
Chapter 34 He didn't know her.

Julian hung up the phone and didn't answer?

What did he mean? Natalie blinked her eyes, unable to figure it out.

Was it because Niki stopped him? Or he just didn't want to answer her phone?

Looking at the page on which the phone was hung up, Natalie shook her head. Didn't he want the divorce agreement?

He hung up the phone quickly. But she still wanted a divorce!

After complaining a few words, she put her phone back into her bag with a little anger and then drove the car out of the garage.

But she seemed to have ignored Julian's message before? No wonder he hung up on her.

After standing in his shoes, Natalie calmed down, and was not as angry as before.

She'd better go there in person.

She had been to the company many times before, but the assistant had been waiting for her at the door of the private passage. She had never entered the company through the ordinary front door like an employee.