
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Chapter 26: An oath

(Mael's POV)


I spoke his name in monotone. I had lost every bit of expression since my mind stopped corresponding emotionally.

"Oh if it isn't Sir Mael~"

When Gilles turned around and looked at me, I had an urge to throw up. He was turned into a different person!

He grew much taller and turned so ugly that his eyes could pop out from sockets at any moment.

"Sir Mael, don't mind this view. It is all for the sake to take revenge on those British men. How dare they kill our lady, our beloved lady, Jeanne d'Arc!? I will summon a demon and crush all of them!"

He cursed France's enemy repeatedly and I just listen to all of the bullshit he was spouting.

"Then what about God? Don't you even believe-"

"He doesn't exist! He never does!! If he ever does, then he would have saved our lady!! ~Or~, he should have cast rain of nails on me when I was taking my *sweet* time torturing and toying with these children~"

"Is that so? So God doesn't exist but demons do, huh…?"


A sword penetrated right through Gilles' stomach. He first stared at the sword then turned his head in my direction with a questioning look.

"Well, I just made your wish come true then. Don't worry Gilles; I will meet you in hell soon. But not as a fellow sinner…" My lips curved as I retract my sword and swung again severing his head in the air. I looked at his eyes falling with his head and spoke, "But as a punisher."

Doesn't believe in God but believes in demons and murdered several children. He was asking the help of those perpetrators who created this mess in the first place.

A hypocritical bastard.

And with this, I ended the life of a person I once considered my friend.

I walked towards the child who was being raped just a few seconds ago and put him in a temporary sleep since I wanted to heal this child and save him later.

But before that, I had to take down one final scum.

"Come out, you scumbag. I know you must be enjoying the view but you should worry about yourself since you will be meeting the same fate as your dogs once licked."

My attention was towards a distant place where a person was sitting.

Clap* clap*

Then a person emerged from the shadows clapping his hands.

"Well, well, I have to sa-"


Before he could start his cringe stereotype evil speech, I covered 2 meters of distance in just a second and slashed his right arm. My speed was so fast that it seemed like I just switched two places.

How? My body knew these techniques or rather if I should call it my ability.

He appeared confused at first before he slowly realized what just happened.

"Argg!! You! You!! How did you-"

"Yeah, no."

He was about to ask the same questions but I didn't wait this time too and delivered a solid punch in his gut.

My attack was so strong that the sound of impact echoed throughout the castle.

"Cough* Cough* It can be!! You are an angel, aren't you?! How did you hide this whole time?!" His eyes were glued on me as he saw radiating aura surfing on my body.

"To be honest, I am still facing an identity crisis so…"

I smirked before I delivered another solid punch, this time on the face, breaking his jaws and skull into few pieces.

"I still can't believe why you devils were so full of yourself after being so weak." I looked at the devil mourning in pain on the floor as his blood mixing with the blood layer of children and people who were ruthlessly murdered in the chamber.

"D-d… don't… come…"

When he begged like that, I felt a chilling sensation and a sense of accomplishment in my heart. Ah, it was so a refreshing sight to see him begging like that~.

Don't assume me a sadist since I was just punishing them for evil although my enjoyment was also there.

I raised my index finger and materialize four spikes of light in the air and nailed his limbs with the ground. Again, how did I do that? I had vague memories but I was in the middle of more important business.

I calmly walked towards his embedded body while ignoring the terror on his face and sat on his stomach.

"Now then~. Please start telling me who your owner is and what was your whole plan." I beamed a kind smile.

"Ksh!! Do you think I would bet aaaaAAA!"

Again, I didn't wait for his BS and ripped a finger off his remaining hand.

"Arg! I won't aaargggg!!"

And here goes the second finger. Too bad I didn't have sufficient tools or I would have begun by severing his fingernails.

"Heh! Do you think I don't know what you are thinking! I will die anyway soon so why should I backstab my demon lord?!" He smirked.

"Valid point Mr. Francois but allow me to retort."

I pointed my palm on his hand and began to concentrate the holy power on ruined hand.

"Wha…?! How is that possible! Not even phoenix tears could heal this fast! How can an angel even heal the devil?!"

His hand started to regenerate the fingers I severed, within seconds.

I didn't know if it was that big of a deal but I didn't care as I have to take my time tearing his body and spirit apart. And also to obtain information.

"Now then."

I smiled and then ripped newly regenerated fingers apart.

He screamed again with terror in his eyes. In the end, he gave up when my hand reached his lower region.

"Wait! Wait! I will speak Aaaaa!!!"

And I tore his testicles out of his stomach.

"Man, you guys really have the same organs as humans but still look disgusting. I am sorry, you were saying something?"

"P-please… I beg of you stop…I will speak…" He pleaded with tears of blood.

Finally… Why was I sad?

"Very good~. Now speak the whole plan. I will let you go if you confess everything." I chuckled before adding few last words, "But if you stop talking for more than 3 seconds or hide anything I will tear your organs out like this

I squeezed my finger in his eye socket and pulled his eyeball out.



He flinched and began to speak.

Four demon lords, one god, and a holy maiden.

Just like any cliché story, demons lords wanted to kill God and take over the world.

But there was more to it.

Demons or devils got their hands on rare magic where they could avoid God's curse and make humans 'non-believer' to avoid God's detection.

In addition to the above, they were prying their eyes on prophesized oracle Jeanne to consume her soul to become stronger and provoke God to make him appear in the war.

When I was hearing all of this crab, I was infuriated that veins started to pop out on my head and wanted to torture the devil in more cruel ways but I remained calm.

"I-I told you everything. Now let me go. If you don't then you will break your promise and then fall from God's grace!" Francois smirked.

I have to give credit to devils for their durability and arrogance where even after being tortured they were still cocky to mock humans. Just look at this devil, he was missing many organs but still managed to make a smug face.

"You are right."

I nodded and then get up from my seat aka the devil before also healing him up to some extent.

"I knew that angels are losers. Just wait for a little before I bring some of my friends."

Man, I give up. They were bonafide stupid. He was just begging like a pussy a minute ago and now he turned himself into the same dick as his dogs, not to mention he was still standing in front of me.

He smirked once again before expanding his wings and stormed out of the window.

I activated my Emperor's Eye and raised my palm.

A golden ball of light formed before it started to increase its diameter until it took the shape of a scorching mini sun.

I then called the escaping devil, "Hey Mr. Devil. How about we play a game? Catch this ball!"

I smirked and shoot the mini sun towards escaping the devil.

"Cruel Sun."



The poor devil was still in confusion before his body exploded turning his whole existence into ashes.

"I can't believe that I was played by these weaklings."

A tear escape from my eye as I watch the pleasant sky of the bright day.

"Jeanne, just you wait. I will make sure to erase their existence out of this universe. Free this world from these scums. It is my oath to myself that either I will accept death or their filthy species will be erased. The world will be beautiful then."

Everything was clear to me. I made a clear goal. Since they want war so much that they will go such lengths, I will make sure to bestow fear in their heart they will even beg and pray to God for mercy and salvation.

Let's see how long they can survive….

It was my rebirth on that day when I became a different person who will not spare anyone who comes in his way in the fight against devils.

It was the beginning of my quest to slay 'Evil'.


Spoiler alert, his mentality will turn just like Arjuna Alter but only for devils.

Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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