

Lying on the grass wrapped in blankets the Melusene slowly lifted herself from her slumber helped by the camp fires warmth seeping into her body. Fluttering her eyes open she glanced at the dual daggers placed just within her reach and without thinking grabbed them both holding them in a defensive stance.

"Your welcome to go just please leave the blankets it gets cold out here without them." Fen called out hanging up some clothes on the side of the cart not bothering to look back at her. The melusene stared at him in shock as he stood in only a towel wrapped around his waist showing mismatched scars all across his back covering muscles from years of fighting and leveling.

Silence followed as the melusene just watched Fen hang his cloths up neither one offering any type of conversation.

Wind dancing through the trees while birds got ready for night in their nests were the only sounds to disterb the silence before a horse neighed very loudly while glaring at the snake woman.

"I'm a bit surprised, most people would run or try and stab me in the back to take all my stuff." Fen chucked as he turned to look at the melusene then moved closer to the fire for warmth.

"So why not leave? I promise I won't follow." The woman remained silent still both hands resting on dagger hilts.

"Can I at least know your name?"

"Why should I tell a human like you? Your kind ain't even worth being breeding tools." She spat glaring at Fen with malice.

"That explains how an all female species exist." Fen chuckled. "But not why you are still here and not running or sliding in your case away from me to wherever you came from?"

"That's quite simple." Came a quick reply as the melusene sprang out from under the blankets coiling herself around Fen.

"I need your horse and cart." Smiling she bought both blades down onto Fens neck. A sharp ring of metal breaking was heard by the woman while she stared at her daggers both of which had become smaller after losing the tips.

"Impossible." She murmured not believing what she saw. Fen simply freed his arm from her coils placed it on her stomach and pumped Mana into it.

"Aaaaah" Pain that's all that went through the melusenes mind while her body tightened with a strength to crush boulders, Fen didn't even flinch in her grasp.

"Name?" He demandered easing the pain enough for her to respond.

"Safire my name is Safire please stop I beg you." Fen removed his hand stopping the spell he'd inflicted on her. Gasping Safire looked through teary eyes at the human.

"Who are you?" She questioned almost afraid of the answer.

"My name is Fen now could you remove your tail." Safine sqealed unwrapping her tail throwing herself onto the ground lying face down trying to get as low as possible. Fen raised an eyebrow at her position.

"What happened to the defiant attitude from before?" Her tail twitched in fear.

"I'm sorry I I I..." Safire mumbled trying to think of anything to save herself. Fen slowly knelt down brushing some hair out of Safires eyes.

"Well regardless can you please give me my towel back." Safires flinched bringing her eyes up to find Fen was indeed naked before her, his manhood slowly swinging between his legs. Time slowed as Safires just stared not moving at all to retrieve his towel.


"Not the reaction I was expecting but I do soppose your part of a lamia tribe."

Flicking his wrist Fen forced his towl out from under the frozen melusene with magic causing her to spin onto her back. Fen averted his eyes but not quick enough to miss seeing a pink slit in Safires tail near her hips, evidently Safires rags she'd been wearing as a skirt had torn leaving the snake woman open to the night.

Safires sprung back into a sitting stance with her tail coiled around herself hiding her exposed flesh a bright red blush spread across her face but not from Fen seeing her.

"Your still pure!" She yelled her eyes trying to peek behind his towel which was securely wrapped around his waist again.

"With something like that? Girls should be begging you for a round or two." Safire praised her breathing long and deep before she released she was drooling and quickly whipped her mouth and dragged her eyes up to Fens face. Fen stared at the breathless melusene with curiosity, surprise and a bit of amusement before replying to her question.

"By still pure I presume you mean I'm still a virgen?" Safire furiously nodded her head.

"Not something you should be yelling about to a guy you know most of us don't want to be 'pure' and don't feel like paying a whore to graduate us. As for why I'm still pure, I traveled with some assholes who were better with words than me."

"But..." Before Safire could speak Fen interjected.

"No we don't go around naked to show off our goods to get partners."

"Works in our village." Safire mumbled looking at Fen with a preditory grin slowly unwrapping her tail and makeshift bra.

"Now before you pounce me for another reason and I end up hurting you again can you tell me why a melusene is out here don't you guys love beaches or something?" Fens hand glowed blue to reinforce his point stopping Safire preforming her strip tease.

"Right sorry I get distracted a little easily." A nervous smile replacing her preditory one.

"But are you sure I can't help you get over your virgin status." Fen forced lightening to strike the ground beside Safire electing a squeel from her surprise.

"OK ok i get it. I was on a hunt for my tribe when I was captured by human slave traders who were looking for something exotic for some noble or something. I didn't really ask then after they started whipping me for speaking. They fed me well enough during the trip but I think it was because my value would go down if I looked half starved, they made a mistake last night and forgot to put a narcotic in my food." Safire hesitated before continuing a slow grinding of her teeth could be heard in the silence.

"They never took as a mate or even for fun which I'm thankful for but they did almost everything else, not even cleaning up after, leaving me to wake up in their filth. So on the one night they forgot to drug me and I wasn't asleep I killed them once they entered my cage." Fen eyebrow was raised in a curious manner.

"Hey I can still crush a normal human with my tail! Your just special." She snapped causing Fen to laugh.

"No you have it wrong I know what lamia and there subspecies can do I'm just amused that you would admit what happened yet still try to have your way with me." Safire bit her tongue lowering her gaze to her hands that had on reflex covered her womanhood under her coils realising her actions contradict themselves.

"I'm sorry you were different I guess I felt like I was In control. Ha silly now that I think about it." Still with her gaze lowered she sighed.

"Not really." Came Fens reply much to the melusenes surprise.

"It explains why you wanted to kill me for being human. Plus I know what lamias are like spent some time with a tribe in the mountains. Your actions are somewhat understandable." Turning Fen found Sasha already sleeping on the grass a bit away from the fire.

"Your still pure even after spending time with some of my sisters?" Disbelief plainly plastered on her face.

"As I said before I had some companions who were just better with words than me, enough to even keep the lamia away." Safire opened her mouth to try to say something but Fen beat her to the punch.

"No not tonight it's been a long day, the fire will burn till just before morning you can use it till then. I'm going to bed before I head to the city of Lazu tomorrow." Curiousity shone in Safire eyes almost confused why Fen would be going to a small town out in nowhere. Safire watched as Fen disappeared into his cart the blankets still scattered around the fire.

"I can't loose him he's going to redeem me." Catching her breath she grabbed the blankets and hurried into the cart as well.