
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 3

It took us three hours of flight and half an hour of car ride. Now we are looking at a castle like mansion.

"Come on baby, you are going to catch flies in your mouth" Ethan laughs as he close my mouth.

"Are you guys like the royals of this country?" I look at Ethan with wide eyes.

"Nope, we are just rich from our various businesses" Luke smiles.

I still look at Ethan for confirmation,

"Yes, Luke is stating the truth," he smiles.

"Woah, you trust him more than me?" Luke whines,

"Well, he seems more matured than you. But I still love you" I try to save myself.

"What is happening here? Why aren't you guys coming in yet?" we turn to see a well fitted man leaning against doorframe.

"Hey, Vince!" Luke calls out happily.

"Meet our oldest brother, Vincent. He is also known as your guardian," Luke smiles at me.

I look at our oldest brothers, he looks like an older version on me.

He is assessing me as he watches me.

"Welcome home, sister," he greets me with a small smile as he straightens ups and gestures us with his head, to walk into the house.

"Our other brothers are still in school. You will meet them during dinner. I shall tell you some rules while we walk to your room" Vincent leads me up a set of steps.

"The rules are simple, firstly, take good care of yourself. Do not hide anything that might hurt you. Do try to open up and trust us. Remember we are a family, that means we will love each other without any conditions and also we always support each other," Vince finishes right as we stop in front of a silver painted door.

"This will be your room, you can always feel free to change it to your liking" he smiles as he opens the door to my room.

"Dinner will be at six in the evening. Just for this week I hope we can have dinner as a family. After that you can have dinner anytime you want. But I personally that you have your dinner before eight," he looks at me.

"Okay" I nod at him. So far he has not scared me off yet.

I laid down on my bed and try to recap of what has happened to me over the past few days.

I was in a car accident, woke up in the hospital, mum is dead, Jack is back and found out I have six brothers. Out of everything, I thinking finding out that I have brothers is the most shocking thing event.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my door, I kept quiet scared of who is on the other side. The door opened up,

"Hey, you okay?" Jack's head popped in making me smile.

"Jack!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed, rushing to him.

"How are you feeling?" he hugs me,

"I am feeling overwhelmed. Everything is changing. I am not sure if I am ready for this changes," I run my hands through my hair feeling stressed out.

"Ana, you are a fighter. And yes, it will be hard to live with strangers. But remember they are your family. They will keep you safe. It is their duty" he looks at me.

"My mother's duty was to love me and keep me safe. But you saw how it went" I tell him sadly.

"You are scared. And it is okay. I just want you to learn to trust and love again" he ruffles my head when I nod my head.

The door opens again,

"Guys, dinner is ready! Come on lets meet the rest of the family," Luke exclaims, as he pulls me out of the room leaving Jack behind. Jack was shaking his head as it was obvious of what Luke is pulling.

"Lu, we have to wait for Jack," I pull his arm to stop him in his steps. He turns to look at me with a pout, his plan failing.

"Thank you, baby" Jack kisses my head as he winks at Luke.

We entered the dining room. It was a big room, it was decorated in a modern style, with a long dining table. Five seats were filled up. Luke sat next to Vincent. There was an empty seat next to Ethan. I sat there and Jack sat next to me.

"I hope you are okay with the room. We will go for shopping tomorrow, you can things to decorate you room" Vincent speaks as the helpers place plates filled with food in front of us.

I saw it contain fish, I look at Jack, gulping in fear. I saw anger entering him. I held his hand, he takes a deep breathe.

"Mr Vincent, I am sure that the social worker has emailed you Ana's profile, am I right?" he asks Vincent. Who seems confused but nodded in reply.

"Please do read through the profile now," Jack grits.

"Who the hell are you to speak to our older brother like that!" a voice boomed making me jump in my seat.

I look up to see a guy that has full tattooed arms. He scares the hell out of me.

"I am Ana's brother. The brother who took care of her when you are here living a royal life" Jack stands up.

"Jack, let it go" I tug on his arm.

"Listen to the bitch. If she is your sister, please feel free to take out of our lives. We have better things to do than to take of her" the guy laughs.

"Stop it, Alessio!" Vincent bangs on the table.

Making me to shake in my seat. I can feel a panic attack coming.

"I am bringing her out for dinner," Jack spoke as he gently guides me out.

"Ana, it is okay. We out of there already," Jack whispers as he hugs me. I slowly breath in his calming scent.

"Thank you" I look at him as tears roll down my cheek.

He smiles at me as he wipes my tears away.

"You are my sister, with DNA match or not," he kiss my forehead.

He drives us to the nearest Mcdonalds.

"I have informed Vincent that you will be staying with me tonight" Jack tells me as we finish up our food.

"I do not want to go back there" I whimpered in fear.

"Vincent told me that the younger boys are scared to lose you so they are trying to hurt you. But they are feeling guilty now" he tells me.

This is the 3rd chapter, I hope you guys are liking it so far.!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I will be reading each and every one of them.

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