
Chapter79: surprise for her

Evening came and I took a cab and went to my house. I hate everything around me and maybe my closer will be my house. I reached my house and since the keys were in Alex's penthouse, I took my spare key from the carpet at the door.

She got in the house and she breathed the air there but it was not helping. Her mind was in chaos and she didn't trust herself alone in the house so she closed the door and got out.


Alex  reached home but he found the shock he didn't expect or maybe he did expect but he was not ready to accept the truth. The house was so quiet and that only meant one thing, Kimberly is not around. She always came to welcome him home but seeing today is not the case his heart started beating fast. He didn't want to accept the truth. There was a part of him that wished he was wrong. He went upstairs and was shocked that everything was how he had left it before he went to the office in the morning. He tried her phone but it went straight to voicemail. 

He sat on the bed and tugged his hair really hard. He was stressed out and he needed to make sure Kim was fine. More importantly after what Sheebalie told him, he needs her to on his side all the time. He also needs to plan on how to initiate the process of bodyguards following her. She doesn't like that and he knows how stubborn she can be but he has to do that because her stupid father is useless.

He was so engrossed with his thoughts when his phony rung. He immediately pulled it out of the pants pocket. He swiped without looking at the caller ID. 

"Hello Kimberly baby..."

"Are you stupid? This is Shawn and however I hate it, I need you to see Kimberly. She's not fine right now and she is not picking mine or Andy's calls. I'm really worried about her Alex."Shawn said in a worried voice.

"Do you know where she is right now? What did you tell her over the lunch anyway?"Alex asked.

"Just go look for your woman. She doesn't want us around and I'm sure she's not in your penthouse because she said she will be going to her house. Go look for her there."Shawn said and he hung up.

"Tch...coward. you want me to calm her down first because you are scared of approaching her. I'm scared too."Alex mumbled to himself and sighed. He stood up and left.

When he reached the parking lot he saw her car. Why hadn't he noticed her car was still there. If her car is there then she must have taken a cab to work and everywhere. Why didn't she take the car? He took his car keys out but other keys fell down.

"Fuck!! I had her keys all this while. Now these are new problems. She is mad at me for a number of things. Damnit.. how did I not notice I had her keys."Alex shouted in the parking lot. He got in his car and drove after he vented his frustration.

He reached there but he found the house locked. He wanted to scream at the world but he didn't, he took his phone out and called Shawn again.

"What is it?"Shawn asked annoyed.

"First of all, stop with your stupid attitude. Second, call Felix tonight and finally Kim is not in her house."Alex said.

"First, fuck you Alex. Second, don't you ever talk about Felix with me. If Kim is not there look for her at her mother's house. That's the only place she can be if she's not gone to her grandmother." Shawn said and Alex frowned.

"Okay give me her mom's address."Alex said and Shawn gave him the address.

"Good luck man. She told us about the fight and she accused us of supporting you. I don't know what the hell is wrong but I think she's scared of marriage."Shawn said more like sympathising.

"I don't need your sympathy Shawn. You are a coward you know."

"I know. You have never seen an angry Kimberly. That's why I wished you luck."he said.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it."Alex Hung up and drove to the address Shawn gave him. When he reached the address he got out of the car and breathed in to calm his tensed nerves.

He pressed the door bell and waited pacing outside. He heard the lock turning and was welcomed by the face he wanted. He stared at her face and noticed the swollen eyes. Kimberly didn't say anything he just looked at Alex


After I locked my house I immediately went to my mom's house. She was not home when I arrived but I knew where she kept her spare key and I opened the door. After a while she came when I called her to inform her I'm home. 

"Heey baby girl."she said as she hugging me and as soon as I breathed her scent I couldn't help my tears run down my cheeks. She is the closure I needed." Honey, are you crying?"mom asked.

"I missed you mom. So much."I said between my sobs.

"I missed you too honey. Why are you crying."she asked and I pulled away. I wiped my tears and I smiled.

"It's nothing mom. I just missed you so much don't worry."I lied. I can't tell her about Alex.

"If you say so honey. Let me change and come downstairs and cook something for dinner. How long are you here for you."she asked as she went upstairs.

"I don't know."I said and smiled at her. I have to act normal because I can't make my mom worried. I went to sit in the sitting then I heard a bell ring. I wondered if my mom is expecting someone. Since she was upstairs, I went to the door.

I opened the door and I was welcomed by the face I didn't want to see. He looked at me and I was so tensed right now.

"Heey..."he said but I didn't say anything." I know you are mad but something is up. I want you home. I came to fetch you."he said. I felt like laughing. He came here to give me orders that he want me home. Is he serious? He's supposed to apologize at me first. I wanted him to apologize.

"Honey, who is at the door?"mom said from inside.

"Aren't you gonna invite me inside?"he asked and I glared at him. I haven't talked a word at him because I don't want to talk to him. I opened the door wider for him to get in. My mom would be so mad if she knew Alex was here and I didn't let him in. Plus, I haven't told my mom about our fight so if Alex just left, she would know something is definitely wrong.

"Alex, you are here too?"mom asked Alex who went to hug my mom.

"Yes mom, I'm here to fetch Kimberly. She said she was missing you so much and when I told her to wait for me to come and bring her here, she didn't listen to me. Now I came to fetch her and go home."Alex said smiling at my mom. He is lying and I don't know if my mom will fall for his lie.

"Really? That's no problem. As long as you are here. Son, I was about to cook dinner. Must you leave or are you staying too for a while. Kimberly is waiting." My mom said and I smiled. Huuh that's my mom.

"No need, we won't be staying for dinner. I told someone to prepare dinner for my Kimberly so we would be leaving right now."Alex said smiling and then he looked at me." Baby, it have a surprise for you."Alex said but I didn't say anything. I looked at my mom who looked at me smiling.

"It's okay honey. We can have dinner some other time. Alex, you can take her with you. I do feel something is wrong with her but she doesn't want to talk to me about it. Maybe she will open up to you."mom said and I groaned inwardly. She is so much trusting of Alex but since I don't want her to know that Alex and I aren't good and start to worry her, I smiled at her.

"Sure mom. I would leave with him. But there is nothing wrong with me. I just missed you."I said.

"Whatever you say honey. Now go."mom said smiling at me and Alex walked up to me. He held my hand and looked at my face 

"You Heard her, let's go baby."Alex said then looked at my mom and I saw him wink at my mom.