
Age of Exploration: A Dragon's Tale

In a world where dragons and magic exist, we follow a newborn dragon and his adventures, ups and downs, to save what remains of his soon to be shattered life.

Vanilla_OnlyXD · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 22: Mobilizing the Village

Alone on the hill, Aldrich is rocking back and forth playfully. He imagines how it would be like flying. Using his mother's memories, he simulates the feeling. He can feel his muscles stretched out, the wind on his scales, and the joy that his mother feels, however these are simply memories. Learning for himself would feel glorious. Flying himself, with his own wings and feeling the wind himself would be fantastic. Suddenly he feels a weird drain on him. It washes over him like a wave. Pondering on what it could be, a thunderous sound shatters his focus.

He turns and in the distance he can see the fading aftermath of light in the evening sky. He's shocked, but mostly curious. Something feels off however and he decides to contact the village operators. Receiving no answer, he remains confused before bells start going off all across the village. All of the bells being rung at once is a signal of an invasion, something entirely unexpected. As a dragon he springs into action, for he is compelled to answer the call and protect the people. Protocol states that he rallies people to the dragon roost while the current leader, Lord Sinclair or any dragon guardian available, figures out what to do. He himself isn't an official member of the Guardians, but he knows that the people would defer to him. With this in mind, he sets out.

As he exits the hillscape and into the suburbs, a shimmering and transparent barrier extends from the dragon roost and encloses the outer limits of the village. Such a barrier is incredibly rare and is only used in cases of sieges. Parts of the barrier seem to be fading slightly. This can only mean that whatever is coming is already here. Villagers begin exiting their homes, most in confusion or worried. Coming up to them he casts "Loud Voice" before announcing,

"People of Ordell, this is Dragon Aldrich Elden Agnis."

Most of the villagers turn their attention to him, some for his loud voice and others for the authority of his name and race.

"An emergency event is now in effect. Please gather at the dragon roost and await orders."

The villagers, who see the small dragon, are mostly compelled to comply, however many have questions they wish to ask him.

"Sir Dragon, what is happening?"

"Is there an invasion? This is so sudden."

"I worried about my family. They were out at the markets. Could I go get them?"

"I can't use my magic. Do you know what's happening?"

They were clearly unwilling to disobey him and the protocols that they knew, but he understood their concerns. He himself was unsure of the actual events. The questions only increased as more and more explosions set off in the distance. Slightly overwhelmed by concerned villagers, he states in "Loud Voice",

"As I've said before, an emergency is now underway and I understand your concerns. Gather your people from your homes and group up at the dragon roost. The dragon roost is the safest place to be. Give a hand to your neighbors. With or without magic, we will bring everyone we can reach to the dragon roost and report there. Lord Sinclair will be there soon or is already there."

With that said, some of the villagers still remain undecided on what to do. Aldrich walks over to the one whose family was missing. He was a young fox-kin.

"Fox-kin, you said your family was out at the markets right?"

The concerned fox-kin nods his head.

"Does anyone else have any family at the market?"

An oni and human step up.

"Alright, you two follow him to the market and help each other find your families and bring them to the roost. Tell everyone you come across to go to the dragon roost if they are not already on their way."

They set out immediately. Looking back at the rest of the villagers, some had already left to take their families to the roost while a few still stayed, discussing their plans amongst each other.

One asks,

"Lord Dragon, is there really an invasion?"

Quickly weighing his wording and thoughts, he replies,

"I do not know, but even if there wasn't. It would be safe to act as if there was one."

Some murmur about this before capable villagers approach Aldrich.

"Sir, our families are fine without us. We would like to help where we can and we are at your command."

Aldrich is perplexed about this. His mission is to send the villagers to the dragon roost, but these people want to help. They are adamant that their families are fine. With a decision in mind he says,

"Then follow me. Together we shall get whatever villagers we can and bring them to the roost."

With this the villagers began mobilizing. Those who were needed here began escorting their families while the capable were organized by Aldrich to either help escort them or follow him deeper into the village.