

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


Jayden traverses a haunted house at night, clutching the Bible tightly in his hands. With unwavering determination, he ventures into every nook and cranny, extending the cross towards each corner. After a while, he settles down, reflecting on recent events that have unfolded. Suddenly, Mako's voice resonates in Jayden's earpiece, checking on his well-being. Jayden directs his gaze towards the camera positioned in the room's corner, assuring Mako that everything is fine and that they have successfully purified the house. Mako inquires whether Jayden can employ his dream walking ability for a thorough verification. Jayden confidently affirms that there are no lingering portals present. Mako wonders aloud why Jayden hasn't utilized his dream walking abilities in a while. In response, Jayden reveals that he overexerted his spiritual powers during their last encounter, surpassing his limits. As a result, his spiritual abilities have become less effective, necessitating a period of spiritual healing and recalibration before he can resume dream walking.

Jayden and Mako pack up their equipment, loading it into the van. Mako remarks that the footage they captured will likely be dull and suggests scrapping it altogether. Jayden concurs, emphasizing that the most important outcome is that they have successfully eliminated the portals, ensuring that no spirits will haunt the house any longer. Getting into the van, Mako takes the wheel and they depart onto the streets. During the ride, Mako informs Jayden that Holly and James will soon return from their vacation. Jayden nods, mentioning that he received a call from them yesterday, notifying their impending arrival. Expressing a desire for a vacation as well, Mako acknowledges that the world consistently demands their assistance. Curious about Mako's father, Wiz, Jayden wonders how he is doing. Mako explains that Wiz has recovered and they are still currently in Freeda. Jayden inquires why they chose to remain here. Mako clarifies that he asked his father to aid them in their search for Lucas. Grateful for the assistance, Jayden admits their struggles in finding any leads on Lucas. Mako reveals that Grace now works for Wiz and has been performing admirably. Jayden envisions Grace fearlessly battling evildoers and confidently agrees with Mako's assessment.

Arriving at the bar, they proceed to order a few drinks. Jayden scans the surroundings, noting the lack of liveliness in the establishment. Mako agrees, reminiscing about the times when everyone used to gather and create a more enjoyable atmosphere. Suddenly, Mako makes his way to the stage, captivating the audience with his heartfelt rock songs, drawing in numerous people who cheer him on. Jayden's gaze then falls upon Holly and James, who join Mako on stage, harmonizing beautifully. Overwhelmed with joy at their reunion, Jayden smiles contentedly. Unexpectedly, Grace playfully takes hold of Jayden's drink and finishes it, casually mentioning her ongoing efforts to save money. Jayden's smile widens as he embraces her, feeling a deep sense of happiness as the song comes to an end.

The following morning, Jayden finds himself seated in the Ghost office, his face hidden beneath a book out of sheer boredom. Glancing momentarily at the Macrosser resting on the table, Jayden's curiosity gets the better of him, prompting him to pick it up and examine it closely. As Jayden focuses, his hand trembles, causing the Macrosser to radiate with magical light. Overwhelmed by its power, Jayden involuntarily drops it back onto the table. Exhausted, Jayden struggles to catch his breath, realizing he is unable to control the mighty Macrosser. Disappointed in himself, Jayden's thoughts are interrupted by Mako opening the door, accompanied by four individuals entering the office. Mako introduces them as the Para, another team of Ghost adventurers specializing in paranormal activities. Each member, named Casper, Wendy, Philp, and Jasmine, introduces themselves with a respectful bow towards Jayden. Casper reveals that Mako had informed them of Jayden being the main MVP of the Ghost team, and they admit to being avid fans. Wendy proposes a collaboration between the two groups. Observing them as young individuals still in their late teens, Jayden contemplates their offer, while Mako explains that the Para team boasts a substantial fan base of 900k, presenting a potential opportunity for both groups to expand further. However, Jayden expresses his belief that they are not yet prepared to face the true realities of the world. Casper responds confidently, assuring Jayden that they are ready for any challenges that come their way. Shaking his head, Jayden questions how they would handle a situation where one of their friends becomes possessed. Casper struggles to find an answer, but Wendy declares their willingness to learn, proposing that they exchange their viewership for the Ghost team's expertise in exorcism. Jayden pauses, contemplating their proposition, and Casper asks if the teaser video they saw is genuine. With a nod from Mako, Casper explains that if the teaser video represents the real world, they are prepared to confront the dark side.

Philp and Jasmine share their personal experiences of losing loved ones to paranormal activities, emphasizing their group's determination to rise and become agents of healing for the world. Jayden acknowledges their statements with a nod of understanding. Shortly after, they find themselves gathered in a church, engaging in a group prayer. Father Gabriel enters and warmly greets them before handing Jayden a report detailing their next task. Jayden examines the paper, realizing it is a job classified as B level. Father Gabriel proceeds to enlighten the Para team on the workings of the church. Casper eagerly interrupts, inquiring about the process of exorcising a possessed individual. Father Gabriel cautions them, stating they are progressing too quickly and must first find acceptance in the Lord. Casper seeks further clarification on how to achieve this. Jayden responds, suggesting that they must devoutly pray to the Lord 100 times a day, which will purify them with the light, and eventually, they can aspire to become Deacons within the church. Jayden explains that once they attain the rank of Priest, they can learn the art of exorcism. The group resumes their prayers, deep in contemplation. Casper, unable to resist his curiosity, opens his eyes and glances at the task report paper in Jayden's hand.

As night falls, Jayden and Mako find themselves in the Ghost office, joined by Holly, James, and Grace, all gathered in anticipation of the upcoming task. Jayden rummages through his bags, but to his dismay, he realizes that the Report task paper is no longer in his possession. Informing the group of this, they collectively search every nook and cranny of the office, yet the paper remains elusive. Holly then proposes a brilliant suggestion: they should return to the church and consult Father Gabriel regarding the details of the task. Arriving at the church, the group approaches Father Gabriel to inquire about the task. However, Father Gabriel admits that he has forgotten the location associated with it. Instead, he provides them with a phone number belonging to the client who reported the task. Jayden swiftly takes the phone number and dials it, but there is no response from the other end. In response, Grace offers her assistance in tracking down the location linked to the phone number. They all make their way to Grace's place, where she uses her computer to trace the number's origin. Jayden carefully notes down the address provided by Grace. Without wasting time, they proceed to the given address. Grace confidently knocks on the door, and a middle-aged man opens it, questioning their presence. Grace explains the situation, and the man kindly invites them inside. He shares that he has been capturing numerous photographs of the location, which they all proceed to examine. The photos reveal several spirits haunting an abandoned building, capturing their attention. However, the man points out a significant detail in one of the images—an image capturing a homeless man exiting the building. Suddenly, Jayden's phone begins to ring.

Upon reaching the abandoned building, the Para team, led by Casper, gathers together. Casper retrieves the task paper and double-checks the location, assuring the group that they have indeed arrived at the correct place. Prepared for the task ahead, they equip themselves with cameras attached to their helmets, ready to document their exploration. Casper then unveils a collection of items he had stolen from the church, including a cross, a bible, candles, and a bottle of holy water. He confesses that Father Gabriel had lent him these items, though his smile carries a tinge of guilt. With their flashlights in hand, they cautiously enter the building. While exploring the abandoned building, the group suddenly finds themselves engulfed in a powerful gust of wind. It becomes apparent that the gust is comprised of ethereal orbs passing by them. Casper, intrigued, asks the group if they are witnessing the same phenomenon. They nod in agreement, following the trail of orbs leading them to a set of stairs. Proceeding cautiously, they ascend the stairs, with Jasmine slightly behind the others. However, her attention is drawn to a lone orb flying into a nearby room, captivating her curiosity.

She ventures into the room, only to find it empty. Suddenly, she hears the sound of crying behind her and turns around to face a young child sobbing while clutching onto a doorknob. The child quietly shuts the door, prompting Jasmine to inquire about their presence. The child responds, "They keep trying." Perplexed, Jasmine presses further for an explanation, but the child's face grotesquely transforms, revealing a gaping hole. Overwhelmed with fear, Jasmine screams and recoils, while an arm emerges from the cavity on the child's face. Terrified, Jasmine retreats to the corner of the room as the upper body of an elderly man emerges from the hole, repeating the words, "They keep trying," while crying towards her. Jasmine continues to scream as the ghostly child approaches her. Casper quickly opens the door, witnessing Jasmine's distress. Philp rushes to her side, attempting to calm her down. Jasmine persists in describing what she saw, her voice filled with panic. Casper reassures her, promising to review the footage later and expressing gratitude for capturing compelling content. Wendy shakes her head in disapproval.

The group resumes their ascent up the stairs. Casper retrieves a spirit box, but before he can activate it, it mysteriously turns on by itself. Thousands of eerie words flood the airwaves, startling them all. The spirit box suddenly ignites, causing Casper to drop it in shock. He hastily extinguishes the flames with the holy water, prompting Wendy to question the significance of the water. Casper explains that the belief in holy water is subjective and assures them that it is just regular water. He picks up the broken spirit box. Philp, filled with fear, urges everyone to stay still. Casper is about to inquire further when he notices the entire group frozen in terror, their eyes fixed on a tall ghost ascending the stairs. They stand in awe as the ghost continues its ascent, prompting Casper to declare that they must follow it to capture more captivating content. The group hesitates, but Casper persists, leading the way. They finally reach the top floor, where they encounter hundreds of ghosts gathered, all fixated on a specific direction. Wendy points out a man at the end of the hallway, sound asleep. Casper gazes in that direction, only to notice all the spirits now looking directly at them.