
Angel of Vale 2/3

"I never thought of you as someone who would use a chauffeur, you seem more sports cars and high speeds" Arthur commented, looking around the quite lavish interior of the car.

"It's my moms, she tends to bring a lot of her work home, and having a driver let's her focus on getting some of the paperwork done, also lets her phone any clients, investors, possible suppliers, and so on. Though she also says that it's good for appearances, my mom loves her image, right behind that is her clothing, and then me" she said with a hearty chuckle, "Plus, she earns enough that she could hire a new chauffeur every day for a year and still have enough left over to do it for another ten."

"I certainly hope not ma'am!" Alf said from the driver's seat.

"We'd never get rid of you Alf, you're like the best grandpa I've had, at this point your family" Coco said leaning forward and wrapping her arms around the chair Alf was sitting in giving him an impromptu hug.

"Thank you Ma'am, and you're the second best granddaughter I've ever had, no one beats Vana for my love" Alf said lightly patting Coco's arm, seriousness evident In his tone causing Coco to chuckle.

"Oh yeah, how's she doing? She's turned what? Two now?" she asked leaning back onto her seat.

"Yes, yes, little Vana's gotten so big, she's the most adorable thing I've seen since I first met Nida" Alf muttered, a wide grin on his face as he fawned over his granddaughter.

"Really, not even your son being born counted as cuter than your wife?" she questioned, amusement in her voice.

"Oh, goodness gracious no, he was hideous when he was born, just imagine a white skinned grimm that went through an acid bath and it was shaped like a baby, then you'd have a near perfect representation of what he looked like, god I swear he even sounded like one" Alf shivered remembering the ungodly screeches that resounded through his house when his son was born.

"Oh, he's going to love that story" Coco said, holding her belly as she laughed.

"Trust me he did, even he laughed… well, after the embarrassment of having his girlfriend at the time rolling on the ground laughing." Alf chuckled as the car came to a halt outside a large building with a large VNN logo on it.

"Huh… that was fast" Arthur muttered.

"Yeah, it's really not that far, plus, the roads are empty now so that also sped it up quite a bit" Coco said, thanking Alf as she stepped out of the car, soon followed by Arthur who shuffled over stepping out behind her, his eyes looking up at the tall glass building.

"Thank you Alf, we should be out in two or three hours" Coco said as she wrapped her arms around Arthur's right arm.

"Understood, I will be waiting" Alf said giving her a light bow after which he returned to the driver's seat and began to drive off to where Arthur suspected was the parking lot or garage.

"Well, shall we" Coco said, looking up to Arthur with a grin on her face.

"You really are going to cause me nightmares after this, you know that. Hell, there's probably already a dozen pictures taken of this by now." He sighed and began to look around, seeing a slight slash from one of the windows of the building, 'And there it is…'

"Don't worry, it's just rumours, nothing dangerous about them." Coco said as they both began to walk towards the entrance.

"You'd be surprised…" Arthur muttered.


"Ah, finally, I've been waiting to meet you" Lisa said walking up to Arthur and Coco, squinting in intrigue as she saw Coco hugging Arthur's arm.

"Lisa Lavender" She said holding her hand out to Arthur, who was promptly let go of by Coco so he could shake it. Lisa had neck length light, lavender coloured hair with a single fringe hanging over her eyes, her eyes gold and sharp, she wore a black suit jacket underneath which she wore a purple shirt, as well as black pencil skirt and black leggings.

"Arthur Fielder, I suppose that's your first time hearing it then?" he mused as he shook her hand, not noticing how Lisa's eyes wandered over the rough red skin and black fingernails of his right hand.

"You would be correct" she said, her eyes scanning Arthur for any information she could get off him she then moved her hand to Coco.

"Coco Adel, and I suppose you already know that" she said grabbing it

"That I did, you're mother spoke quite a bit about you when I last interviewed her a few months ago." Lisa replied, about to say something but stopping when she heard someone calling for her.

"Got it!" she called, "Well, looks like everything's set up, so we can begin whenever, anything you want to know?" she asked.

"Just is this live or recorded?" he asked, his question causing Lisa to squint once again as she began to explain.

"Live, it's a show we do every week where we invite a prominent figure from around Remnant and interview them, really, that's essentially the jist of it, though, we should get seated, I can already feel my boss breathing down my neck for putting it off" she said, turning her head to the side where she saw a particularly bulbous man taping on his watch.

"Prominent? I just ran into a fire? I can't be the only one who did that?" He muttered, and began to follow Lisa along with Coco, eventually taking a seat on a dark grey single seater chair next to Coco, while Lisa sat down behind a dark wooden desk.

"Many, hundreds actually, we could grab one of the fire-fighters for such a reason, but no, because of what happened during the fire and after, now those, those are questions a lot of people are asking." She whispered turning her eyes to one of the cameras where someone was counting down from five using their fingers.

"Look alive, we're beginning, just act casually, this is also meant to be a conversation, so you don't have to be as formal as I do" she said straightening her back out and putting a smile on as her fingers slotted together atop her desk. Arthur and Coco soon followed suit, but instead of straightening their backs they instead began to get more comfortable in the seats, resulting in Coco crossing her legs one arm resting over her lap while the other propped her head up resting her arm on the arm rest, while Arthur also crossed his legs, instead opting to rest his back against the chair, his hand over his lap.

To Arthur's side he could see Lisa, one of her hands holding out three fingers, the two then one, once she closed her fist and got the ok from the crew she began.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Vale, tonight's episode of 'The Heroes of Remnant' brings us back to the tragic story of the fire that swept through the Grand Tree Orphanage just a few days earlier and the events surrounding the strange and wondrous occurrences around it" she announced.

"I'm Lisa Lavender, and I shall be your host for tonight, and I am joined by not one, but two, Heroes of Remnant" she said holding her hands up to Arthur and Coco, "It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Coco Adel and Arthur Fielder, the rumoured 'Angel of Vale'" she said as the small screen showing what the camera had on screen pulled out to show Coco and Arthur on it.

"Now, Coco, Arthur, please tell us a little about yourselves" She requested looking to Coco and Arthur who shared a glance of 'You do it' and 'No, you do it', eventually resulting in Coco rolling her eyes while Arthur smiled.

"Guess I'll go first then" she muttered with huff, getting a snort from Arthur "Well, I'm Coco Adel, a second year at Beacon and leader of team CFVY as well as being the most stylish girl in Beacon." Proudness evident in her voice "I'm currently working on a line of clothing that'll be released later this year." she poked Arthur to say 'you're up'

"And I'm Arthur Fielder then" he scratched his cheek trying to think about what to say, "First year at Beacon, no team to note" he said "Apart from that I'm a relatively normal person I really don't have much to say about myself, I don't really have any achievements to note either." Coco snorted earning her a shove from Arthur that caused her to chuckle while Lisa watched them with sharp eyes.

"That's alright, now, Arthur, I'm sorry if this may be a somewhat unpleasant question, but what's this about you 'not having a team to note of'? I hear that every student at Beacon is put into teams of four" She asked.

"You're not wrong, and it's nothing like 'I lost my teammates', it's just this year there were too few students to make up a full team, so I get to go solo, at least during lessons, if I go out on a mission then I'll be working alongside a full team, but that hasn't happened just yet." He explained.

"Interesting, tell us Coco, how did you two meet? We have heard that you were both seen together earlier in the day of the fire together at a little café downtown along with another girl, a rabbit Faunus from what we've heard, as well as a young child." Lisa said.

"Oh, that's Velvet, she's my partner at Beacon and she works there every Friday after lessons, it's her parents store, we were meeting her there before we headed to my workshop to get this guy some clothing" she said with a smirk throwing her arm around Arthur's shoulder, "And if you want to know about Fairy, you'll have to ask him" she said pulling her arm off Arthur after he pried it off.

"But how we met…" she said pinching her chin, "Really quite simple, we met a few weeks ago, a day or two after he exited the infirmary for what was it, the third time this year?" she asked looking to Arthur who indicated with two fingers "Second, right second, you got a bruised lung, that's it" she muttered in remembrance, of course being heard by Lisa, "Anyways, after that he got taken in by a Huntress who is now training him herself. She knew my mom and came to me hearing I was designing a new line of clothing and essentially let me employ Arthur as a model so long as I sponsor his clothing." She explained. "But we first met when I and Velvet volunteered to have a duel with him so she could gauge where he stood in combat."

"And it seems your relationship has rocketed from there" she said as a picture of Coco hugging Arthur's arm appeared on screen, "I knew it…" Arthur muttered.

"So tell me, are you two a thing? I couldn't help but notice that you're wearing an engagement ring, Arthur, but not one on you, Coco" Lisa inquired.

"Oh, no, we aren't really toge-!?" Arthur was saying but was stopped when Coco jabbed him in the side.

"Currently no, we are not officially a thing, though, I would say there is a chance in the future" she said grabbing Arthur's hand a wide grin on her face as she gave Arthur a wink, "And let's just say the rings a little secret" she added.

"You are like a curse upon me Coco, it's like you are plotting to end me." Arthur groaned, shivering slightly for an unknown reason.


"Mom? Have you seen Arthur anywhere?" Ruby asked, as she entered Arthur's room followed by the rest of her team where Fairy and Summer were sitting in front of Arthur's tv, Fairy nibbling on a slice of sponge cake, her eyes locked on the screen.

"He's on the tv" Summer said , her eyes still locked on the screen.

"Why would he…" Ruby was about to ask but stopped when she saw Coco grab Arthur's hand, interlocking their fingers.



Alternate Chapter names: [The interview begins] [A curse upon me]


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