
Against The Abyss

Atlas, a man of unknown origin, wakes up in a world filled with darkness, despair, and death. He quickly discovers that malevolent creatures from the abyss have overrun the land, leaving only a few species of survivors struggling to survive. But Atlas is not just any survivor; he is a reincarnate with mythical powers beyond his wildest imagination. Driven by a thirst for answers, Atlas sets out on a journey to reclaim what has been lost and uncover the truth behind his mysterious rebirth. However, he must first learn to master his newfound powers and fight against the terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows. Will Atlas succeed in his quest, or will he be consumed by the darkness that surrounds him?

TDJR_Morgan · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 11 - Vow

The world around Adonis seemed to crumble and collapse in a catastrophic display of destruction. Buildings shattered into pieces, sending debris raining down upon the unsuspecting victims, including innocent children. Their cries for help were drowned out by the deafening screeches that echoed through the sky, as dark blasts of energy descended from above, causing havoc and disrupting the delicate balance of mana. The air itself became turbulent, adding another layer of chaos to the already dire situation.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, flames raged with unrelenting fury, their fiery tongues licking at the remnants of what once stood proudly. The billowing smoke intertwined with the ash, obscuring the sunless sky and casting an eerie veil over the scene of utter disaster.

In the midst of this nightmare, Adonis remained eerily composed, his thoughts cold and focused. Amidst the chaos and suffering, he honed in on two critical objectives. First, he fixated on the path his grandmother had carved by destroying the monstrous abyssals, a clear route amidst the turmoil. It was a beacon of hope amidst the bleakness, a lifeline to safety that lead to a fort protected by a large metal wall.

The second consumed his thoughts with chilling intensity. Adonis's gaze remained fixed on the fort, his goal, while his grip remained firm on Athena's wrist. Enveloped by his aura, Adonis' speed was enhanced to an astonishing level, as he disregarded Athena's protests.

Time seemed to distort as he navigated through the chaos, his determination unwavering, fueled by a singular purpose: to save his sister from this chaos. Every fiber of Adonis's being was attuned to the urgency of the situation. The surrounding chaos, the destruction, and the suffering melted into insignificance as he pushed himself to his limits, the echoes of his sister's crying spurring him forward. With a heart hardened by resolve, he surged forward, his body a blur of motion amidst the wreckage, as he pushed himself past his limits.

As the last remnants of Adonis's aura dissipated, a cloud of dust billowed up around him from the sudden change in speed, obscuring his vision and causing him to stumble and collapse onto the ground. He tightly clutched Athena in his arms, shielding her from the surrounding chaos and danger. The impact of their fall jolted through his weary body, but he held onto Athena.

Gradually, the dust settled, revealing their surroundings within the walls of the fortified mansion. It provided a temporary sanctuary, a haven of safety amidst the storm of destruction outside. Adonis took a moment to collect himself, his breath coming in ragged gasps as adrenaline coursed through his veins. The weight of their survival pressed upon him, knowing that for now, they were protected from immediate harm.

Amidst the chaos, the worried voice of their mother reached Adonis's ears, filled with concern and relief at their well-being. However, the exhaustion that had accumulated within him overtook his senses. He had pushed himself to the brink of his physical and mental limits, leaving him drained and depleted. With a heavy weariness settling upon him, Adonis succumbed to his fatigue, his eyelids growing heavy as he fell into a deep, much-needed sleep.

As consciousness gradually seeped back into Adonis's weary mind, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing a large room bathed in soft, gentle light. The air carried a sterile scent, mingled with a faint hint of antiseptic. It was a spacious chamber adorned with rows of medical equipment, their polished surfaces glinting under the illumination.

Adonis blinked, his gaze adjusting to the surroundings, and his senses began to awaken fully. The coolness of the air against his skin reminded him of the contrast between the external chaos and the calmness within these walls. As he shifted, he became aware of the softness beneath him—a plush medical bed, designed for comfort and support during recovery.

The room was filled with a gentle hum of medical machinery, providing a soothing background noise that reassured him of the presence of advanced technology. Wires and tubes snaked their way across the floor, connecting to various apparatuses. The rhythmic beeping of monitors punctuated the air, monitoring vital signs and providing a sense of security.

Sunlight filtered through partially drawn curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. The walls were adorned with motivational posters and serene landscapes, fostering an atmosphere of hope and positivity. Shelves lined with medical books and supplies stood nearby, a testament to the dedication and expertise of the caregivers who tended to the injured.

As Adonis shifted his gaze, he noticed a figure by his side—a nurse in a pristine white uniform, her presence emanating a sense of professionalism and compassion. Her eyes met his with a reassuring smile, conveying both relief and encouragement at his awakening.

The room itself felt vast, with enough space for movement and recovery. It exuded a sense of safety, enveloping Adonis in a cocoon of healing energy. As Adonis slowly sat up, he question whether he had an accident and the chaotic scene was just a nightmare.

As the door swung open with a sense of urgency, Adonis's mother rushed into the room, concern etched deeply on her face. "Sweetie, are you alright?" she asked, her hand gently pressed against his forehead. Adonis nodded, attempting to brush off the lingering remnants of his unsettling nightmare. "I just had the craziest dream," he chuckled lightly, only to be met with his mother's somber expression. The gravity of the situation began to dawn on him. "It wasn't just a dream, was it?" he inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension. His mother nodded slowly, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Adonis," she started, her voice wavering. "Your grandfather... he didn't make it." Adonis's reaction was muted, his sigh conveying a mix of disappointment and sorrow. Though his bond with his grandfather wasn't the strongest, the loss still stung. They had been in the process of building a connection, with his grandfather guiding him in mastering his aura—a skill that had allowed Adonis to save his sister with his remarkable speed. Turning his head away from his mother, Adonis concealed the glimmer of moisture that welled up in his eyes. "Are the others okay?" he managed to ask, his voice laced with concern.

Adonis was aware of the possibility that his grandmother and father might have suffered the same fate as his grandfather, but he clung to a flicker of hope. At the very least, he, Athena, and Atlas were still alive, and they had their mother by their side. His mother's response brought a wave of relief washing over him. "Everyone else is alive," she assured him, prompting a heavy sigh of gratitude. However, her next words pierced through his relief like a blade. "But your brother is in critical condition."

Adonis's heart skipped a beat, and he swiftly turned his attention back to his mother, his mind racing with a torrent of guilt and self-blame. Had he been running too recklessly, endangering Atlas in the process? Or was it when they fell, prioritizing Athena's safety over his brother's? His thoughts spiraled out of control, consumed by overthinking and regret.

His mother's explanation halted his tumultuous thinking, shattering Adonis's fragile sense of reality. The truth struck him like a physical blow. All this time, while he believed Athena was securely holding onto him, Atlas had been engaged in a solitary battle against an Abyssal. The consequences were severe, not only endangering his brother's life but also leaving his mana pool permanently damaged.

"Can I have a few moments alone?" Adonis requested, his voice carrying a mix of weariness and determination. Allea hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing, leaving the room accompanied by the nurses. Adonis slowly rose from the bed, his body feeling numb and his left leg throbbing with pain, causing him to limp slightly. Despite the discomfort, he knew he was fortunate compared to the others.

Dark and vengeful thoughts swirled in his mind, tempting him to unleash his frustration by destroying the pristine room. Yet, Adonis chose to resist those impulses, opting instead to find solace in stillness and focus on his breathing. With each deliberate inhalation and exhalation, he regained a sense of calm and clarity, pushing the destructive thoughts to the periphery.

His gaze shifted towards the open window, revealing a view from the mansion's third floor. The fortified walls loomed majestically, serving as a constant reminder of the fortress's protective presence. Peering downward, Adonis observed a training ground bustling with men and boys, honing their sword skills in preparation for the looming threat of the abyssals. It was an admirable effort, but deep down, Adonis understood its futility. If Atlas, his brother, had been overwhelmed by a single abyssal, there was little chance that anyone else stood a chance against the relentless onslaught.

As he leaned against the windowsill, Adonis's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. Frustration mingled with a sense of helplessness, and a flicker of anger. He blamed the world, Athena, and the rest of his family for what happened to Atlas, but he also knew it was that idiot's fault for wanting to be a hero. With a sigh, Adonis made his second vow in this world. A silent vow, to become strong enough to avenge his brother, by killing the monster who crippled him and exterminating every other abyssal out there.