
Against The Tide

Mark comes from humble beginnings. Watch him go against the tide of heaven and ascend in the cultivation world!

Angry7919 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Sect Spirit

Chapter 13

Mark saw two golden enemies, conjuring themselves in front of him. It was completely void of all features, only sharing the basic shape of a human, although both slightly different in sizes and height. One wielded a sword and the other wielded an axe.

He got immensely nervous, being confused not fully understanding this but realizing that he had to face these enemies. After calming himself down, using his breathing technique, he was determined to face the enemies.

"Challenge Begin" The monotone voice echoed.

With that, Mark decided to take the initiative, rushing forward towards the probably slower of the two, the axe wielder, and charged forward.

The axe wielder reacted, and got ready for the blow, holding the axe and getting ready to deflect.

"Impaled Explosion" Mark said.

The spear, hitting the axe, made a mini explosion at the tip, not damaging the axe, sending the axe to the side and slightly changing the spears trajectory, allowing the spear to impale the golden figure, to which then Mark used the explosion again, draining half of his Qi, but allowing the first Golden Figure to dissipate without much trouble.

He then faced the second golden figure, the one which readied his sword, and slowly paced towards him.

The figure rushed towards him, swinging the sword straight for Mark's throat.

Of course, being a Realm lower, Mark found that he had severely overestimated the figure's prowess, swiftly deflecting the strike, and jumping up, impaled the golden figure from head to toe, leaving no blood, but having the golden figure dissipate.

"Challenger Power Test Completed," The Voice Spoke, "Arranging Test According to Challengers Level."

Mark suddenly felt a giant recovering force filling him, getting rid of all of his hunger, recovering all of his Qi and even made it feel a slight bit expanded, and made him feel as if he had just woken up, bounding with energy.

After being fully recovered, another golden figure was forming, much more powerful than the last.

This time the figure was wielding a spear, and was a solid foot or two taller than Mark, a towering over him.

Mark, not content sitting there, took the initiative to attack.

"Impaled Explosion"

He tried to use the same move he made earlier, just for the Golden Figure to avoid the tip of his spear, and hitting his spear, sending Mark backwards.

'I would have died without the gripping power of the spear' Mark thought.

Taking this more seriously, Mark readied himself waiting for the Golden Figure to move.

The Golden Figure charged, mark planning to block, and the figure's spear hit the shaft of Mark's.


A sound similar to a firecracker went off, pushing Mark backwards, him barely landing by reinforcing his legs with Qi.

'That was an Impaled Explosion!' Mark thought, thinking himself ridden with bad luck.

The figure advanced, steadily and robotically. They started attacking each other with base attacks, not using Qi for a bit, trying to find a chance, Mark deflecting the figure's spear and the figure dodging backwards.

Mark finally found his chance after the figure jumped far up into the air to dodge a sweep, allowing him not to dodge any more since he had no footing.

He took the chance and sent a Qi Arrow forward, injuring the golden figure and disorienting it further before continuing.

He imbued his legs with as much Qi as they could take and jumped up into the air, jumping 8 feet into the air, pointing the spear downwards, aiming for the golden figure.

The figure didn't expect this, being caught just before he was able to touch the ground, and tried to deflect the spear, to little success, just leading the spear originally going to impale his head, to go straight through to the shoulder to his leg.

The golden figure dissipated as those before, Mark collapsing onto the ground from the spear tilting, him utterly exhausted before the formation kicked in once again.

"Trial Succeeded" The Voice called to Mark's relief, "Now Contacting Sect Elder"

The voice paused, "No Sect Elder Found, Contacting Sect Head Elder"

The voice took a solid minute to respond this time, "No Sect Elder Found, Contacting Sect Spirit"

After about 10 seconds, he saw an older man appear before him, past the prime of his life, but not as old as Elder Hao or the Face he saw on the sign. He had straight black hair and a beard covering his chin, wearing a deep blue robe.

The translucent blue man spoke looking at the top of the dome, irritated, "Great, what error occurred today you stupid artificial spirit!"

The translucent man then sat down in front of Mark, facing the other way, preparing to sit there for a while.

After waiting for about 30 seconds, Mark finally built up his courage, "h- Hello?"

The man suddenly shrieked in freight, "Ghost!"

The man leaped to action, moving 30 feet away from Mark in the blink of an eye, floating over nothing in the empty space in the giant arena.

"Disperse you ghost!" The man said, holding out a symbol that he had never seen before.

The Translucent Figure, expecting something to happen, tried to use the symbol again for it to have no effect.

The man dropped the symbol and simply gave up and closed his eyes, "O powerful ghost, just take me,"

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Mark called out, " I'm not a ghost, I'm just a normal person that fell down here you know."

The translucent man paused and mumbled, "Wait really?"

The man held out his hand, a blue strand going from it, suddenly reaching Mark and him experiencing something similar to what he had felt from Elder Hao before when he got his poison removed.

The man suddenly coughed, and spoke in a much more deep and refined tone, "Ah, excuse me for myself previously, I have not met anyone for a while."

Seeing the man change like two sides of a coin, Mark could barely hold a straight face.

"Well before we do anything else, the artificial spirit won't let me do anything until I give you your reward." The Man spoke, calm and collected.

Pulling out a piece of paper, somehow still perfectly intact, he read out loud, " Congratulations for completing the trial, blah blah blah, choose your reward, something something."

The Man continued, "By the power of the Sect Spirit I offer you 3 choices," The Man, now known as the Sect Spirit, held out his hand.

"Some Spirit Stones," The Sect Spirit said, some stones appearing in his hand, greater in quality and quantity than Elder Hao's, "A part of a cultivation technique, one of the best in the sect," The spirit stones in his hand disappearing, being replaced by a leatherbound book, well preserved and despite not looking brand new, could be handled without breaking and actually readable, "Or would you like a trusty spear," The book in the Sect Spirits hand suddenly replaced, finding a high quality spear, still in good shape in comparison to the rest of the ruins.

Mark was lost in thought.

"Hurry up kid, I just want to get this over with and get away from this rotte- Ahh" The Sect Spirit was interrupted, him exclaiming in great pain all of a sudden.

"Insults to the Sect will not be tolerated," Said the sudden voice, described by the Sect Spirit as the Artificial Spirit earlier.

Moving his thoughts away from the situation in front of him, he finally decided on what to take.

"Spirit Stones are just a boost to cultivation, I already have a suitable spear, I would like the sect technique for my reward." Mark exclaimed.

In a hurry, the Sect Spirit nodded, throwing a book at Mark, and the environment around Mark immediately changed.

Mark got very disoriented, and collapsed on the floor, losing his balance, getting a mouthful of dust we barely spit out.