
Chapter89: love can make you a fool.

I finished my cleaning and before I knew it, it was already dark outside. I guessed Alex had not woken up and his dad had not come downstairs so I decided to make dinner then I go and call them. After I was done, I went upstairs and I found Alex not in bed. Where did he go? I took my phone and I found countless missed calls. Some were from my mom, my friends and Angela. Shit, Angela. I forgot to tell her I wouldn't be going back to work in the afternoon. Damnit, I was so engrossed with Alex issues that I forgot about work. There's no need to explain it to her right now, I will apologize tomorrow. Actually, I'm ain't calling anyone tonight. I switched my phone and got out to look for Alex.

Alex was in the study with his dad. He was sitted on his black leather chair while his dad sat opposite him smoking." You got yourself a great woman huh?"his dad asked him and Alex smiled.

"Yeah, she's great. So great."Alex replied still smiling. His dad looked at him proudly and he couldn't believe his son was smiling this brightly after so many years of grief and selfblame. He was happy for him." She makes me like this. She's my everything you know. She makes me sleep at night, she makes me laugh and smile, she calms me down. Can you imagine. I mean she's my medication."Alex told his dad.

"I get what you mean son. Your mom is my everything too. She has always been. That's why I discouraged that relationship with you and Valentine. She was not good for you. Where did the bitch go?"Alex dad asked and Alex laughed at how his dad called Val a bitch. He was not wrong though. Val was a bitch, she is still a bitch though.

"There was nothing going on between us. She's about to stir trouble I can feel it."Alex said and his dad chuckled.

"You know what you have to do. Any threat should be wiped out. Does your woman know what you do apart from the business?"his dad asked and Alex frowned.

"I do nothing apart from doing business. If you are asking if I am killing machine then no. She doesn't have to know that."Alex said and sighed. He can't show Kimberly his other side because he knows Kimberly hates such things. She is a pure soul and he can't taint her innocence by telling things that don't matter." It doesn't matter."he added and his dad laughed.

"Don't be a fool son. The day she will find out, she will be so angry. Trust me I know. Your mom was so angry that she almost left me. When she found out about the gun business, she was really mad. Don't risk it and they always find out no matter how you hide it. I tried and I failed. Look, what I'm saying is that you tell her before she catches you because it won't be pretty."

"But what if she leaves me because of what I do. She won't understand that this business world is survival for the fittest. Everything and everyone is fighting to live. It's a dangerous world."Alex said.

"She would understand if you explain it to her. Tell her how many times you have escaped death when someone is trying to kill you."

"Dad!! Are you serious? I can't make her worry about me every time I get out of the door of this house. No.. your method is not right. I'll tell her when the time is right." Alex said and his dad laughed.

"I was just messing with you, you don't have to be aggressive. You can tell her what you want. I know that look you have on your face though , you are doing so well to hide it but you forget I'm you. We are the same son. So spill the beans."his dad said and dropped the cigarette in the ashtray.

"She's kinda in trouble but she doesn't know. Well it's a long story."Alex said and told his dad the stories Sheebalie told him. He knows it's supposed to be a secret but his dad has a tight mouth so no way there will be anyone finding out.

"That's messed up son."his dad said when he was done narrating the story.

"I know. The group is so powerful that I can't approach it without a plan. I can't believe his dad was so stupid to do such a thing. I want a meeting with him so that I can give him a few punches on the face for making her suffer like that."Alex said this time angrily.

"Yeah, her dad was stupid. You do know what you just told me is something so sensitive. She can't find about it. It's gonna kill her and her mom."

"Yeah I know. That's why I'm doing everything I can to make the news disappear. Her sister is worried the guys after her dad might have seen them. I don't regret though, I don't regret at all proposing to her like that. This is the best day I ever had. If there is anything coming I'll deal with it myself. She doesn't have to know. I have enough men to protect her and I have full support from her family that apparently she doesn't know."

"You have my support too. I'm here if you need anything. Just make sure that she doesn't find about the story. It's gonna be bad even for you. Fuck!! How the hell does the bad things follow the good people? She's a good person that I know. She loves you so much."Alex's dad and Alex smiled bitterly.

"Yes, she does. I'm marrying her today."Alex revealed  and it was time for his dad to be shocked.

"Really?"his dad asked and then he smiled.

"Yeah."Alex said then he looked at the wall clock and he cursed.

"What's wrong?"his dad asked worried.

"It's so late. Kimberly must be looking for me. How long have we been talking here?"Alex asked looking at his dad.

"You are so love whipped son. We better go before she tells you to sleep outside today too."his dad said laughing imagining Kimberly kicking Alex out.

"It's not funny dad. At all."

"It is. Get your ass out Alexander."his dad said chuckling and Alex threw him a warning gaze.

I was about to knock the study when the door opened and two people came out one happy while the other one was screaming of warning. They were shocked to see me there and I wondered why.

"Baby, you are here? I mean how long have you been waiting?"Alex asked and I sensed some nervousness. Why is he nervousness? I asked myself but I didn't dwell on it so much maybe I was overthinking about him being nervous.

"I just arrived. I came to tell you guys that dinner is ready so hurry up before it gets cold." I said looking at Alex looking for any fatigue symptoms on his face." When did you wake up?"I asked him and his dad smiled. Why is he smiling? I looked at him and then at Alex.

"I..uh.. not long ago."he said rubbing his neck. He's lying. No wonder his dad is smiling." The guy from the marriage bureau is about to arrive anytime from now."he said changing the subject. I looked at him but I didn't say anything. I'll deal with him later. I made him sleep and he didn't even sleep? I can't believe this. Can't he take care of his body." Can we go downstairs please."he said and he came to grip my waist and we went downstairs following his dad who had taken the lead. He kissed my forehead and I glared at him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't sleep for long. At least I slept for a while. I'm not used to sleeping during the day."he said and my gaze softened. This is Alex. Why had I forgotten about that? He doesn't sleep that much.

"It's okay."I told him and he smiled.

"What did you cook?"he asked and I smiled.

"You'll know when you taste the food."I told him and we felt gazes on us. We looked at where the gazes came from and we found Alex's dad and some man I have never seen looking up at us. We were still on the stairs. I looked at Alex who had the biggest grin he could afford as he looked at me. 

What is this man doing instead of starting to walk downstairs. When did we stop walking anyway and stopped at the middle of the staircases. Being in love can make you a fool for sure. Alex got his hands on my waist and he held my wrist then he led the way downstairs.