
Intentions Part 2

Fen hummed a song from his old world losing himself in the tune as if the music could bring back lost memories, a smile creapt across his face while a single tear puddle beside his eye. Slowly the tune fadded from Fens mind along with the memories they were linked to bringing him out of his trance. The single tear now free from his eye traced a trail down Fens face reaching his chin before falling to the hard wood of the cart.

"Seems I still have some regrets from my old world."


"Aaaaaaaaaah" Sasha seemed to dislike where Fens thoughts were headed and caused the cart to hit a pot hole waking the sleeping melusene with a scream.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Fen smirked noticing she'd taken off the rags covering her top half to sleep. Safire followed his gaze to her naked chest then noticed her tail was wrapped tightly around Fens waist.

"Uuum did we?"


"But my..."


"But we were..."


"Are you sure?"


"Then why..."

"Was cold."

"Can we?"

"No." Looking defeated Safire slouched in the corner but still not making any move to cover herself or remove her tail.

"So what happened last night?"

"Well you ran into my cart demanding I compensate for the daggers you broke trying to stab me with then something about your maidens trial in that I had to take you back to your village. Then you wrapped yourself around me and attempted to woo me with your body." Safire face flushed red as a tomato. But Fen continued.

"But you'll be happy to know I agreed on one condition." Fen waited till the melusene broke from her embarrassed state enjoying the confusion and hope in her eyes.

"We will go to your village or tribe only when I want to and only when you fully explain this maiden trial your on. Well I guess that's two conditions." Saying that Fen waited for her reply but much to his surprise and amusement Safire buried her head in the blankets and screamed.

"Aaaaaaah why did I tell you that! No your not soppose to know anything about that." The stream of complaints continued into the morning air almost drowning out Sasha hoofs trotting on the road ahead.

"Noisy isn't she?" Fen called out to his horse who replied with a snort and a flick of her head, she apparently still wanted the extra weight thrown out

"Tempting but we could use the extra company and I could use someone to talk to that can talk back. Plus she seems very dedicated to her task and seems to have linked me to it." Sasha ignored him flicking her tail in disappointment but didn't argue further. Fens attention drifted away trying to ignore the melusene who'd switch to swearing in a colourful way and his sassy horse and instead focused on some birds flying in the sky before a thought popped into his mind, could Safire fly with her wings of is she to heavy? Smiling he chuckled to himself,

'wow Fen your thinking about asking a girl if she's to heavy such a sweat talker' Safire had now switched to crying after her insults had run out but still didn't remove her tail from around Fens waist. But all this only caused a smile on his face.

"At least it won't be boring anymore." Manovering his hand around the crying melusenes tail he started stroking her head in an attempt to calm her. Surprisingly it worked Safires crying became sobs then heavy breathing.

"That's something we'd do to our young when they wouldn't stop crying, am I that much of a child to you?" She murmered.

"I can stop if you don't like it." Safire hesitated before answering.

"If it doesn't leave us can you keep doing it?"

"Sure but you have to tell me more about this maiden trial your on." Safire stiffened under Fens hand and in her tail causing a little bit of discomfort to the constricted male.

"Touchy subject." He grunted forcefully loosening her.

"Not something an outsider of my tribe should know about."

"OK I'll drop it and won't ask again but that is one of my conditions to going to your village with you." Safire sighed but nodded her head in response. Good Fen though he had planned on going to a few of the lamia tribes but not yet other places were closer in his journey.

" Now Safire something I've been meaning to ask. Can you say snake? "

" Why?"

" Humor me."


"Say serpent."


"Say slowly."

"Slowly." Confusion crossed Safires face at Fens questions.

"May I ask why when you first threatened me you were ssssspeaking sssimilar to thissssss?" Safire started giggling at Fens horrible reenactment of a snake.

"It's soppose to be more threatening and scary to none melusene at least my mother said. Didn't seem to work on you though was I not scary enough?" A snort echoed from in front of the cart as if to answer Safires question the horse in question didn't bother to turn her head at the pair.

"No sorry takes a lot to scare me perks of fighting through hell."

"What do.." The cart suddenly stopped throwing Safire off ballence into Fen who on relfex put his hands up.

Squish, squish.

"They really are soft. I can see why people get attached to them." Safire froze feeling the slight pressure while Fen kneeded her breasts, embarrassment refusing to let her talk or look away from the curious male. A slight wetness started to gather down below her bodies thoughts going parallel to her mind 'is this my chance? If I can just kiss him the aphrodisiac on my tongue will do the rest' bringing her gaze to his a slight blue glow in her puples being reflected in his. 'Good he's charmed now to kiss' lifting her serpentine body up in line with Fens, heads almost touching...

Neigh. Sasha interrupted staring at the coiled pair.

"Yea I heard you Sasha don't worry." Fen eyes reverted back to there original colours removing his hands from Safires mounds with a final squeeze.

"Charms don't work on me miss sneaky snake." Fen grabbed some of his spare t-shirts hidden in that bottom of the cart.

"Sasha thinks someones ahead probably a merchant cart of something so unless you want to share that view of your body might want to cover up, not that I mind either way." Sasha snorted but resumed pulling the cart not caring if the melusene was decent or not. Safires quickly pulled the first t-shirt she could find on finding it quite restricting on her chest but loose around her tummy leaving her bellybutton exposed. Fens attention was drawn to her figure seeming to be more alluring slightly hidden or maybe it was the fact she was wearing one of his shirts. Quickly looking herself up and down Safire didn't miss the faint trace of lust in Fens gaze especially her hard nipples poking through the shirt.

"You sure you don't want?" She said with a slight sway of her hips.

"Tempting, very tempting. But not now I like privacy not to keen on being a porn star."

"Then why not last night? Was plenty of privacy and I was plenty ready." Lifting herself up Safire pulled her rags up showing Fen a good view of her womanhood, a few drops of her juices slipping down her tail from Fens playing. Fen smiled throwing a straw pillow at her.

"Simple. I don't want to sleep with everyone that opens their legs or tail in your case for me, I refuse to become like my old companions." Lowering herself and putting on two more shirts to cover her nipples she asked.

"Then why are you accepting me now?"

"Because I don't fully know what your maiden trail is but I do know it's something to do with finding a proper mate in your culture. I'm not accepting you don't get me wrong but I don't see any reason to refuse you outright."

"So there is a chance?"

"Two conditions remember? But you did tell me last night that if I refused you you'd drag me back to your tribe and while that would be funny to watch you also agreed to travel with me so I'm giving you a chance, might regret it or might enjoy it who knows." The melusene smiled. Having used a blanket to replace her skirt rags.

"A chance I'll take it." Clanging of metal swords was heard up ahead, Sasha tail slightly raised her pace slowing down. A whine escaping her mouth as they rounded a corner in view of a cart under attack by dog like creatures.

"Well at least its not bandits I've had enough of them." Fen muttered half joking. His right arm glowed purple with runes all the way up to his shoulder causing a clang under the cart before a dual sided axe fell to the ground from its hiding spot. The axe glowed the same purple as Fens arm before shooting towards him electing a shriek from Safire as Fen caught it his eyes not leaving the fighting in front of him.

"I'll try to be quick." He smiled at the frightened melusene before jumping 5 stories into the air aiming for the cart. Safire gaze turned from frightened to marveling 'just who did I pledge to follow?' Sasha on the other hand was thinking something completely different.
