
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantaisie
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162 Chs


By the time Hannah was done with her task, her legs were aching badly. She could not even walk properly and she kept walking like a fawn. Sure, she had done worse than this during her training but that was a long time ago. Walking on these stairs, through all twelve floors of the company, she was not sure how much longer her legs would last.

When she got to the 12th floor, she thought about going to take a rest in her cubicle but shook her head immediately. Who knows what that CEO might do to her if he finds her slacking off?

She walked into the CEO's office and immediately started giving him the reports at his order. In less than forty-five minutes, they were done and Axel dismissed her immediately.

Hannah couldn't explain how glad when he dismissed her. He did not assign any work to her and she took it as an opportunity to rest her legs.

Finally, she was closed for the day and went to show herself to the axel. She knocked softly on the door and when he answered from inside, she walked in and informed him that she would be leaving for home.

Before she got into the office, she had already prepared herself for the worst as she thought that Axel was going to give her more work but surprisingly, he just dismissed her after reminding her to come early to work the following day.

She left the company, but unlike her normal way of going home, she took a cab because she was sure that her leg would give in on the way if she walked.

When she got home, everything was just as she left it except for food packets in the kitchen. She was sure that Raymond had sent lunch for Penelope and she was thankful to him for that. She felt bad for the child as she had to stay locked up in the house all day. Hannah made a mental note to discuss this with Raymond sometime.

She went into the room and saw Penelope, scribbling away on a piece of paper with the tablet Raymond got for her on the bed beside her.

Penelope was so focused on the incoherent things she was scribbling that she didn't notice Hannah had come in, not until Hannah called her, "Penelope?" Hannah called and Penelope's head whipped in her direction. "Good evening aunt!" Penelope greeted Hannah to receive a part on the head. "How have you been". Hannah inquired. "I have been very well, thank you". Penelope said but the next second, as she had suddenly remembered something, she stood up from the bed and ran to the living room, leaving Hannah in surprise. Seconds later, Penelope ran back into the room with a piece of paper in her right hand. "Uncle Raymond said to give this to you immediately you get back". Penelope said. Hannah collected that paper immediately, thinking that what was written on the paper was some kind of important message about the gang or some secret code, but what she saw on the paper made her brows rise in surprise. 'Take care of yourself and call me if you need anything was written boldly on the paper with a smiling face drawn at the lower end of the paper. Disbelief was etched on her face as she didn't want to believe that that was the only thing written on the paper. Raymond had left her notes several before but it was either a warning message or information about the gang. Even If he wants to check up on her, he just calls her and makes sure she is alright. Maybe there was something written on the other side, She thought and turned the paper to the other side, and she was right, there was something written there but when she read what it was, she was shocked again as she read it. 'There is a package in the kitchen by the side of the freezer, it contains dinner for you and Penelope, make sure to eat and take a good rest. Hannah sighed. It seems there was nothing important after all. She stood up from the bed and went to freshen up along with Penelope.

They came out of the room with Hannah wearing black pyjamas, Penelope wearing a white zip-up unicorn onesie with the hoodie brought down and her black hair which was plaited in pigtails resting on both sides of her shoulders. She looked extremely cute in the outfit and was smiling widely. Raymond sure knows what to make a child happy, Hannah thought.

They went to the kitchen and Hannah picked up the package and opened it. Inside it, were two dinner boxes and various side dishes. Hannah shook her head at the sight before her. She was glad that Raymond had already prepared dinner for them but why did he include so many side dishes? She was sure that both Penelope and herself would not be able to finish everything in one night.

She placed the food on the table and sat down along with Penelope as they ate their dinner. When they were done Hannah did the dishes and Penelope went back to the living room.

Minutes later, Hannah came out of the kitchen and saw Penelope sprawled out on the couch. She gently carried her to the room and placed her on the bed. Hannah laid down gently on the bed and immediately after her head touched the pillow, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next day, Hannah went about her routine and was ready for work. She arrived at the company and the first thing she did was to go directly to Inteco's CEO's office to make her presence known to him to avoid any kind of punishment. He assessed her and give her a very brief lecture about how the day was going to be. He dismissed her and she went to make restorations for the day's work.

Time passed and it was finally time for her to go home so she went to the CEO to inform him and he just nodded and waved his hand at her, gesturing with his hand toward the door.

As Hannah left the company, her thoughts drifted to the CEO. He has been oddly gentle with her since yesterday and she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. But whatever, as long as she wasn't threatened by him. She thought. She left the company and took a cab home.

Hannah arrived at her doorstep and suddenly, fear gripped her heart. Nothing has changed but she could smell blood everywhere. The entire atmosphere around her house was suffocating. She was very scared. She looked around the environment but there was nothing. Everything looked fine but she knew better than to ignore her instinct. She felt like an assassin had been in her apartment. She was very familiar with this feeling and it was scaring her.

'Penelope!!!' Terror was evident on her face as she thought about the child. She searched her bag for her keys and when she found them, she opened the door immediately. The sight that welcomed her froze her on the spot. She couldn't move from her position and just stood there, holding her breath.

More chapters coming up. T^T

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