
Ages Online

Ages Online Grand Tournament: Unleash Your Potential Are you ready to embark on the ultimate gaming adventure? Ages Studios proudly presents the Ages Online Grand Tournament – a competition like no other, where players from around the world will converge to test their skills and claim the ultimate prize. Grand Prize: $10,000,000 Prepare to journey through the ages as you explore the rich tapestry of human history and future, from the dawn of time to the far reaches of space. With immersive virtual reality gameplay and dynamic scenarios tailored to your unique attributes, Ages Online offers an experience unlike any other. But beware – the challenges you'll face are as varied as the ages themselves. From survival challenges in prehistoric times to epic battles in the Medieval Ages to underworld of the Cyberpunk Universe. From Zombie Apocalypses to SCP Containments to Alien Invasions. Only the most skilled and determined players will emerge victorious. Do you have what it takes to conquer Ages Online and claim the ultimate prize? Join us for the Grand Tournament and find out! Register now to secure your spot in gaming history. Don't miss your chance to be part of the adventure of a lifetime. Ages Online awaits your arrival. Patreon - https://patreon.com/user?u=111552903&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Betrayal

A young man probably in his early twenties stepped out of the courthouse, the weight of defeat heavy on his shoulders. His strides were slow, and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The cold breeze of the city did little to numb the pain of betrayal that gnawed at his insides.

As he walked, his initial sadness morphed into seething anger. 'How could they do this to him? After all the hours he poured into solving their bugs, all the sleepless nights he spent perfecting their game, they had the audacity to refuse him payment. It wasn't just about the money; it was about respect, about integrity.'

His anger simmered beneath the surface, fueling a slow-burning fire of determination. He wouldn't let them get away with it. No, he would make them pay, make them regret ever crossing him.

He stood on the curb, his hand raised, signaling for a AVe ( Autonomous Vehicle ) taxi. He glanced down at his watch, the display illuminating his face with a soft blue glow.

[ Estimated wait time: 2 minutes ] the watch read, as it synchronized with the city's centralized transportation network.

Moments later, a sleek, electric-powered autonomous taxi glided to a smooth stop in front of him. The vehicle's tinted windows shielded its interior from view, but Kai could see the subtle glow of the dashboard's digital display through the glass.

The door slid open with a whisper, and the young man stepped inside, greeted by the cool, clean scent of recycled air. The cabin was spacious and modern, with plush leather seats and a panoramic roof that offered a glimpse of the evening sky above.

"Good evening, Kai," a soothing synthetic voice greeted him as he settled into his seat. "Where can I take you tonight?"

"Hey, Ave," Kai replied, addressing the taxi's AI assistant. "Head home, please."

"Of course, Kai," Ave responded, her voice emanating from hidden speakers throughout the cabin. "Navigating to Home. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

The vehicle smoothly merged into the flow of traffic, seamlessly navigating the bustling streets with the precision of a well-oiled machine. Kai leaned back, his gaze drifting out the window as the city lights streaked by in a colorful blur.

Finally, they arrived at Kai's apartment building, a nondescript high-rise nestled among its more extravagant neighbors. He ascended to the 27th floor, the elevator whisking him upwards in a blur of steel and glass.

As he entered his apartment, a sense of familiarity washed over him. The space was small but cozy. The walls were adorned with posters of fantastical creatures and characters.

On one side, a sleek VR console sat next to a state-of-the-art gaming capsule, their sleek designs standing in stark contrast to the cluttered desk nearby. He glanced at the workstation on his desk, the screen still on with lines of code. He stared at it for a while and sighed.

Against one wall sat a worn leather sofa, piled high with plush throw pillows. Across from the sofa, a reclaimed wooden coffee table stood proudly, its surface adorned with stacks of vintage gaming magazines and a collection of retro-inspired figurines.

In front of the sofa was a state-of-the-art gaming console and widescreen monitor took center stage, surrounded by an array of controllers and peripherals neatly organized on a sleek metal shelf.

The kitchenette, divided by a half wall, boasted distressed wood cabinets and copper accents, adding to the rustic charm. A sleek espresso machine gleamed on the countertop with many colorful coffee mugs. More than a single person would need. 

Kai crossed the room his steps reverberating softly from the hardwood floor and he entered the bathroom for a nice long shower. 

As he stepped out of the shower, the steam from the warm water enveloped him. Wrapped in a plush towel, he made his way across the room, the soft padding of his feet on the hardwood floor barely audible.

Droplets of water glistened on his skin as he reached his workstation, where a clutter of papers and gadgets awaited his attention. With purposeful movements, he began organizing the chaos, stacking notebooks neatly, arranging colorful sticky notes by priority, while throwing some in the small trashbin, and ensuring both his monitors were perfectly aligned.

Satisfied with the tidiness of his desk, he settled into his chair. With a few clicks of his mouse, he opened his email client and drafted a message, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced ease, as the mechanical keyboard clicked with a satisfying rhythm.


Subject: Congratulations on Winning the Court Case, but...

Dear Ages Studio,

Well played. Congratulations on winning the court case.

Now, with pleasantries aside, I must address a matter that remains unresolved. As you celebrate your victory, I find myself disappointed and disheartened by the outcome of our legal proceedings. However, I am not one to dwell on defeat for long.

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today, as I had hoped our business relationship could have ended on better terms. Yet, here we are, with the issue of compensation still looming large over us.

First and foremost, I want to reiterate my disappointment with the way this situation has unfolded. As an experienced developer, I pride myself on my professionalism and integrity. It pains me to see these values disregarded in such a manner.

However, I must also acknowledge the ingenuity and determination displayed by Ages Studio throughout this ordeal. Your legal team certainly deserves commendation for their efforts in securing victory.

But let us not forget the reason we found ourselves in court in the first place. I was hired by Ages Studio to provide a service, a service that I delivered to the best of my abilities. And yet, despite my efforts, I have not been compensated as agreed upon.

This brings me to the crux of my message. If Ages Studio believes it can deceive or withhold payment from an experienced developer such as myself, then you are sorely mistaken. I have taken precautions to protect my interests, including the implementation of a backdoor within the Ages Online platform.

Should Ages Studio fail to honor our agreement and provide three times the compensation as 'delay charges' along with the original compensation owed to me within the specified timeframe, I will have no choice but to activate this backdoor. The consequences of such actions would be severe and far-reaching.

I urge you to consider the potential ramifications of such a scenario carefully. The financial loss incurred by Ages Studio as a result of this dispute would far outweigh any potential consequences that I may face.

With the scheduled launch of Ages Online just days away, the time to resolve this matter is of the essence. I implore you to reconsider your position and to honor our agreement along with the 'compensation for the delay' without further delay.

Remember, three times the original price :) Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Kai Valeri


Kai leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the screen before him. The email to Ages Studio remained unsent, for now. He decided waiting a day would imbue them with a more urgent sense of urgency.

With a flick of his wrist, he opened one of the large drawers of his desk, revealing not files or documents, but a miniature refrigerator. Smiling, Kai retrieved a can of soda and cracked it open, the sound echoing softly in the confines of his apartment.

Turning his attention to the other monitor, Kai summoned his Virtual Assistant with a simple command. "Open the feed," he said, and within moments, the daily feed filled the screen before him.

As he reclined in his chair, Kai scrolled through the endless stream of updates and notifications, with just his hand gestures, his eyes darting from one headline to the next. There were stories of triumph and tragedy, of love and loss.

An advert soon caught Kai's attention -


Ages Online Grand Launch Tournament: Unleash Your Gaming Potential

Are you ready to embark on the ultimate gaming adventure? Ages Studios proudly presents the Ages Online Grand Tournament – a competition like no other, where players from around the world will converge to test their skills and claim the ultimate prize.

Date: Starting February 28th, 2034

Location: Ages Online virtual reality MMORPG

Grand Prize: $10,000,000

Prepare to journey through the ages as you explore the rich tapestry of human history and future, from the dawn of time to the far reaches of space. With immersive full-dive virtual reality gameplay and dynamic scenarios tailored to your unique attributes, Ages Online offers an experience unlike any other.

But beware – the challenges you'll face are as varied as the ages themselves. From survival challenges in prehistoric times to epic battles in futuristic landscapes, only the most skilled and determined players will emerge victorious.

Do you have what it takes to conquer Ages Online and claim the ultimate prize? Join us for the Grand Tournament and find out!

Register now to secure your spot in gaming history. Don't miss your chance to be part of the adventure of a lifetime. Ages Studios awaits your arrival.

Are you ready to write your own legend?


As Kai scrolled through the advertisement for the Ages Online Grand Tournament, a sinister grin spread across his face. The grand prize of $10,000,000 gleamed like a beacon of vengeance, taunting him with the promise of retribution against Ages Studios.

"I will show you, Ages Studios," he muttered to himself, his voice low and dangerous. "You thought you could cheat me out of what I'm owed? Well, I'm going to make you regret it. I'm going to break the balance of your precious game, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

His fingers danced over the keyboard, registering for the tournament. Kai himself was an avid gamer, a master of the virtual realm, and he knew every trick in the book.

"I'll use every exploit, every loophole, every dirty trick in the book," he whispered, his eyes alight with excitement. "And when I'm done, Ages Online will never be the same again. You wanted to mess with the IT guy? Well, now you'll see what happens."

The thought of Ages Studios squirming in the wake of his victory filled Kai with a twisted sense of satisfaction. This wasn't just about the money - well who am I kidding. Its always about the money isn't it? 10 Million Dollars!

( Author:- Don't mess with the IT guy man, seriously...… )


A/N :- Check out my other novel!! For early chaps - Patreon link in the synopsis.