
Against Supernatural World

A world of supernatural abilities. A world of exciting adventure and danger. I was brought into such a world. But I wasn't the protagonist. I was a forgettable character. I was a regressor.

Red654 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Second Blood 1 : Starting again

The title of the novel I was reading was Supernatural Battle.

It was a work full of clichés with the personal touch of the author who transformed the plot of the work into a fairly good story with his style and obtained a unique work that I read with passion before stopping because the author went on hiatus in the second volume without resolving 80% of novel plots and without giving an end to his work.

I angrily threw my phone away in frustration, before picking it up and reading the last chapter one last time, leaving a comment of encouragement for the author before drifting off to sleep.

[It can't be easy for you but cheer up mob buddy ;)]

It was probably the worst mistake I ever made in my life.

The next day I woke up in the body of a young blond man of about 15 in a small dormitory.

At first I really thought I was the main character, but then the harsh reality hit me full force: I was just an awakener with maximum potential of rank D, a low-ranking student who stayed in class F until the end of his studies, whereas the real protagonists of this world were beings who were becoming stronger and more famous by the day. He was just a weak IAF 7 agent who was losing everyone close to him one by one because of his weakness.

Monsters, evil spirits and superhumans with the power to cause natural disasters.

It was a terrifying world.

. . .

■End of first blood

●Results: D-

●Reward: 5 points

●Commentary: A mediocre life

Seeing long lines of text appear before me in a room that looked familiar, I took a deep breath.

"I went back in time..."

A small wardrobe with a few neat items of clothing, a bed, a rock-hard chair, notebooks and books scattered across a student desk.

It was my student room.

■Start of the second blood.

● Please select a Abilty :

☆Rank C : Aura control 20 PTS

☆Rank D : Aura amplification 10 PTS

☆Rank D- : Basis of Aura 5 PTS

☆Rank E : Supernatural Perception 1 PTS

●PT : 5PTS

The text in front of my eyes suddenly changed, making me take a deep breath to calm myself.

"What is it?"

These are the names of skills I've honed most in my decades of experience as a Byonder.

First blood? Second blood? Is this the way to classify my past life and my present life? Why this ability? Why is it appearing now?

Was my past life noted? Is this God's work?

Dozens of questions flooded my mind, but I quickly suppressed them. In my previous life, I'd been confronted with the shock of being transported to another world, as well as all sorts of supernatural events, and I'd had enough strange experiences to calm me down as quickly as possible in this kind of situation.

I stayed in my thoughts for a brief moment, memorising each line of text in front of me.

"I have 5 points that correspond to my performance in my past life and I have the possibility of perhaps acquiring an ability from my past life."

"I have two choices an F-rank skill and a D- rank skill ."

Hesitating for a moment, I put my finger on the words Basis of Aura floating in the air and a burning sensation enveloped my whole body, I felt as if thousands of glowing embers were burning my nerves, making me roll on the floor in pain as I desperately held myself back from screaming.

After two minutes, I couldn't take it any more, I let out a scream that reverberated throughout the room.

The pain slowly subsided as I exhaled loudly and a thin, wispy red smoke emanated from my body.

It was the aura.

Just as I was about to get up, the door to my room was noisily opened and a young man with black hair entered the room holding a baseball bat.

"Jyro you're alright! WAIT FUCK you're awake!!!"

He was my best friend Park Tae-soo

Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw him, and I couldn't help laughing when I saw his dumbfounded expression.

"It's been a long time, old bastard."

. . . . . .

"So you had a nightmare and then awoke your aura?"

I nodded slowly with a slight smile as I saw the incredulous look on Tae-soo's face with a slight tinge of jealousy in his eyes.

"You lucky bastard."

"Wouldn't you be a bit jealous, old chap?"

"Of course it is! It's the aura! You're a real awake person now!

Seeing his Jyro just smile at him, he finally sighed.

"Tss, i give up, with your two neurons you won't even understand what it means"

He picked up his baseball bat from the floor where we were sitting and stood up, patting his pyjamas and letting out a yawn.

"It's nearly time for class, you'd better get ready if you don't want to get into trouble."

He left the room lazily under the smiling gaze of Jyro, who let out a slight laugh before closing his door.

"So I've really regressed."

I sat down on the floor of my room and stared at the ceiling, unable to stop myself from falling into my thoughts.

Finally I got up and went for a shower, put on the clothes I hadn't worn for years and walked out of my bedroom door, taking a deep breath.

Even if it was a terrifying world.

"Whatever this life is for, I'll do my best."

This novel is not a Korean academy cliché, the academy part is just a preamble to the protagonist's youth the save point if you will so don't worry on that point.

And as for the world's power system, it's different from Korean novels in terms of force classification, which generally tends to resemble those in video games. It will be different here, but you'll understand when the power system gradually reveals itself - enjoy your reading ;)

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