
Akame Ga Kill: Reincarnation

Someday I'll be gone, someday we'll both be gone, so why not enjoy what I have while I'm here.

EsdeathIsBestGirl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Ch. 3: War against the North

(Okay, I just remembered Najenda doesn't have a Teigu, so I changed last chapter a bit, and just take her saying she wouldn't use her teigu as whatever you want)

We stepped outside, Najenda standing there waiting for us, "Glad you are here so quick. We will be departing as soon as possible." I put 2 fingers in my mouth and whistled, a trotting sound as I saw Frezno stepping over into view. Esdeath did the same and I saw a horse with white, almost blond, fur. I mounted Frezno and Esdeath soon mounted her horse, Ezekiel.

Najenda noticed we were ready, "We shall leave now. Troops follow us." She announced, we started to head out up north. Followed by dozens of troops. "They have been sneak attacking at night, also they have been setting traps around and since enough of these soliders have been living inside the capital their whole lives, they don't know how to survive out there."

I nodded, "I see how it would be troublesome, me and Es grew up hunting animals and setting traps but they have barely left the capital." The white haired general nodded, she still had no injuries, which she would most likely get soon, so she was a very powerful person. I assume she defects after this war and tries to recruit Esdeath but in return Esdeath fights back and injures her, in turn Najenda gets her arm turned into what it was in the anime.

"This war shouldn't take too long, me, you and Esdeath will be the spearhead for this war, Fall you can use the red and blue can't you?" I nodded, "Yes, but it takes a lot of energy to execute either." The violet eyed general immediately turned to Esdeath, "Ok so Esdeath and Fall. We'll have to draw a huge crowd of the enemies somehow, once we do that, Fall you use Blue and bring them all in while Esdeath either encases and crushes them all in ice."

It was a solid plan, I could barely use Blue and Red twice in a row because my lack of mastery and my current energy reserves. "Well we could do that, or we can have the soldiers stay back and attack their main base of operations. If we do that then we should be fine, we can also make each area denser with soldiers so they can't have 8 people take out a group of them. We just need to get a frontal attack where they charge us too." I kept thinking, it was hurting my head.

"This war will end in a week or less, if I want to disrupt the entire environment and use purple. However that is as a last resort. I believe we should take out their supplies they currently have. Obviously they can always hunt for more supplies and food, but that's where we can do something. We just have to find their hunting grounds. We can end this war slowly, or we can have Esdeath torture the information out of one of the soldiers."

Esdeath smiled at that suggestion, "I believe if you get me a solider I can get the info we need." I nodded and walked into the forest. I was in for about 5 minutes before I came out with a guy dressed like a northern soldier, "Here, Esdeath." I looked toward the soldiers, "Set up a spot to stay. We need you all to stop people from escaping and we shall deal with the biggest threats." Anyone listening would simply say he was cocky, but the truth was he was strong enough to do it.

It's been 3 days, every day the guy gets closer to cracking. "Fine! I'll tell you what you need to know!" Esdeath had just broken each one of his toes, fingers, and was currently slicing them all off. "Ok, good. Where is your base located." This was the money question, "It's located near the southern border, it's disguised as a regular village valled Ishval."

Bingo, we now had the info we needed. "Alright then, may you burn in hell." I said, pulling my hand closer to his face. "Wait! Please stop! Don't kill me!" A smile found its way onto my face. I grabbed the mans frostbitten hand, well what was left of it. "You will die painfully." I slowly started pulling his hand off with pure brute strength. I hear a popping noise, but it was mostly drowned out by his screams.

His hand started to detach from his arm, his blood dripping onto the already blood stained make shift chamber floor. It was a tent and the floor was the dirt ground. We chained him up with large spikes holding chains into the ground. We weren't far enough North for it to be freezing, it was still close to the temperature we had in the capital so no need for heavy coats or anything.

After around 15 minutes, the prisoner was nothing but a limbless torso. I could feel someone looking at what we did, I could assume who it was. 'Najenda, you should really be more careful.' a sadistic grin spread across my face, I turn my head to the opening and see violet eyes that quickly vanished.

"I'll take care of his body, Esdeath. You get the assault ready." She nods, "I will go and do that then. See you soon." I nodded and started to remove the chains. They were put deep in the ground, anyone besides a few would struggle to get them out. I got them out and picked up the body. I walked out, drawing the attention of no one since Esdeath was currently in the briefing room with every soldier.

I approached a stream, I had all of his limbs in a sack as well. I saw a few gators and slowly threw his limbs into the stream. They all quickly got devoured by the hungry predators. I loved that sound, the sound of bones being crunched. I would never be a cannibal though. I just liked the sound of bones breaking or getting chewed on by animals.

I watched as the water had a red tint that was slowly getting pushed down stream. 'I guess I should head back.' I thought, feet squelching in the mud. 'I'll also have to clean my fit I guess."

I walked back and saw soldiers taking down the tents we set up a few days back. "We depart in an hour! Make sure everything is packed and ready!" I heard the voice I was so familiar say out. "Roger roger, Es." I said as I started packing up our tent and gear. Esdeath had an excited look on her face, ready to kill the Northern Tribe once and for all.

Well we were on our way to the village. I looked for anything that could potentially prove that mans words. It was a 3 hour horse ride, "Hey Es I'm going in first. I'll find proof these are soldiers." She looked at me and pondered something, "Alright, do as you wish. I'll be behind you." I smirked and sped up.

I discovered my Six Eyes was overpowered, I could look at someone and discern if they were lying or not. I arrived at the village and one thing I noticed instantly, 'No children, a bit fishy.' I checked the men who were walking around, carefully analyzing everything. 'They all walk like a refined soldier would, their hands are also calloused but that could be due to farming so no reason to jump to that conclusion.' I saw a crowd of people talking and carefully snuck my way there.

"I heard General Harthecleave will make us move location again, I don't know why. There isn't any way we got found out." The crowd mumbled words of agreement, "Besides if they do engage, we have the gods weapon to defend ourselves." I raised an eyebrow, 'Gods weapon? I wonder... Nah no way they have an teigu but if they do, this entire village shall be eliminated.' I stayed and kept listening, "I don't understand why Hearthcleave is general, he just hides in that cave of his."

Okay now that's useful information. I carefully got out of the village and heading back to the soldiers. I quickly arrived and saw they were close. "Yo!" Everyone looked at me, "Did you find any important information?" I smirked, "Of course, the entire village is soldiers and I assume their general has a teigu but he is hiding somewhere on the mountain. I thought about it and have a plan ready, I will go and find the general on the mountain. Kill him and take his teigu and when I finish I'll signal by using red to launch the general onto the village. Then you launch an ice attack on the village. Then the entire unit will attack."

No one objected my idea, "Okay then we shall do that. Proceed and find the general now. We shall end this war now." I turned around, "Oh and don't worry about casualties, there aren't any children in the village." I said as I vanished from sight, speeding up the mountain, looking everywhere I could, 'I hate these hiding bastards, they need to fight like men.'


Apologize for slacking, Summer Gym been kickin my ass but I'll start updating more frequently as of now