
Wei City

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Éditeur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The scenery outside the window was breathtaking, but the person looking out at it was in no mood to appreciate any of it.

The man looked out of the window and quietly said, "Darknight… do you think it's because the old man knows that I'm a little bored recently? So, he's finding stuff for me to do? Hur hur."

The person he called out was standing behind him and felt his heart tremble. Someone was going to be in hot water… When his Young Master was in a bad mood, the consequences were very severe… also, his Young Master could really bear a grudge!

Darknight kept a straight face as he quickly replied, "I believe Senior Yun Yangzhenren trusts you very much. That's why he's entrusted you with this mission and hopes that you can take good care of Young Mistress." After saying that, Darknight thought to himself, "This is Young Master's one and only female junior, so it's right to call her Young Mistress, right? Yup, I'm sure of it."

The man started speaking again, "Hoho... that makes me really want to meet this one and only female junior of mine…"

His tone of voice suddenly changed completely as he said, "Investigate all matters regarding the Feng family of Weiyang Nation, as well as detailed information on this Feng Qingcheng. Make sure you check everything carefully." His voice was incredibly cold now.

"Yes, Young Master! I will see to it now!" Darknight bowed and took his leave.

"You want to deal with the Feng family? I'm not sure if you're truly capable of doing so."

Dongfang Haochen's thoughts were very far off now. Weiyang Nation? He couldn't help but be reminded of that young lady in Langya Magical Beast Forest that was just outside Weiyang Nation's capital, and his lips curled upwards a little.

While Dongfang Haochen had ordered his men to investigate Feng Qingcheng, Qingcheng and Tealwood had already reached the capital of Weiyang Nation, Wei City.

Before entering the city, she put her white jade mask back on in order to avoid any unnecessary trouble. It couldn't be helped – this face of hers simply attracted too much attention.

Then again, her long, bright red dress, waist-length jet black hair, the exquisite chin that could be seen from below the white jade mask, and her elegant and slim figure still couldn't prevent everyone's eyes from staring at her anyway.

Tealwood was next to her in a long, white robe with his long hair in a high bun. A slightly cold gaze in his almond-shaped eyes looked ahead without glancing to the side, and he looked like a bodyguard of sorts as he walked next to Qingcheng.

It was already nearly evening time as the two of them walked along the street. This was the first time Qingcheng was seeing what civilization looked like in this universe and was a little curious, so she couldn't help glancing around.

Meanwhile, even though Tealwood was a 500-year-old Magical Beast, this was also his first time entering human civilization. In the past, he only ran into humans walking within the forest or heard other Magical Beasts talk about the human world, so he was also a little curious.

Qingcheng stopped in her tracks and looked around at both sides of the street. "Tealwood, let's go in front and find a restaurant to sit in before moving on." She figured that the fastest and best way to get any information was from a restaurant or teahouse of sorts.

Tealwood agreed. As long as his master said so, he would go along with it…

After walking for a while, they found a quaint looking three-story restaurant that looked a little old and wasn't very luxuriously furnished. There was a rather worn-out sign hanging on top of the main door, and it read 'Open for business.'

After the two of them walked in, all the passersby who had been looking at them this whole time started to discuss them amongst themselves. "That man was so handsome! That lady really carries herself well too, a pity we can't see her face. But I'm sure they're pretty young!"

Another added on, "It only takes one look to know that those two are not locals. Did you see where they just walked into?"

Another person chimed in, "Exactly! After that incident happened at that restaurant, its business began to decline. It's so sad… the boss of the restaurant is quite pitiful, too. His son has been incapacitated and almost as good as dead, while he is crippled too. How sad…" He was truly sympathetic.

Everyone started talking about how they felt great sympathy towards the restaurant's owner and his family for what happened to them. Someone reminded them, "Hush, don't talk about it anymore. If those people find out, then we're in trouble too. Let's go, let's go…"

Qingcheng had entered the restaurant and didn't know anything about what the people along the street had said. The first floor of the restaurant was about 500 square meters or so, but there was practically nobody inside, and it certainly didn't look like what a restaurant should look like at dinner time. The interior décor was quite simple, and the antiquated furnishings didn't have too many things displayed on them. When he saw this, Tealwood said directly, "Master, there's nobody here at all. Do you think they don't have any business because their food is awful? Why don't we go elsewhere?" He asked for Qingcheng's opinion.

Qingcheng wasn't bothered by this. "It's fine. Since we're already here, let's try their food." This restaurant was in a very good location, and there were plenty of people walking through the street right outside its doors. However, for some reason, there weren't any other customers. She didn't really mind since she just wanted to have dinner.

The two of them went up to the second story, and it was just as large as the first story, except that it had a few private rooms. The third story probably looked similar. They found a seat next to the window on the second story that had an excellent view of the street below.

After they took a seat, they could hear someone coming up the stairs. But this person was walking up extremely slowly, so they probably had some leg issues that affected their walking. After some time, an old man made it up the stairs. He had much difficulty while moving, and it took him some effort to reach Qingcheng's table.

He glanced at both Qingcheng and Tealwood before saying with a smile, "Welcome to my humble restaurant. I'm the owner of this place. What would both of you like to eat?" His voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded like he had been through a lot in life.

While he was assessing Qingcheng and Tealwood, Qingcheng was also assessing this old man. He was about 70 years old, with a head full of silver hair and a face covered with wrinkles. She could make out that his features used to be rather good looking, and his cloudy eyes hid away a sadness that was not easily detectable. He had trouble walking, so his body seemed a little bent, and his old hands were as thin and bony as twigs.

In her previous life, she was well versed in medicine and poisons, so her initial assessment was that this old man's leg had been badly injured by someone else. Those cloudy eyes revealed that the old man had something that worried him, and it was definitely something he couldn't do anything about.

When Tealwood saw that the old man had come to their table, he said to him, "You can serve us anything that's good for eating and drinking. Get us more meat, and if you have any wine, that'll be best." He was a wolf and only cared about eating meat. As for ordering wine, he never had any before, so he wanted to try some.

Qingcheng didn't object to his order and nodded at the old man. "We'll go with that." She paused for a while, then asked another question. "Boss, do you have rooms for us to stay in?" If there were rooms here, then it would save her the trouble of going elsewhere to look for a place.

The old man hadn't expected her to ask about accommodations, so he was stunned for a few moments before he collected himself. "Yes, yes, we do. It's at the back. If both of you would like to stay, I'll go and tidy up two rooms for you."

Qingcheng immediately decided to stay the night here and took out one gold coin to pay the old man. "You can keep the change."

The old man was shocked at first. Then he waved his hands about anxiously as he said, "No, no, no. There's no need to pay me so much. It doesn't cost so much. It's a total of three silver coins. Miss, you're giving me so much, there's no way I can accept this." He hadn't expected her to be so generous, but he couldn't bring himself to take advantage of her generosity, either.

Qingcheng felt that this old man was of pretty good character.

Tealwood was more direct, so he just said, "Just take it. Since my Master said she wants to give it to you, then just take it!" Magical Beasts didn't care so much about rules. Since the Master said she wanted to give this much, then the recipient could just take it.