
Afterlife Dream

Daniel Weston died from pneumonia when he was 14 years old. He was then reincarnated into an MMORPG that he played before he died, "Afterlife Dream" as a mage named Antares. The MMORPG was very similar to the one he played on his phone, only that it had additional features that could be used to get better starting cards before being reborn on earth. Sick of spending fourteen years of his life in vain, Daniel decided to make it happen. He was going to be reborn with the best advantages in life. For that, he was willing to play in Afterlife Dream seriously. Luckily, Daniel was not the only child with this predicament. He encountered like-minded friends who wanted to achieve the same goal. Before that happened, Afterlife Dream started to destabilize. What would happen to Daniel and everyone else in Afterlife Dream who had yet to fulfill their wishes?

Lu_Shui · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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151 Chs

HinoKun (1)

I did not know how Ingenious found out about the little meeting that the six of us had with HinoKun and the other Dominion members, but his piercing gaze made my skin crawl. I did nothing wrong, but why did I feel guilty all of a sudden?

"Yes," I admitted.

Ingenious let out a heavy sigh as soon as he heard my answer. I was not sure what that meant. Did he expect me to lie? Did he expect me to tell the truth? Was he disappointed? Was he relieved?

I did not know what else to say, so I just said sorry. Ingenious waved his hand at me in a dismissing motion.

"No need to say sorry. We are not in a kingdom and I am not your tyrant king. What do you need to be sorry about?"

"I have a feeling that you are disappointed with me?"

"I can't say that I am not, but we all lead our own lives individually in this world. Who's to say whether I do right and you do wrong?"