
Akira in the Naruto Universe with Crocodile's abilities.

Akira is a successful 18-year-old, inspired by Naruto's perseverance and willpower he has worked since he was 13 years old to give a better life to his mother. What happens when this same young man dies due to a car accident and ends up reincarnating in naruto's world. With some wishes (no appeal). I don't own Naruto or any of the characters besides my MC. Naruto and his characters are part of their owners. I do not have the image used on the cover, if the owner wants me to remove, please contact me.

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Training and Dojutsu

Today is my first day of training, yesterday was my birthday and I finally turned 5 and decided to start my training. Now it's 5ams and I'm sitting on the backyard lawn of my house circling my chakra through my chakra circulatory system, passing it through all my 361 tenketsus. After finishing this chakra exercise I did push-ups, abdonaminams, squats and a run. To finish I've coached a little shurikenjutsu. I just decided to do light training for now, since I don't want to jeopardize the development of my body.

Starting today I will start a training routine, focusing primarily on my chakra control and increasing my reserves. In the afternoon I still go out to play with the staff, although the amount of time we spent playing decreased because everyone began to learn their clan jutsus, of less me. The only difference between this world and the story of the original Naruto is that Kushina did not die during Kyubi's attack. So this time Naruto has a mother but his father still died, one thing that hasn't changed is that Naruto is still treated like a monster by the village.

Usually on days when they are training their clan jutsus I spend some time training with my cousin Anko or doing my solo training. And at this rate of training another year has passed, now I'm 6 years old and next year I'm going to enter the ninja academy.

I greatly increased the intensity of my training, now I do a much wider range of exercises to be able to perfectly develop all my muscles, I also changed my chakra control exercise to that of the leaves, my shurikenjutsu has already reached a good level however has not yet reached perfection which is what I almei. The main change in my routine is that I added one more point to my training and it is in it that I use my free afternoons and 1 hour of my morning which is the development of my kenjutsu style.

I'm trying to integrate the style of Kenshin Himura and Fujitora along with some of my needs and my sand. Just as Fujitora uses gravity to somehow affect her attacks I'm doing the same with my sand, using it either to affect her balance or to create an opening. When I'm done perfecting my kenjutsu I'm sure I'll be one of the most annoying people to fight against.

Akira: 'So far I can't believe I'm in this wonderful world and still own such a good Dojutsu. The expressions of the people when I first unlocked it was very funny hahahaha'

----- flashback-------

3rd POV

Akira was walking the streets going to the playground near the gym to meet With Ino and the crowd.

" Look at her eye guys, it's very strange hahahaha. Looks like a monster hahaha. "Hey monster lets you take those eyes off, rid you of the burden of having those hideous eyes."

When Akira heard it, he already knew what was going on there and who was the target of those words. He was extremely angry, when he watched the anime one of the characters he liked the most was the Hinata, he always found her beautiful and for sure was one of the people he wanted and would put in his harem. For him it was already his and no one could change that.

So when he heard that one of his women was being bullied he was immediately pissed off and with that his dojutsu aroused, in anger attack he controlled the sand to attack those boys, at first he just attacked them and broke one limb or another but when he approached and saw the bruises on Hinata's face he reached a new level of anger and with this anger attack he wrapped the boys' bodies with sand and was ready to crush them and make blood rain, when suddenly he felt the bar of his shirt being pulled he immediately stopped and turned.

Hinata: "Please stop, you don't need to kill them and if you do you will have problems."

Akira let out a sigh and nodded after this he turned to the boys and undid the sand cocoons of the boys and said. "All of you get out of here now and if I know you did something to her again I'm going to make you regret being born." Soon after that the boys ran out of the alley terrified of fear.

Akira interrupted the flow of chakra that was being sent toward her eye, turned and gave a gentle smile to her that made her blush and lower her head.

Akira: 'Awwww she's so cute'

Akira: " Pleasure my name is Akira Takahasha. What's your beautiful lady? She blushed even more, getting as red as a tomato as she lowered her head further and steamed out of her ears.

She took a while but answered. " Hinata Hyuga. Thank you for helping me. She said the last part so low that Akira could hardly understand. After they talked a little and he invited her to go play on the playground which she accepted timidly.

As they walked Akira spoke a little with her but she answered rarely and when she answered it was very low. Luckily they were near the playground and this embarrassing moment passed quickly.

Upon getting there everyone was already waiting for him, while Naruto said with an angry expression on his face " Hey Akira you're late."

Akira apologized to them and explained the situation hinata was in and each had a different reaction, Naruto shouted that meeting with these boys he would teach them a lesson, Ino stopped looking at Hinata inspecting her and went to her to console her, Shikamaru only opened an eye to Hinata but soon closed him again while Choji continued chewing.

After that Hinata presented himself timidly and bowed. After the presentations we played and soon came sunset and everyone said goodbye.

-----End of Flashback-----

POV do Akira

Since that day I started training my sand control, I was seeking to decrease the amount of chakra needed to use my dojutsu and to control the sand, I also found that I own a boundary area in which I am able to manipulate the sand freely, currently this area is something around 150 meters.

Currently my years are going without many problems, a peaceful and happy life, however this will not continue this much longer since next year will happen the massacre of the Uchiha clan, and I intend to prevent Mikoto Sasuke's mother from dying, since I want her to be one of the members of my harem.

Luckily I've already become friends with Sasuke, even I thought he was really cool. I also realized that even before Sasuke had all that need for power to kill his brother, he was already quite competitive.

I met Sasuke when he was training at a training camp near the Uchiha complex, I already knew from the anime that few people knew that field and as I needed an appropriate training ground I decided to train there, it was during one of my training sessions that I met him for the first time. At first he didn't want me to train there, he said that only the Uchihas can use this place, but after discussing it a little bit we decided that we would decide that through a fight and that if I won I would be given the right to use that field.

Quite obvious that I beat him without much difficulty, after that we met more and more and I met Itachi and Shisui, after some time we spent training together, often making disputes between us that I always won. We develop a friendship and at least once a week I dine at your house.

After that I ended up finding Mikoto an admirable person, she is simply beautiful and extremely kind so I decided that I will not allow her to die and that I will make her join my harem.