

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


In the morning, the Ghost Team and Para Team find themselves in the infirmary of the Church. Casper wakes up to find Jayden beside him. Jayden remarks on Casper's impressive willpower in overcoming a possession. Casper apologizes for stealing from the church, and Jayden forgives him on the condition that he remains dedicated to the church. Jasmine and Philp express their excitement at seeing the famous Holly, while Mako and Wendy can be seen editing videos on a computer. Grace engages in conversation with an old man who introduces himself as Bael, leaving Grace surprised by his name. Grace explains that she visited a Shaman master who instructed her to find Bael in this region. Everyone joins in the conversation, and Mako asks Grace if she and Wiz were able to find any leads on Lucas. Grace replies negatively, mentioning that their last resort was to consult the Master Shaman, who revealed that Bael was the one who introduced Lucas to the Shaman temple. Bael's eyes widen upon hearing Lucas' name, and he confirms that he recruited Lucas five years ago. Bael proceeds to recount the story of how he met Lucas, explaining that he was an ambitious rookie shaman who took on advanced tasks without permission in order to rise in rank quickly. Bael was led to the southeastern region, where Fish Village is located, for a sea-related task. Using a paper spell on his eyes, Bael dived into the sea and discovered Lucas trapped in a bubble. Bael rescued Lucas and brought him back to the Shaman temple, where he was presented to the Shaman master. Bael mentions that he was promoted but later exiled, never seeing Lucas again. Jayden then questions whether the Shaman master knew that Lucas came from the seas near Fish Village.

Grace responds that the Shaman master has no recollection of Lucas' past, only recognizing him as a new Shaman rookie. Bael insists that the Shaman master must have known. A sense of unease permeates the group. Grace reassures them that the Shaman master was not lying. Jayden suggests that the mystery may lie within Fish Village and proposes that they all go there. Everyone agrees, and while the Para Team accompanies Father Gabriel to learn more about the church, the Ghost Team and Bael leave the church to find a large limousine waiting for them. Sasha emerges from the limo and greets everyone. Mako respectfully bows to greet Sasha, who is his personal driver. Mako inquires about her vacation, and Sasha confirms that it was great. They all enter the limo, and Mako asks Sasha about the whereabouts of his father. Sasha, continuing to drive, explains that Wiz is currently building a larger ship to transport goods and his family. Mako then asks about his brother Walter, to which Sasha replies that he is doing the same as usual. Mako informs Jayden that their follower count has reached 1.6 million and that their audience is demanding more content, seeking answers regarding the teaser and the unresolved ending of their last livestream. Jayden assures Mako that he has already planned everything and that they will reveal the answers soon. He then turns to Grace and asks her how she managed to strike a ghost. Grace admits that she is also perplexed by her ability to harm a ghost, but she describes how she repeatedly imagined it and suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through her body, making her feel capable of anything. Jayden follows up by asking about her background. Grace reveals that she had a typical upbringing but is unaware of her biological parents as she was adopted. Holly becomes excited, sensing that there is much more mystery surrounding them.

The car ride came to a halt as night fell, and everyone set up camp in a deserted area. Holly and James were cooking food over the campfire, Grace and Mako were engaging in a sparring session, Bael was fast asleep, and Jayden lay down gazing at the stars. Suddenly, Jayden's phone rang, and he answered it to find a FaceTime call from Karl, who appeared on the screen dressed in NASAI work clothes. Karl shared with Jayden that he had been hired by NASAI to work towards becoming an astronaut because he was too smart for college. Jayden congratulated him and . Karl excitedly mentioned his plans to explore everything beyond the skies once he went to space. They continued their conversation as everyone eventually went to sleep. The next morning, Wiz and Sasha were heard talking, waking everyone up. Wiz informed the group that they had prepared the Hinode ship for their journey to Fish Village. Wiz then hopped on a motorcycle and urged everyone to quickly pack up, as they had a long trip ahead. The group reentered the limo, following Wiz who led the way with his motorcycle. Mako questioned why his father, Wiz, needed such a large ship for resources and their family. Sasha explained that the Shaman master and the Monk master had created three giant ancient boxes that could heal Tucker, Walter, and Walter's friend's bodies from any connections to evil spirits. Hence, the giant ship was necessary to transport these boxes. Mako felt relieved knowing that his brother would soon recover.

Bael suddenly recalls a past memory and informs the group that they need to fish once they reach their destination. Jayden becomes confused as the limo comes to a halt. Eventually, they arrive at the gates of the fish village, where the gatekeeper approaches Wiz. Puzzled by the presence of the ruler of Hinode, the gatekeeper disregards the photo of Lucas that Wiz presents and instead informs them that to enter the fish village, they must catch a ten-pound fish from the entrance pond. Pointing towards the nearby pond, the gatekeeper adds that they can purchase fishing equipment from him. Wiz is led to the gatekeeper's nearby shop, which displays a wall filled with various fishing gear. The rest of the group joins in and selects the necessary equipment for fishing before heading quickly to the pond. Mako takes on the role of teaching Jayden how to fish, while Grace and Holly, expressing their disinterest in fishing, observe the proceedings. Wiz casts his bait into the pond, explaining the importance of patience in catching the ten-pound fish and reaching the fish village swiftly.

As time passes, Mako manages to catch several four to six-pound fish, releasing each one back into the pond. Growing tired of fishing, Mako notices that James and Jayden are struggling to catch a fish. Suddenly, Wiz pulls a large fish from the pond, weighing it and discovering it to be a nine-pound fish. Releasing the fish back into the water, Wiz expresses frustration at how close they were. Grace decides to start working out, while Holly applies makeup. Bael assures the group that he still meets the requirements to enter the fish village. The gatekeeper scrutinizes him, recognizing Bael, and confirms his eligibility to enter. Bael shares with the group that in the past, it took him an entire day to catch a ten-pound fish. At this point, the gatekeeper announces that Wiz's ship has arrived, but they will only be allowed entry if they catch a ten-pound fish. Mako notices James sleeping while still holding onto his fishing rod, while Jayden patiently waits for a catch. Grace, suddenly intrigued by fishing, tosses her bait into the pond, mentioning that it is the time of day when fish are more active. Her fishline shakes, and she forcefully pulls a fish out of the pond. Examining the fish as it flops on the ground, Grace smiles and suggests that it weighs around ten pounds or possibly more. Just then, Jayden excitedly yells out as he catches a fish on his line. Struggling to reel it in, Jayden realizes it's a gold-colored fish. Mako cheers him on as he slowly manages to bring the fish closer. The gatekeeper interrupts everyone to announce that Grace's fish weighs 9.6 pounds, but his attention is diverted when he sees the gold fish caught by Jayden. The gatekeeper rushes over, quickly releases the fish, and grabs Jayden, explaining that he is the second person this month to catch that particular gold fish. Jayden questions the significance of a gold fish, prompting the gatekeeper to explain that Jayden didn't catch the gold fish—it chose him. Only those with a special gift are chosen by the gold fish, which is believed to bring good luck to its selectees. The gatekeeper then welcomes them all into the fish village. Meanwhile, everyone notices that James is still sleeping, despite his fishing rod shaking due to a fish caught on his hook. Holly hurries to him, reels in the fish, and reveals it to be a black fish. The gatekeeper swiftly cuts the line and whispers something to Wiz. Finally, they all enter the fish village, a place dedicated to fish, fishing, and sea creatures.

The team of ghosts explores Fish village, enjoying the scenic view and displaying affection for the marine life. They also approach the villagers, showing them a picture of Lucas, but most people shake their heads indicating they don't know him. Jayden and Bael stand on a dock, where Bael reveals that he came to this place five years ago in search of Lucas. Bael then asks Jayden about Lucas's role in their group, and Jayden responds by describing Lucas as a recent addition who played a significant part in their previous battle and brought warmth to the group through his music. Jayden proceeds to inquire about the multitude of spirits haunting Bael. Bael hesitates but eventually explains that it's a personal story tied to his time as a promoted Shaman. He took on a challenging task involving a cursed family who constantly fled from spirits at night. Although Bael doesn't know the cause of their curse, the family sought his assistance despite their limited resources. Bael collected blood and hair samples from the family and created a mask, which he reveals—a mask adorned with hair on the outside and blood-like paint. Bael clarifies that this mask brought the curse upon him, but it was the only way to save the family. Despite returning to the temple numerous times to banish the spirits, they would always return, leading to his banishment from the temple. Jayden mentions the recent night when they successfully banished the spirits from Bael, to which Bael warns that the Chain ghost will inevitably return for him. Jayden reassures Bael by mentioning that Grace was able to defeat the Chain ghost with her strength. Bael explains that the Shaman Master attempted the same but failed. Jayden expresses surprise at the Shaman Master's inability to help Bael. Bael further explains that he cannot dispose of the mask since the spirits would haunt the location where it's discarded, potentially endangering innocent people. Additionally, he cannot allow himself to die at the hands of the spirits because they would realize the mask is not part of the cursed family and will continue search for them. Overwhelmed with emotion, Bael confesses that he will endure this curse until his death, feeling hopeless as the spirits will eventually find their way back to the family. Jayden asks Bael how much time he has before the Chain ghost returns, and Bael reveals that it took three days for the spirits to reappear after their banishment at the temple. Jayden realizes that the spirits will come back tomorrow night. Jayden proposes a solution to save Bael but that he will convert to the Lord. Bael listens attentively as Jayden explains that Sental, the heart of Fiaz, is a sacred land where a book exists that can seal curses. Bael's face brightens with hope, expressing his desire for a peaceful life and the need to enter Sental. Jayden suggests that, now being a "Father," he can gain access to Sental and explain Bael's situation to the Pope, who will then save him from the curse. Bael embraces Jayden, overcome with tears of joy.

Grace continues her search for Lucas in Fish village, approaching an elder man and showing him a picture of Lucas. The elder man carefully examines the picture and recalls seeing Lucas five years ago as the boy in the ocean. He adds that Lucas hasn't returned since then but informs her that a man recently arrived in the village wearing similar clothing to the person in the picture. The elder man informs her that the man is currently residing in his shelter house, working for the village to save money for a boat. Shortly after, Grace and the elder man arrive at the shelter house, and upon entering, they spot someone sitting in a stack of hay. Grace notices that the person is wearing the same clothes as Lucas. However, as she gazes at the person's face, she notices scars and receives a chilling stare from him.