
Chapter 2

I open my eyes slowly. My little brother welcomed my sight as he sit on the side of my bed, staring carefully at me and it seems like he is waiting for me to wake up.

I lift my body to sit on the bed and my eyes immediately roam around to look for my mother and father.

My brother follow me when I stand up to go outside the room. I saw them sitting on our sofa and from the looks on their faces, something bad must've happened.

My gazes went outside the window, it's still dark and the storm is still raging outside. The visitors must have left while I'm unconscious.

"Ma, Pa. What happened?" That was the first thing I asked them.

Their serious gazes moved towards me. I am not used to their appearance especially now that the stone on their foreheads are no longer there, I felt like it is already part them.

I sit beside my mother who is now carrying my little brother who is now also looking at me with serious expression plaster on his face.

"The Destined Leader Garon died, Silentis Night."

My eyes widened in shock. The leader of the gods clan died? I immediately feel the nervousness rush into my veins, for sure everyone is panicking, and everything is at mess.

But I know the new and the next leader is already set, it is already written on the magical roll inside the palace of the gods clan.

"The bad news is," my mother sigh deeply before continuing, "the roll was stolen."

I can feel the heaviness of the atmosphere. I think I can not speak or talk because of the fast beatings of my heart synchronized with the raging storm outside that's making me even more nervous.

"What will happen to the clan without a leader..." that was a whisper but everyone in the house still heard it.

There will be trouble in our race! It will surely end us splitting apart and it will be very very difficult to unite us together if that happens! Our race is very hard to to command, because everyone knows that we cannot be simply ruled or kneeled. And the only one who can grasped us together is the chosen leader, because the gods clan is a proud clan. The destined leader of the gods clan is the only key to peace.

"The Masters called us to the palace. I and your Mom is about to do a mission. All of those who are in the same generation as us have to do tasks," Papa said, his eyes are pertaining something.

That just means I and my brother will be left alone.

Their generation is fearsome and even if most of them no longer holds a title, their powers and strength cannot be shrugged off. They are still powerful and very experienced, I don't even think the new generation can par against their strength in battles. When they have the title it was like they are 200 percent of themselves, and now that it was already passed to our generation, they are only on their normal strength which I think is still very dangerous when encountered. They still have their power as once holder of the title, but because they passed the title on us, that's the only thing they will lose. Titles can double our strength and power, but still without that, gods are still strong. Enhancing in every aspect is scary, and it is indeed a big responsibility.

"Go to the city. Find a school and be prepared. Our problem is not only about the stolen roll, Silentis Night."

I think my nervousness won't get any better, while mg brother is peacefully sleeping on my mothers arms, obviously oblivious of everything.

"Bring Silentus Nightyleon, protect your sibling. There must be a traitor in our clan," his jaw move angrily, and I can feel his madness because of that. He calm down when he felt my mothers touch on his arm.

"There are some who went against our race and your generation is their main target. They must be targeting the younger ones to prevent any more power from our clan. Be safe, my daughter," my beautiful mother said, her eyes sparkle from the tears that are about to come out from her eyes.

"Ma, can't we go with you? And school? I was trained by a Master, our trainings were advanced."

She touch my arms like how she hold Papa. And just like how it did to my father, I also calm down, "Look, Silent Night. We can't afford to bring you in a very dangerous mission. Your brother is still young, I want you to experience life, do you understand me?" she gave me a kiss on the forehead because I'm just beside her. I tried hard to understand her point, "One thing is, training to improve your physical and mental abilities are not enough for the power you're going to handle."

I sighed, "Find us when you're done. I won't forgive you if you didn't make it alive."

I know that their mission isn't something to be shrugged off. They might face a very strong opponent who can invade the palace and steal easily a very important thing. There's a probability that they will kill or be killed. I am worried but our priority is my brother, I want him to experience a peaceful life too. I want him to live without fear about what the future ahead of him holds.

Because of the mess that happened, I had no choice but to abide my parents wishes. I went away from home together with my little brother, Silentus Nightyleon. He is silent as always but I can sense that he understands the situation.

I wore a black cloak with a hood that is covering my hair, on my front, my brother is in a baby carrier, his body is covered by the cloak that I am wearing. He is facing me and his head is leaning on my chest, sleeping peacefully as I walk.

The only thing that I carry is a small bag full of money and expensive stones, with some important things.

Good thing is; the cloak is is thick enough for the cold that the storm is offering.

I covered my whole body with a shield barrier to prevent us from getting wet.

The journey I had from our home is already long. Several hours have passed already since I left the small town where we were living together with some gods, but the distance from each others houses are still evident. The small town is far from the reach of many.

Now, I am already in the middle of walking in the midst of the huge forest, still carrying Silentus Nightyleon. I can feel my feet hurting from all the rocks, branch of a tree and leaves I'm stepping on. When the wind became stronger, I decided to rest below a huge tree.

I stare carefully at Silentus Nightyleon who is currently sleeping without caring about the long hours I spent walking. He didn't even mind the movement of my body, he just rested on me at peace. I smiled at that, at least his warmth is here, making me sane.

I tried to feel our surroundings, there's no glint of any presence except from the birds and some small animals. I can't sense any danger.

I sat and lean myself on the huge tree. I rest myself and later on, decided to sleep the tiredness away.

When the morning came, I immediately start walking again. If only I can summon my spirit creature. But we can only learn how to call them when we're already carrying a title, but I had no chance to meet mine because of what happened.

But I'm sure I'll learn that when I reach urban towns and academies.

It took us three days to reach one town. That's how far we are from many.

Many are walking around, they are from different races and it's amusing, I can almost stick with the others. I am not used being with this kind of crowd, how more, my brother, who is now awake.

We stop at one restaurant. Even this place is crowded. The noise is making my eyebrows furrow.

I let Nightyleon sit on the chair beside me.

"Good noon! What do you want to eat?" It was from an energetic voice of an angel who went to assist us. Silentus eyes are directed on her folded wings.

I took off the hood I was wearing before I answer, "This, and this," I pointed the dishes on the menu.

My eyes went to her again and I saw shock and amusement combined in her eyes, it seems like she's seeing unbelievable thing. She blink rapidly and she trembling took the menu.

"R-Right away, Miss!" she even gasped before rushing to the counter.

I noticed how many eyes are directing at us, it made me so conscious.

I know what our race is rarely seen in crowded places such as this, but I can't believe they will be this shocked upon seeing us here.

I look at Nightyleon who is now furrowing his brows and pouting. Just like me, he don't feel right about the attention we are getting.

On that day, our journey was not that good because everytime I'm taking off my hood that is covering my hair and forehead, and even Nightyleon, many eyes are already gazing at us.

It took us another three days to finally arrived at the city riding a huge winged horse. My brother enjoyed the ride, I can feel his joy because of his small smile.

If in small towns it's already crowded with different races, it became twice as crowded in the city. There were flying angels and other creatures, demons, fairies, shape shifters, wizards and a lot more.

My brothers grasp on me tightened because he is not used to this kind of noisy place. I hug him and I walk silently in the middle of everything.

Now, for sure there were a lot of schools here.

As I walk I saw a library. When I went in, there were floating books inside, the old librarian greet me with a lazy good morning. I wrote my name on their log in book, and the writings immediately twinkle with silver white color.

"A goddess, it's been a long time since one for you visit the city, there must be something."

I let my hood down, she look straightly at my eyes as her gazes wander to my hair, to the stone on my forehead, to my quiet brother and back to my eyes.

She adjusted the glasses on her eyes, "What can our humble library do for you?"

I don't know if I can trust her but theres no harm in trying.

"Where is the nearest academy?"

Her strict eyes became more serious, "I won't ask any more questions, but I am aware that you can feel my curiosity."

She walked over to a shelf, the librarian get a blue thick book out of there. The title holds the name of the academy.

She wipe the book before giving it to me.

"Academy of the East," I read the title.

"You're at the east part of the city, that is the nearest academy here. A prestigious and well known one."

I stare carefully at the book and I flip some pages to read the things about that school. The owners name is written in there, even the Headmistress, and some important personalities. On the back, there is a small picture of a map where the academy is located.

The old librarian let us rest and eat for awhile while we were inside. Her name is Helga, she is an A class wizard, the second class of the most strongest in their race.

When contented with the rest I get, I bid my goodbye to her and I immediately went out of the place.

It took us several hours to reach the front of the huge gate of the academy, above is the symbol of the school.

I went nearer and when it felt our presence, it opened slowly right away.

My eyes went to Nightyleon when I felt him grasped tightly on the dress I'm wearing under the cloak.

"Walk..." that's the only thing he said but I understand what he meant immediately.

I put him down and I held his hand to give him the opportunity to walk. To lessen my worry, I covered him with a silver white shield barrier.

A beautiful fountain made of precious stones opened up to us. I went nearer and I realized that instead of fishes, luxurious and expensive stones are in the water.

Later on, a strictly looking woman came to us.

"The academy felt your presence. Are you here to study?"

I let my hood down, I also take off the cloak covering my body.

"I am Silentis Night from the clan of gods and goddesses. I am here to study, Ma'am."

From the kind of stare she is giving, I can sense that she is scanning my whole

She's a witch, that's what I predicted.

"Follow me."

I did what she said and gently led my brother to walk while he is curiously looking around.

There were trees on the right and left side, I also saw huts and lake on there.

As we walk, the crowd became bigger. There are students who are looking at our direction. Some are whispering and some are eyeing us curiously.

The academy is too big, good thing my memory has been enhanced since I hold the title.

When we went up of a tall tower, we went inside a huge and elegant looking office.

"Headmistress," the witch greeted.

One beautiful woman is sitting in front of us. She is a goddess, but she no longer holds her title. There's no stone on her forehead, but I can determine through her presense, I know she is not just a plain goddess. I can feel her strength, it's massive.

"It's been a long time since one from our clan came to the city. I heard what happened."

Her gazes went to the witch, "Helena, please bring the papers and the seal."

The witch named Helena bow her head and went to one room inside this office.

She offered me the seat by pointing there. I immediately obliged.

"You're the first to arrived. I'm sure you're not the only one who'll come here."

I am aware of that fact. Now that we don't have any leader, some of the gods of our generation will come to different part of the city. We won't be stuck at one place without a leader who will rule over us.

"I am the former goddess of wisdom, I know your parents," she smiled at me before continuing, "Your mother is one of my good friends back then."

My Mother used to tell me about her friends back then. I find it awesome, especially that our clan prefer to be away from many and to do everything on our own. We can stand without companion, so for me having a friend must be great.

Her eyes went to Nightyleon who's currently gawking in front of a big shelf. He must have seen something interesting.

"He looks like Silentus, and you look like both of them," she commented.

I nodded in agreement of what she said.

The door where Helena went in opened. She went out and she gave the papers to the Headmistress and the stamp looking thing on her.

Headmistress write something on there and later on she pick her finger with a needle and she applied that to the paper. It must be a blood sealing contract.

She place the paper in front of me after that. I read it first before doing the same thing she did. The contract is yearly, and I am part of the upper class A+.

"I want to have my brother with me in any of my class," her eyebrows furrow at that, but when she realized that I am serious she heave a deep sigh.

"Fine. He is under your protection. I'll include it on our contract."

I was able to breathe in relief because of that. Silentus went to me when he saw me looking. I carried him on my lap.

"What the stamp is for?" I asked.

"It is the symbol that you're the student of our academy. Where do you want to have it?"

I nodded slowly and I stretch my arm to let her see my wrist. She stamp it on there, a sensation suddenly run towards my skin. A moment later, the symbol is embedded on the skin of my wrist. She also did that to the wrist of my baby brother.

Helena take us to our room from now on. The doors was kind of war from the buildings and towers of the academy. I notice that the dorms are also divided into A+, A, B and C. I am probably at the highest class, even the dormitory looks huge and expensive.

I no longer cared about those who looked and whispered about our arrival. For sure, that'll be our everyday life from now on.

Nightyleon and I immediately rested when we saw the bed. At last! It's been days since we slept on a comfortable bed.

I hugged him and we rested. From the days onward. I am certain that our world wil go upside down. We will encounter different persons from different clans. We will have our life in this noisy crowd and we will endure the curious stares and whisper directed to us.

But our main goal is to be stronger, go be better and to do our best in every aspect. It's necessary because I am sure, even our parents are also doing everything for the day we will be complete again.

All our lives we have our parents with us, it is the first time to walk on a different journey without them, for sure Nightyleon and I will be homesick, we will crave for their warmth, but we must endure, I am sure our parents will also miss us. But if being away from our love ones will bring us peace and safety, we will embrace that.