
AGE OF MAN.. Rise of the Four

SaimtNoctis · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Bodies base. 7

Sleeping that night for a lot of teenagers was difficult. With the string of events that happened no one knew exactly what to feel.

There was excitement about growing stronger and eventually probably becoming untouchable. There was something about that concepts that felt cool to the teenagers.

But where there was excitement and anticipation there was doubts, what ifs. What ofs, who could be better and what and what not could the do?.It was a string of bizarre and confusing thoughts.

Then there was dread. No one had forgotten what happened to the headless boy especially those who had seen the scene where his head flew off.

Or those who had watched the battle between Elrick and the knight. His guttural scream when the sword pierced his thigh reminded them that it was real pain waiting for them.

Most couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the gruesome experiences waiting them.

Unknown to many that night had served to push those who would soar above the others separate from tbe rest. While.most slept others fought with a craze to fight their demons. and others contemplated the next step to take, while few still just wanted to go home.

After all no matter how exciting it all was there was one agreeable thought within all the minds of the 99,999. This was life death.

Within a house closest to the courtyard a platinum haired girl sat on a comfy bed her hands tight.kmg around tbe duvets as her cold ice expression stared at the door to her room.

In the corner of her eye the status panel flickered away.Not before of course showing her something she refused to believe even while on earth.


A sneer could be seen on her facial expression which as quickly as it came disappeared.

"I guess it it indeed fitting. " she muttered.

"I need to get into a dungeon though. The sooner I get experience the less likely for people here to try anything funny." with those words she quickly laid back.

Within her mind she had various thoughts but one kept standing back.

'Would I have been victorious if it had been me against the knight?'

Shrugging she slept off.

In another part of the area in a house just as large as the one ice queen slept in a black varied boy could be seem gripping a sword. His eyes burned with anger as he glared at the blade in his hand.

Closer look would reveal it to be the same sword that Elrick used in killing the knight. Now in a frustrated fred's hands who couldn't help but lament his loss.

"Should have been me. should have been me".

The very fact that Elrick had killed a knight that beheaded one of them right in front of thousands of teenagers had cemented his position as on in authority.

Both Fred and many others knew this. They could only blame my their lack of luck in the matter.

So with a grumble and determined face Fred too slept off.

Such scenes played out in various rooms while the said cause of all this appeared from the black gate. His getup was slightly different. His head messed up and dirty. In bi's arms he held the broadsword.

A leather armor was strapped to his body and a slight cut to his cheek gave him a veterans air. Elrick walked into the area and past the platform his legs carrying him to his room while he rested the broadsword on his shoulder.

He stumbled from fatigue but a slight smirk could be seen on his face as his eyes burned with a new passion and thirst for strength.

Morning came sooner than expected at least that's what Michael thought as he got off the bed. Unlike others who were still slumbering Michael had a pretty good alarm body from always being up.esrly before to prepare things for his father.

Standing be decided to first look over the house. His feet carried him to the kitchen where he found several utensils and other things. His stomach rumbled with hunger and he sighed wondering where he'd get food from around here.

He dismissed the thought of anyone sharing a food source with the rest. most would use this source to get things or favors for themselves.

Maybe not now but he sure soon things wouldn't be so easy around.

'Find food. 'he thought.

Fortunately water still ran in the house and in other houses. Connected to some water source the teenagers didn't know about.

After scouting the house and finding no food Michael then left the building shutting it behind him and locking it.

The light of the sky hadn't brightened enough yet so he left with a torch. The flames flickering in the wind as he went to the back.

Entering the stables he looked thought the building. The empty pace felt chilly to him. The stalls were empty , dusty and dirty.

'It seems everything leaving just vanished or left. Which was it.?' he pondered.

'Oh well.' He left the stable and then stood in front of it bringing up his screen.

Michael had one idea to try out. He remembered in some games where activities could affect the body. Not like he had played games but at least having a noisy neighbour had paid off now.

So he was eager to try it out now. Eyes fixed on his screen he opened his status section and noted down each stat point and how many it was.


[Name - Michael]

[Age - 16]

[Title - No one]

[Rank - Novice]

[Level - 0]

[Exp - 0/100]

[Affinities - N/A]

[Strength - 6]

[Dexterity - 7 ]

[Agility -10]

[Perception -12]

[Spirit -11]

[Stamina - 9]

[Vitality - 15]

[SP - 5]

[Innate ability -Call of?????? ]

[Skills - ]


[Friend Bind]

" Alright lets go.'

Planting the torch into the wet dewy ground he took off his shirt and then took off in a run around the field. Michael had never been muscular if anything he was on the leaner side. But life on earth had made his body more resilient to pain.

His legs burned as he ran the distance cutting the boundaries made by the flower pegs. He wondered if those flowers would actually stop someone from entering the property.

Running past the store and forge he kept going till he got to the house. His legs burned from this but he pushed on ignoring the pain. His body whipped through the field not as fast but steady.

The wind blew past his ears as he kept on the rum. 5 laps later he returned and collapsed to the ground. Pulling up his status he glared hoping there was a reward for his labor.


[Name - Michael]

[Age - 16]

[Title - No one]

[Rank - Novice]

[Level - 0]

[Exp - 0/100]

[Affinities - N/A]

[Strength - 6]

[Dexterity - 7 ]

[Agility -10]

[Perception -12]

[Spirit -11]

[Stamina - 9] + 1 ~>10

[Vitality - 15]

[SP - 5]

[Innate ability -Call of?????? ]

[Skills - ]


[Friend Bind]

'I was right eh. ' Smiling est to ear he stood then dropped to his knees and entered pushups. The first twenty burned his arms as he felt them weaken. , slowly he pushed to thirty but ignored the pain.

By forty he was barely moving as his arms seemed to ignore his command. Letting it go he changed position and began abdominal crunches.

Switching back after he made the thirtieth abdominal crunch he continued with his pushups this time only making it to thirty. With annoyance he switched to squats which was relatively easier will he got to hundred and his thighs locked up.

Frowning as he rolled himself into a push up position he began the last set of pushup finally finishing. Standing he broke into a run around the house and incorporated weaving through the dummies to check how fast he could go.

By his tenth lap his legs were burning hot and his muscles refused to bulge. Stubborn though he dropped down to his arms and began pushups filly intended on getting all the points he could for today before he tired out.

The both moved one following while the other showed. The hall only being accompanied by the swished of sword slices