
Against the Other Gods

This man had given two lives and a chance to live his live anew. This man had a full Inheritance of the Highest Creation Gods. This man had the knowledge of the Creation God who can even create lives and races This man had skills from True Gods not just one, but so many of them. This man not just had the bloods of Divine Beasts, but he even had their Divine Spirit Souls and their godly body part. This man had a Heavenly Treasures that only Seven of it in the whole universe that more precious than any True Gods or Divine Beasts inheritance. not just one, but two of it. BUT... He still let his family suffers... He let his grandfather die... He let his loved one kidnapped... He let his wife almost raped... He let his child grown without a father beside... He let his nation invaded... He can't even make his master acknowledge him... what he has done ? But this time... this man is there no more... as he had become someone else... someone who know the future... someone who didn't want to make the same mistake... as this someone is from another world... Hello, the Author here. This is my very first time writing something and also my very first book. So I decided to write a fan-fiction first to Improve myself in writing. English is not my native language so, please feel free to have some comment for my grammar. Disclaimer : I didn't own anything regarding the original characters and the world of Against The Gods from the original book "Against The Gods".

Heavenly_Lion · Autres
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60 Chs

Destiny Taking It's Course

"Little Aunt... when I'm with you last night, from your pulse I detect some problem in your body. I'm sure that usually around three o'clock in the morning you woke up and feel your body ice cold and four of your limbs sore."

"Little Che... H-how do you know ?"

"Like I said... from your pulse... not only that it's also happen everytime you have breakthrough... and... your period... it's always late, right ?"

"h-how come that you know it..." Xiao Lingxi got shocked but embarrassed at the same time.

"but... L-last night, somehow I can slept peacefully." Said Lingxi with a low voice shyly.

"maybe, it's because of what you experience with me last night... when you have... ummm....that... your body also release the cold in your body a little... so you can sleep well last night."

Xiao Lingxi's face become so red hearing what Xiao Che's said regarding last night while Xiao Che keep talking.

"but in your body the ice cold is still permeated... so I'm going to give you a treatment to clear up your meredians that full of ice cold energy by using acupunture to your whole body."

"acupunture ? Little Che you have knowledge in medical art ?"

"Well, I am a genius doctor of miracles that can open up all your profound entrances... so of course I have."

"well... I guess... okay then, you can treat me..."

"Good, then Little Aunt, you can take off your clothes then lay on your stomach on the bed."


"you just show me your back and lay down on bed... not more."

Xiao Lingxi obediently walked to the bed while taking off her clothes with a completely red face then lay on the bed.

Xiao Che then get the silver needles ready.

"don't you dare to have any dirty thought... you hear me ?" warn Lingxi to Xiao Che.

"okay, okay... just don't move while I do the treatment okay ?"

Xiao Che the skillfully pierce the silver needle one by one inside Lingxi body.

While he do the treatment to Little Aunt, at the entrance of Xiao Clan... the group that sent by Xiao Sect finally arrived.

The group is lead by Four middle-aged man and one youth at the center of the group.

The youth is the youngest son of Xiao Sect's Leader, Xiao Kuangyun. The youth that known by his behaviour that loves to play with women.

The three middle-aged man that surrounding the youth are Practitioner with Spirit Profound Realm strength. But unexpectedly the middle-aged man that leading the group is a Late Stage Earth Profound Realm Practitioner!! If Xiao Che see this, he will got surprised a little by the appearance of a Late Stage Earth Profound Realm Practitioner.

The appearance of an Earth Profound Practitioner definitely because the Xiao Sect know the strength of the Grand Elder of the clan, Xiao Lie who an Earth Profound Realm Practitioner. So of course Xiao Sect at least sent an Earth Profound Realm Practitioner.

Xiao Yunhai as the Clan Leader with Xiao Lie welcomed the group from Xiao Sect. The group from Xiao Sect follow them enter the main hall of Xiao Clan.

The Leader of Xiao Sect's group after he give a present for Xiao Clan, he just talked to the point. He said that they will choose the person back to Xiao Sect tomorrow morning and it's not impossible if there is some exceptional talents in Xiao Clan's younger generation, they will bring back additional person to join Xiao Sect.

The news made Xiao Yunhai really elated that there is still a chance for his son Xiao Yulong to get choosen as he know that there is Xiao Che who stronger than his son.

In this timeline Xiao Yulong the son of Xiao Clan's Leader doing far much better. In the original story, he only at the Third Stage Nascent Profound Realm.

Now, Xiao Yulong got pressured by the genius Xiao Che and it stimulating him to cultivate harder as now he is at the age of twenty, his strength is the Peak of Nascent Profound Realm. Almost the same with Xiao Ying who once also titled as genius in the city, where he breakthrough to True Profound Realm at the age of twenty.

Xiao Che, when he returned to the clan, he disguise his strength to only at the First Stage True Profound Realm. So, Xiao Yunhai feels like his son is deserved to get the chance to go to Xiao Sect.

Xiao Yunhai, after showing the courtyard where the Xiao Sect's group will stay for the night, he called up his son to meet him. He told his son to try to gain favor from Xiao Kuangyun. Of course Xiao Yulong already have a plan in mind as he accidentally heard the secret of Xiao Che.

So Xiao Yulong invite Xiao Kuangyun to a place where they can play with girls to their heart content knowing what kind of person Xiao Kuangyun is. Everything somehow flowed to the same route as the original story even though there is some change here and there, like Xiao Yulong that knowing the secret far earlier than supposed to and the Xiao Sect's group that come three days earlier than the original...but no major changes.

And also, Xiao Kuangyun who saw Qingyue...

Even after knowing Qingyue is Xiao Che's wife, Xiao Kuangyun's eyes still full of lust when he stare at Qingyue and to make it worse, Xiao Yulong told Xiao Kuangyun about Xiao Lingxi who is a beauty that didn't lose to Qingyue.

The two then began discussing about their plan to make Xiao Kuangyun have both Qingyue and Lingxi, and Xiao Yulong's plan to make himself chosen to become part of Xiao Sect.

Destiny is a complex matter that really hard to predict. Somehow, just by a little effort, destiny can take a huge turn and changed completely... While sometimes destiny is so hard to change that no matter how hard the efforts taken, it can't be avoided.

But for Xiao Che, he didn't care about destiny too much anymore. He will prepare everything if the destiny still played the same... if the destiny take a completely different turn, he will just give it his all to protect his loved ones.

When the night come, Xiao Che just stay in his courtyard as there is a beautiful fairy-like wife warming him on his bed. After Xia Qingyue already tasted the forbidden fruit, the second night that this two newlywed couple had become far much heated compared to the first night

Even when the night still young, the two already indulged to the pleasure of each other's body. Xiao Che really like a tireless beasyt and didn't give Qingyue mercy, but unexpectedly Qingyue in her second night turned to be less reserved and a little more active in their interactions as she initiatively move herself to feel the pleasure of Xiao Che's magnificent lil' bro.

The result is... once again they keep doing it for the whole night without sleep.

There's a chap for you.

Thanks for your Power Stones and for reading this. (_ _)d

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