
Agent: Calypso

Calliope Balgron, an aloof women who's addicted to online games. A women who choose to stay at home and play all day. The was a time when she doe not sleep and eat for several days that caused to her death. But little did she know that it will be the start of her new adventure. She was able to live again but not in the world she exist before. Calliope Balgron was reincarnated into another world. A world where she did not expect that exist. A world she only sees in game. A new adventure awaits to Calliope Balgron, meeting and experiencing a battle between human and monster. A battle of hardship in life and protecting someone important.

Milo_Zepeto · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 - Merchant's Guild

[Calypso – Calliope Balgron]

We are now heading to the Marchant's Guild to sold few of my magic stones that I got from the monster we defeated. We got some Ore and Irons, as per the elderly women said a while ago, there is a blacksmith shop that purchase ore and Irons. There's a lot on our baggage so it's not a big deal to us if we sell some of it to the smith.

"Sis, as per Kelly, the Merchant's Guild are near the Central Fountain of the Capital. We can easily locate the place if we can find the fountain." Kezef spoke.

"Ahh, look there's a big fountain over there!" Fria said and pointed on the fountain ahead of us.

"Let's go and ask where is the Merchant's Guild" I said and we walked towards the fountain ahead of us.

"Excuse us, may we ask where is the Merchant's Guild located?" Fria ask one of the vendors across the fountain.

"You can go to that building over there..." pointing to the one that has ma tower clock. "There's a huge gate entrance and a guard you can ask for assistance to enter the Merchant's Guild." She spoke. We said our thanks and walks in a fast phase going to the entrance gate.

One of the guards stands in front of us and ask what is our business on coming to the building.

"We are new to the Capital and planning on selling some magic stones" I spoke

"Please show your Identity Card." One of the guards ask us. They let us in since they have checked our Ids. The entrance door to the building is quite far from the entrance gate. There are a lot of people who walks in and out on the building. Few are scattered outside of the building chatting with the other person, some are making some impressions on how they used their magic prowess.

As we enter the building, some people are looking at us, of course who would not be? Kezef and Fria is a beauty above any normal people. That's the truth that I have not said before. My looks are simpler than these two to begin with.

"What a sight to behold, looks like my two beauty siblings captured the people's attention. Hahaha!" I whisper to them and laugh lightly to tease them. Both of their faces turned into pinkish tone.

"What are you talking about Sis? Your beauty is incomparable. You just hide it with those hood and mask, right Kezef?" Fria ask him.

"Yes, I agreed with what Fria said. Geez! I'm getting goosebumps with how they stare with me." Kezef said in a disgusting tone of voice.

"We did not get too much attention when we enter the Adventurer's Guild. I wonder why a sudden change of atmosphere." I spoke.

"We don't know either, their standard for beauty is odd." Kezef said and shrug his shoulders and walked towards the information counter.

"We would like to sell some of our magic stones and other monster materials. Can you check how much will it cost?" Kezef ask.

"Yes, we can, please show us the magic stones and materials for evaluation." Lady Staff said.

Kezef and Fria look at me as if asking to bring out the stones and monster materials we have gathered during the training.

I open the dimensional storage, and I sense a lot of gazed towards our direction. I look around and saw a bunch of people starting to gather around us. I don't know why this is a big deal to surround us like this when we only going to sell our items.

"I'll grab few and tell us how much will it cost per magic stone and materials" I spoke. "Here, look at these and tell us how much it will be." I place it on the counter top. I heard people gasp on the magic stones on the counter top. I look at Fria and Kezef who's eyes are wide open and hurriedly grab the stone I brought out then command me to store it back on the storage.

"Why did you bring out, of all the stones we have. That's a rare stone that is rarely obtain, Only in S-Class subjugation can it." They both explain to me. "Ohhh. My bad, I brought out the wrong magic stone. Here. Please check these instead." And bring out the other magic stone.

"Ah- Eheem. Alright, we can pay you 5 Nol Silver each for this kind of magic stone, for the fangs, fur and claw of these monster we can pay you 50 Nol Bronze each." She explained.

"How many do I need to bring out? We need to pay the elderly women on the shop before it closes" I look at Fria and Kezef asking if I'll bring out all the materials we have. I place all the monster materials on the counter top and since there's not enough space I ask if there are table where can I put more materials.

"You can place on the floor I'll let one of the staff to check." Lady Staff signaling to the guy beside her.

"Alright, please make sure to count them well and pay us well." I spoke and bring out all the monster materials. It is much easier to sell all the materials since we can replenish monster materials once we start doing the quest.

"Sis, stop smiling. Your face makes a creepy eerie aura." Fria whisper on my ear.

"Am I? I did not notice; I was so enticed on removing this stench monster material on my storage. HAHA!" I said and laugh in a creepy tone. Some people move backward when they heard my voice. "That's all the materials and stones we will be selling, count and pay us correctly or else..." I then shot a sharp gazed to the staff.

"Yes, we will process this one right away, please wait us for a while." She said and gestured us to sit down in the vacant table.

"I brought out all the monster materials and low tier magic stones. The ones left was all the tier magic stone I gathered before. We probably needed the money and we will decide once we got a placed to stay what should we do or whom will handle the money is that alright with the two of you?" I ask them.

"Yes, that's fine with me. I don't have the guts to handle such large amount of money." Kezef said.

"I can manage expenses and handle the money but if we gathered such large amounts, I doubt I can handle it well. I'm fine with your idea as well sis." Fria said.

"Great! Will wait for them to finish preparing the money. After this we need to meet Uncle Ed and pay the elder women for the items we reserved earlier." I spoke.

"Ah right! We have a commitment with Uncle Ed that we will be having a dinner, together with his son." Kezef said.

"Yes, we should visit the shop first to get the items we reserved before going to the meeting place with Uncle Ed." Fria suggested.

"We can do that, since we got the items, we can look for a place to stay after having dinner." Kezef said.

I just nod to let them know that I agree with the plan. I look around the place and few people are still hovering us, waiting for the staff to come back. One of the staff went on the second floor, I wonder what's going on. I feel uneasy now. It feels like a Déjà vu, like what happened on the Adventurer's Guild. I close my eyes to rest for a while since the staff has not come back yet.

I notice that both of my sides suddenly move, and heard unfamiliar voice. A deep manly voice like the Guild Master on the Adventurer's Guild. They were talking on something and I just listen to them, not bothered if I'm being disrespectful.

"A pleasant afternoon, may I speak to the person who sell all those monster materials and stones?" The man with a deep voice said.

"Yes, we are the people you are looking for. May we know who might you be?" Kezef said.

"Ah, pardon for not introducing myself, I am Viscount Alfhere Tarravia I am the owner of this Merchant Guild. As you know this is the first time that a lower rank, or beginner adventurer brought so many materials here on our guild. Usually A-Rank to S-Rank Top Tier Adventurer only brought a such large monster but not as many as is these." He said in a persuading tone of voice. What a cunning scumbag.

"Is that so? We just happen to have collected all these monsters. IT's not a big deal." Kezef said, like a jerk bragging his skills and superiority to other. Geez, I'll smack his head if we get into trouble.

"I would like to ask where did you get these materials and stone?" Baron Tarravia ask.

As soon as I heard his question, I hurriedly open my eyes and shoot a sharp gazed to the person in front of me.

"Why do you want to know? Don't you have a person who looks for a dungeon or place that monster lair?" I said in a stern voice.

"Please do not be misunderstood. But, may I know the name of the person in front of me?" He's defending his oneself and dodge the question I asked him.

"Ahh, Sir Viscount Alfhere Tarravia, this is our leader, please do not provoke her if you do not want your business to be obliterate." Kezef warned him.

"Sis, let's finish this as soon as we can, okay? Do not ruin this place as we need this to sell the materials we will get when we finish a quest." Fria reprimanded me.

"Hayyy! If you want to be in good terms with us and does not want to shed blood here, please stop poking your nose on our matters and information." I warned Viscount Alfhere Tarravia. He seemed to get my point.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I only want to know and make an offer to you." Viscount Alfhere Tarravia said.

"Let's talk about the deal next time, we have other commitments that needs to attend to. Please make haste on preparing the money we got from selling these monsters materials and magic stones." I look at the lady staff and Viscount Alfhere Tarravia.

"Ah, yes, yes! Please finished the process and hand over the money to them. Then, I will take my leave and let's talk soon." He said and walked back to second floor.

"Geez! So much pain in the ass!" I whisper to myself.

"Calm down Sis." Kezef heard me and said to calm myself down.

"Sorry for the delay, here's the money. A total of 1000 Nol Gold." The lady staff said.

I heard some people talking about how much we get. 1000 Gold is a small amount for me.

"Let's go, we need to pay the items we bought and meet up with Uncle Ed." I said and walkout through the door. Fria and Kezef follow me.

...Hewlett Boutique...

"We will be paying the item we bought and reserve a while ago. Here's the 2 Nol Gold as payment." I said and give the money to the elderly women.

"Thank you and come again. You can also send a request if you need something." She said to me with a big smile on her face.

"We will let you know Ma'am." Kezef said.

"Let's go meet Uncle Ed. I'm hungry as well." Fria said.

"Alright, let's go. Do you know where we will meet?" I asked them since I forgot where we will be meeting him.

"Let's go back in front of the Merchant Guild. Uncle Ed said we should meet there." Fria said while walking humming.

"Alright, Let's go back to that place." We are now heading to the Merchant Guild when we bump to the Guild Master of Adventurer's Guild.

"Wow! What a great coincidence that we bump sooner than what I expect. Where are you going?" He asks me but I did not answer him. He looks to Kezef and Fria and the two of them answer him.

"We will be meeting someone in front of the Merchant's Guild. Are you going home now?" Fria ask immediately.

"Ah, yes but I was planning to go to my friend. I'll be heading on the same direction so let's go together, is that alright?" He keeps on looking and talking to me. What the hell is his problem. I create a frown expression so Kezef answer him immediately.

"Ah, yes, you can go with us." He said and whisper something to the Guild Master and said OKAY and glance at me one more time.

We're near the Merchant Guild when I saw a silhouette of four persons. Standing in front of the Merchant's Guild Gate. I heard the Guild Master to shout a name.

"Oho! My friend, have you been waiting here for too long?" He said it to Viscount Tarravia with a teasing intent.

"Shut the fuck up Ben!" He said to Viscount Andovine and look on my way. "Please refrain from getting accustomed with this man. Ouch!" He said while holding his head. Viscount Andovine smacked his head.

"Please do not shutter my reputation will you my dear friend?" He said to Viscount Tarravia. "Let's get going I'm hungry, Let's have a drink and good meal."

"Uncle Ed, who's the guy beside you?" Fria ask him. "Is he your son? Wow! You look handsome." She said while eyeing the guy.

"Stop teasing him, look His face are now all red." Kezef said and it made Uncle Ed laugh a little.

"Alright kids, let's go. Let's have a dinner now." Uncle Ed said when suddenly...

"Wait!" Viscount Tarravia and Viscount Andovine said in unison. "Let's have a dinner together." They spoke.

"Come with us, but we will be eating in a shabby pub, not in a fancy restaurant." Uncle Ed said.

"That's fine with us. Come on, let's go now..." Then we walk to a diner. A simple Diner called Deco Pub.

As we enter the place, there's a lot of people eating and drinking while having a good conversation with their companions. One of the pub staff greet and assist us to get a table.

"Welcome to Deco Pub. Are you all in a group? If so, please follow me so I can get you a better table for your group." She said to Uncle Ed and lead us to a table near a window. "Here's the menu and call for me once you have decided for your order. Thank you!" She was about to leave when I said my order. They were in shock since I haven't looked at the menu.

"One Ginger Ale, Beef Broccoli with rice and egg tart and strawberry parfait for dessert." I said while looking at the waitress. I smile though she cannot see it due to my mask. I look at them and ask. "What? You're not going to eat?" I ask like a confused facial expression.

"One Ginger Ale, Garlic Steak with Rice and apple pie for dessert." Fria said. Kezef whisper to her. "Ahhh make it two each dish. Same with the Ginger Ale." She added.

"One whole Roast Chicken, A ChiPo Set and a bottle of 100-year-old Ale." Viscount Tarravia said. "Please add pork skewers, Pork Stew and a vegetable salad. We can share food since we can't eat a whole roasted chicken." Viscount Andovine added.

"Then we will be having a Ginger Ale, One pan bread and a meat skewer as well." Uncle Ed said to the waitress.

The waitress repeats our orders before living and now we are now in an awkward silent. Waiting for someone to break the ice.

"Uncle Ed, your son is handsome." Fria break the silence. "Do you want to join us on our first quest tomorrow? I'll protect you don't worry." Fria looks so excited. The eyes of the man glisten upon hearing that we will bring him with us tomorrow. Hmmm...

"Kezef, please make sure that he can be of help to us tomorrow and in the future. We can recruit him to our party." I whisper to Kezef and he nod lightly.

"HAHAHAHA! This is my son, the one I mentioned before, He is handsome right? It may now look how he is but he is quite capable and strong on his own ways." Uncle Ed laugh.

"Father, stop it, don't tease me anymore." He spoke. Wow what a soft voice for a man.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Rogziel Douma, I am a registered adventurer but in a low rank. I don't have a party so it is hard for me to level up my rank as an adventurer." He said and I immediately look to Viscount Andovine.

"So, one cannot accept a quest if they are not in a group of adventurers?" I ask him giving a sharp look.

"We have a requirement of at least three people to accept the quest. That's a basic requirement to prevent casualty or disaster happens." He reasons out, and it make sense, they make sure to have a preventive measure to lessen casualty.

"Don't worry! We will bring you with us whenever we go!" Fria said in front of Uncle Ed's son, Rogziel. Geez, looks like another pain in the ass.

"We will bring you with us tomorrow. I'll pick a quest that you will be due on your own and I'll check if you're worthy to be with us on the long run." I said and look to Kezef. "Tell him what should be and should not done once he joins us."

"Uncle Ed, once he joins us, your son will be travelling with us. Is that alright with you? Don't worry I'll take care of him. Let us marry!" Fria said with a sparkling eye while looking to Uncle Ed. Geez!

"HAHAHAHA! You want my consent? Are you perhaps asking for a permission to marry my son? Yes, yes! I'll gladly give you my consent to marry him. HAHAHAHA" Uncle Ed said and pat Fria's head.

"See? Father Ed gave his consent to marry you!" Fria said and cling his to him.

"Wow! I envy youth these days, being bold to propose in front of the parents." Viscount Tarravia and Viscount Andovine teasingly said.

"So how about this lady over here? You will not remove your mask?" Viscount Tarravia ask. "Ha! I think someone is more suitable for her, you know whom I'm talking about, right? HAHAHA" Viscount Andovine jokingly said.

"Ah right! I'm thinking if they will be in good terms the moment, they will meet their eye. HAHAHAHA!" Viscount Tarravia said. "I wonder if they will draw their sword in an instant, with that kind of attitude he has, I bet It has a high possibility it will happen. HAHAHA." Viscount Andovine.

I discard the fact that they were making fun of me. Since I'm eating a nice meal now, I will let it past. I continue on eating and just listening to them. Observing my surrounding. Hmmm... Looks like we have a guest hiding from a tree.

"By chance, do you guys have someone offended before? Looks like we have an uninvited guest. Hiding somewhere." I said and catch the arrow coming from my back. "Look, they also sent a gift." I said and place the arrow on the table and drink the Ginger Ale. "What a warm greeting, do you want me to hunt one head right now?" I asked them. This is the thing I hate the most, interrupted on my meal.

"Oh-Oh~ Only one head should be enough, okay? You still have food to finish." Kezef said.

"Yes, I will not move from this seat. I will just give back the gift they sent." I said and throw the arrow towards the tree. We heard a voice and a sound just like falling from a high place.

"Ahh, okay let's continue eating now. Oh, you should eat more. You look so thin." Fria said and give more food. Uncle Ed keeps laughing at the sight of his son and Fria.

"I already ate a lot. I might gain fats instead of muscles. Why do you keep clinging on to me? Stop it." Rogziel Douma said.

"That's alright, you need to gain more so that no other flies will come close to you." Fria said and glare to the next table of women who keeps staring at our table. "Ahhh Of course, we have lots of handsome guys on our table. No doubt." She also added and the men on our table laugh like it pleases their ears.

We continue to drink and eat and talk a little bit more, I mean they continue to talk and I am here observing. Oh! I forgot to ask the other guy's name that Viscount Tarravia brought with us.

"Who's the guy you brought with us Viscount Tarravia?" I ask while drinking and taking a glance.

"He is one of our friends, Crown Prince aide. He gives a letter of request and I invited him to have a drink." He spoke.

"I see." I said and look at Kezef and Fria. "Let's get going if your finish eating and drinking. We need to look for an inn to stay." They both nodded.

"You don't have a place to stay in? You can stay with me." Both Viscount Tarravia and Viscount Andovine said in unison. They look at each other then there's something off.

"Who are you guys talking too?" I ask. "I am not the only one who needs a place to stay in, I have my siblings here." And gestured the two in front of me. "So, if you'll excuse us. You can come with us now if you want then let get your things to your house tomorrow after the quest." I said while looking to Rogziel. "Uncle Ed, where do you live? We will accompany you just to make sure you're safe." I said to Uncle Ed.

"Thank you! But I can handle myself. Please take care of my son. He may be the same age as you but he's still my little kid." Uncle Ed said and walk on his own.

"Yes, I will take care of him father-in-law." Fria suddenly appear and cling to Rogziel.

"HAHAHA! Alright my daughter-in-law. I will look forward to that. Please take care of my son." Uncle Ed said.

"We will be going now. Let's go my little sister and brothers." I said and place a gold coin on the table and walks towards the door.