

******************back at the café***************

"What the hell did I say about my woman being off limit?"Alex coldly asked Andrew.

"She needs to know the truth Alex. Maybe she can help you."Andrew said in a whisper then Alex's phone rung.

"Sir, she's in the car." The guy from the other side of the phone said and Alex Hung up his phone.

"Stubborn little woman."he muttered to himself then looked at Andrew his face cold as ice.

"So you had come to meet my woman, to tell her about my past. Or maybe, you were using that as an excuse to see her. You see, I heard something interesting from Felix, that you had her first but you let her go after your men were killed. You said money comes first. My Kimberly is worth more than what money can buy so I hope you chase your money and I chase my girl."Alex said.

"What the hell are you talking about Alex?"Andrew said looking away.

"This is my last warning, you are off my woman. I know that shit you did with Val, it's not gonna work. Just because you can't keep your life private, don't involve me to be in the limelight like you. You fucking know I can't be in the spotlight."Alex said.

"How did you know? Though you are wrong somewhere. I didn't order those paparazzi, it was all Val. The only thing I did is make her come here. She loves you and you love her. Why the hell would you want to be with Kimberly when you love someone else?"Andrew asked.

"Who said I loved Val. We were just benefiting from each other."Alex said with a straight face.

"But you were in a relationship?"Andrew asked shocked.

"That you guys assumed was based on love. I didn't love her. I didn't feel the same way I feel when I'm with Kimberly."Alex said then drank the water that Kimberly had not drunk after she ordered her food.

"Are you in love with Kimberly?"Andrew asked.

"Yes."Alex replied looking at Andrew in the eyes."so don't you think you have a chance. I'm trying to make her fall in love with me. You left her for money so let me take control. Look for some other girl to stalk." Alex added.

"Fuck!! Enough with putting words in my mouth dickhead. I never said anything about stalking." Andrew cursed annoyed and Alex smirked.

"But that's what you did. I'm I wrong?"he asked again.

"Does she know? Because it's too fast, how long have you known her?two weeks?"Andrew asked to change the topic. He couldn't bear Alex teasing him.

"No she doesn't know. I'm playing dumb because I don't want to pressure her. She's trying to solve some issues with her feelings but she's getting there. I loved her the moment I saw her. I couldn't stay away that's why I bought the damn hospital to be close to her. I tried staying away but I couldn't. She's one person I want to protect with all my life. Do you know I can sleep full hours at night without the fucking nightmares when she's beside me?"Alex said and Andrew looked at him flabbergasted.

"What the fuck are you saying? You mean you are staying with her? So she do know about the nightmares?" Andrew talked nonstop.

"Those are a lot of questions Drew but I'm not ready to talk more with you. I can't keep her waiting. You see how stubborn she's. I can't afford her getting angry with me any further."Alex said standing up.

"So you are afraid of your girlfriend huuh? I thought I would never see you scared in my life. Fuck! what a great day." Andrew teased chuckling.

"Fuck you Drew." Alex said raising his middle finger at Andrew who was laughing attracting attention of the nearby customers. He stopped laughing and awkwardly apologized. Then one girl recognised him.

"Look he's Andrew Einstein."she said and heads looked at Andrew who cursed under his breath. Within minutes his table had been flooded with people. Others wanting selfies with him others autographs and some other girls wanting him to take their numbers so he could hook them up later. Alex who had walked some distance looked back and smirked.

"Serves you right asshole."he said then walked away.

************Back in the car**********

I stayed in the car waiting for Alex annoyed at him. Then I took my phone after I received a notification to open it and read it and oh shit!! Today was that time of the month. No wonder I'm so moody. And I don't have any tampons with me. What a great day! I sighed and laughed out loud. Alex is taking so long and now I'm about to mess myself in his car. I decided to call him. I needed to go as soon as possible. Just as I was about to call him, he came and I glared at him.

"I know, I'm sorry. Drew just kept talking."he said as he started the car. "I told your secretary to cancel your rest of the day appointments. Came with me to the office."he said and I still glared at him." Baby you gotta talk to me. I don't know why you are so mad at me today. What did I do?"he asked and I looked at him. He stopped the car and looked at me." Talk to me babe. Please."he pleaded.

"I want tampons."I said without even blinking looking at Alex who had his mouth wide open. He moved his lips to say something but nothing came out and at long last he cleared his throat and talked.

"Okay, where I'm I going to get them? Are they there in the store?"he asked calmly. I'm surprised though I didn't show it because I expected him to freak out or something. I just nodded, I didn't feel like talking to him. He drove off to the nearest store and got out to get them. He came back with a paper bag full of different kinds of tampons.

"Why did you buy all these? I can't use them all."I asked annoyed.

"I didn't know which are the best. Furthermore, I didn't know which ones that you use. Should I stop at the hotel or something?" He asked and I nodded. He drove off and he took me to the nearest hotel to change my clothes. Later we got out and we drove to his office.

"Are you feeling okay? You don't have cramps or whatever women have during their period." He asked chuckling and I smiled. He just wanted to make me smile with that shitty joke.

"It's not always severe but I'm good don't worry. So you work here huuh? I thought you bought the hospital and you should work there too."I said when he parked the car in the parking lot.

"The hospital has someone to manage it. What would I be doing there and you are not there?"he said smiling.

"So you admit you bought the hospital. When was that?" I asked curiously.

"That same day you left my mansion without even asking my name."he said chuckling. He thinks this is funny.

"Why? You didn't even know me. Did you perhaps know me before our encounter. Maybe you were stalking me. I was not wrong about you being a stalker. Admit it, that you were a stalker."I said pointing a finger at him. He laughed loudly then he held my finger that was pointing at him in his palms.

"I'm not admitting anything because I can't admit something I have not done. Now come let's go."he held the rest of my fingers then my wrist and he led the way.

"Why are you quick to change the subject. Are you hiding something from me Alex?" I asked him suspiciously immediately we entered the elevator.

"Something like what?"he asked chuckling. I just scrutinized him slowly but I didn't say anything. We were just the two of us in the elevator and I wondered where the others were. It's lunch hour people are supposed to be full in the elevator going to their respective offices.

"Why are we the only one in the elevator?" I asked looking at the elevator keys. Damn we are in the 60th floor. I looked at Alex who was looking at something in his phone.

"This is my private elevator baby don't look at me like that."he said still looking at his phone. I didn't say anything else until the elevator made the ding sound to indicate we've reached the destination. It was the last floor.