Mind, understanding of actual language went slow and the road of learning turned out to be thorny to say the least. He meditated over letters of magical language nearly everyday, but up to now managed to comprehend only a fraction of it.

Amalgal once commented, that it took him a bit of time to understand everything too, up to a century. How long was Isu race actual lifespan Alan had no idea, but they clearly thought of time very little and judging by tone of the gramps, hundred years turned out merely a drop in the ocean.

The largest improve in quality came when Alan first tried to use Isu-Accio.

It took him but a thought, no gestures or verbal commands and object he wanted apparated into his hand through the long hall. That's right, it apparated! Not flew through the air! And distance was tens of meters. However, it was necessary to see the actual object he wanted to summon or at least that how his first impression on the spell went.

Much experimentation is still needed to find every use of it and further deepen the practical value.

Will Alan be satisfied with such result from long awaited breakthrough in his studies? No! So he asked his aunt with a bit of help while on her lesson. And that's when the whole innocent process of testing went terribly wrong, warranting another talk with professor Dumbledore.

DADA was paired with Ravenclaw as well, by the way.

"Hey, professor Links, can I ask a favor? I need help in experimenting over something." - Alan sheepishly greened at her when students were ready to go away.

"Help?" - she was intrigued and already fixing her knuckles. Because last time it was months ago and he asked to train him in actual dueling with battle oriented spells and moves, unlike muggle combat she taught him before. Selena was a special auror and they never limited themselves to only magic combat, studying and training in martial arts too. That was not widespread among wizards actually, sometimes even frowned upon, but Alan never understood why. He placed his bet, that when a wizard will find his wand kicked out of his arm and throat punched inside his spine, he or she will regret neglecting the issue.

But that aside, they were doing magic combat training since then three to four times a week on the evenings. Especially she had fun teaching Alan to apparate during Christmas holidays and then battle apparate in a very crumpled environment. It was like playing hopscotch all around. Later Alan even started to have fun doing it, as he was a very quick learner.

She said it was her present, because it took quite a large amount of money and favor asking to let Alan learn how to apparate despite the juvenile control and age restriction. One of redeeming things about the boy himself was that his magic power reached a level of a regular adult wizard who fully went through mana growth period but never touched Permission. There is quite a number of such people.

That was one of the most relaxing and fulfilling times for Selena, who achieved greatness ever since, ascending to a new peak of her life, finally able to get back at little devil with legal means.

"No, not that kind of help." - Alan mouth twitched. Selena was not only powerful wizard in terms of Permission, she was a Verga team Valkyrie Sena, known as unmatched duelist among most teams of special aurors, at least aside from Reapers.

"Oh." - she clearly deflated and looked at him with unconcerned look expecting some boring nerdy stuff. - "Shoot it."

"I recently created an improved version of Accio spell and I need to check one thing about it, can you help?"

"And why do you need me for that?" - she looked even more bored. - "What so good in Accio spell? Wait." - Alan looked how her face changed and smirked. Aunty is back on track and finally registering the real meaning of my words. - "Did you say you created a new version of Accio? If you need me, could it be dangerous? No, could it be implemented in dangerous way?"

Alan clapped and nodded. Than he raised his hand and a pen apparated to his arm from her desk.

"It... it apparated?" - Selena started to think deeply and finally got the weight of the case, becoming very grave in look.

"Looks like you understood. Spell don't produce any sound. If cast wandless and wordless, some won't even notice let alone have an ability to react. What I need to check a soon as possible is whether I can summon something I can't see, just using naming or images." - he elaborated the concern in his heart verbally. - "What I mean is... if it is possible, what if I apparated a heart of a person to my arm from a different room?"

"Accio don't work that way, it can summon only whole objects." - Selena contemplated, never the less she realized the graveness of matter. - "But if your spell somehow bypassed this limiter it is a direct ticket to become fourth forbidden curse."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. And if it is apparated I need also investigate the distance. Say I have a picture and knowledge about Griffindor sword for example. Can I summon it here or not?"

"Follow me." - she dragged Alan to her room and took out a little handbook. It was nothing special, a diary type book with infinite sheets. She tore one out, took a pen and made a little drawing of Amu.

Speaking of Amu one need to mention that just like Selena she really learned how to enjoy life. In her barely half a year of struggle in this mortal world she copied Selena and already achieved greatness becoming successful through and through. She sleeps all the time and if not she receives patting and food and went to sleep again.

As was said, she already achieved nirvana and greatness in art of enjoying life. She knows how to eat, sleep... hell, she didn't even need to shit! What a level to behold and admire!

Alan took a look at the paper and nodded.

Selena than tossed it to the cupboard without looking and they went out to the corridor with quite a lot of people.

It is then that some of Alan fears proved to be unfruitful, but also he learned to never ask his aunt to help with experiments again.

He concentrated with serious look. He looked very charming right now with pure platinum-gold eyes and raven black hair, facial features gradually loosing childishness and becoming distinguished and body lean but trained.

He really might drawn a fair share of attention form people if anyone was around, but he wasn't stupid to do the experiment in the crowd. They opted to do it in one of the dead ends of Hogwarts.

And than he casted a spell. His vision went all in different colors as a whole lot of underwear and bra started to fall all over the place and as a cherry on the cake – paper with Amu drawing drifted down on a small hill in lonely, but determined fashion.

"Fuck." - was the only thing Alan able to say before dashing away like his life depended on it. But if that was not enough he just needed to remind her right there of one thing. They were also checking if his new spell can be used to summon things in pieces. - "Aunt, check you underwear and if there are holes or it is torn tell me."

"You! Alan Viol Salvatore-Skymorne! Get back here this instant!" - came enraged roar of a clumsy magical juggernaut in skirt wreaking havoc in the hall.

Now there was no way to hide this little embarrassing incident and Alan was forced to shamefully say sorry for taking his aunt underwear for a research purposes. He said he was making a spell... to help them not get dirty, as Selena sometimes complained about it.

She stood there with stoic face and nodded her head silently, admitting everything the little devil blabbered about, but deep inside already envisioned training session with intensity on another level. Who asked her to blow their cover with this screaming in the hall? Not like anyone died though.

Well, that is how his third audience with Dumbledore happened, it was not like he can show the Headmaster his Isu-Accio. But one must note that the later just smiled and brushed it off as a lovely incident. Hogwarts has them weekly. Never the less to give others a warning Alan was sentenced for a week of library cleaning work.

As for the spell, it turned out to be unable to summon only parts, furthermore one needs to know precise location of the object to summon it, if one can't see the target. So it's implementation was limited, but it still proved to be very useful at times and for research properties.

Furthermore, if later he will be able to develop a spell that can find an object's location using and image, he can technically snatch anything with proper preparation. The best will be to find a spell that can give you an objects image and location only through what you desired to find, for example – invincible sword, or immortality elixir and bam, you have it here.

But it all appeared to be an utterly unknown and dangerous type of magic, so even Amalgal vaguely said that it is possible but very hard to achieve and needs connection to certain dimension he didn't want to mention again.

Let alone many objects are shielded from such search, and it can be disrupted with a simple magical barrier.

Amalgal seeing new Accio also told Alan about spells of Isu that were known as spacial battle magic. Some of them can even create rifts in space, so he more or less started the research of this type of battle magic for his own use.

'I want to make something really destructive out of all this.' - suddenly thought Alan and went through many non-Isu spells he was able to learn with a slight expectant smile on his face.

Who among boys doesn't like big guns and explosions?