
Chapter20: what proposal?

"Why are you smiling Angela?" I asked because there's nothing funny about my story.

"Nothing, I just think you looked cute narrating the story about how you met your boyfriend who apparently is a billionaire." She said now smiling.

"He's not my boyfriend...."she interrupted me.

"Yet." She laughed again after saying that and I wondered what is so funny but I smiled too.

"Can we just go."I said.

"Why are you telling me? I was wondering if we are gonna stay here till tomorrow." She said looking outside the window. Damn it was already dark.

"What is the time? How long have we been here?"I asked.

"I really don't know can we go already."she said impatiently.

"Heey what's up. Is there someone waiting at home? Or is it past your curfew?" I teased her laughing as I started the car and we drove off.

"You're not funny ma'am" she said and I raised a brow at her.

"Ma'am, I thought we are past that?" I say because she can call me however the fuck she wants when we are outside the office.

"Fine Kim then." She said and I smiled in satisfaction.

"That's more like it. So what's up with you and Sheebalie?"I ask though I do not mind if she doesn't answer. I'm just looking for something to talk about before I drop her.

"There is nothing going on." She said taking  her phone out. Well she is avoiding to look at me meaning she's nervous.

"What are you hiding from me Angela?" I called her out.

", Nothing it's just that I don't trust her that much. "She said.

"Why do you say that?" I say now being serious.

"I don't know, I feel like something is not right. There's something she's hiding." She said and I glanced at her abit curious. She's not the only person who have said something like that. My friends too don't like her and I don't know why.

"What are you saying?"I asked to know more.

"I don't really know but why do you trust her?" She asked back.

"I don't know I feel like I can." I said smiling.

"Okay then, I trust your instincts."she said probably to cut the story short. I'm happy she cut it short because I was not liking where the story was headed. We drove in silence and I occasionally glanced at her wondering what she's thinking. Angela is a smart girl and if she says she finds Sheebalie suspicious then something has to be up. I should ask Sheebalie what she's up to. Giving all that she has given me as a repayment is probably suspicious. Or we are thinking too much. She's just maybe generous or wants to get close to Angela since she likes her but she can give her a job in her company if she really wants her close. Aaaaargh!! I screamed inside for probably thinking too much. We reached at Angela's apartment building and she got out.

"Don't be late tomorrow too Kim."she shouted as she walked to her building and I smiled that she called me my name instead of ma'am. I drove at home and I passed through the groceries store to buy the things that I had ran out in my house. After I was done I drove home. It was quite late, around eight o'clock. I entered my house and it smelled like Alex this morning before he left. I like the rose he gave me which apparently I left it in the car. I put my bags at the kitchen counter and ran off to my car to get the flower. I put it in the vase among others. I love flowers mostly roses. I buy them alot and put them in the vase in the kitchen. I usually think they smell nice and now Alex smells like that too though there's this other scent I'm not really sure about. I smiled at the thought and I put the thought at the back of my mind. I put the groceries that I had bought in the fridge and some other shopping too like milk and others. I don't want when my mom comes during the weekend to nag me. I miss her already and my friends too.

I went upstairs to freshen up and after I was done I thought of texting Alex. I thought of calling but in the end I ended up texting.


He texted back almost immediately.

"Heey too."Alex

"I cooked dinner, wonna join."Kim

"Are you sure about that?"Alex

"It's alright if you don't want to. I know it's probably late."Kim.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes."Alex


"Can I sleep there today too?"Alex. I hesitated for a moment because my heart was beating so loudly.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I'm sorry for asking."Alex

"You can sleep here tonight. Make sure you carry your clothes."Kim.

"Really? Thanks so much. I'll probably carry my clothes,  boxers too"Alex.

I didn't reply to this. I just placed my phone on the desk beside my bed. The shamelessness of this guy. Alex is the most shameless person I know. God! Did he have to talk about boxers. I went downstairs to prepare dinner as I thought about Alex. I have decided to give him a chance as well as giving myself a chance to be in a relationship and see what happens.

**************Alex's office***************

Alex drove directly to his office after he went to talk to Kimberly. Andrew and Felix were waiting for him and since Felix had just come from a business trip he went to see him. He went to his office and found them seated at the couch talking and drinking.

"Look who has finally showed up. After you left in my party without informing me, then I went out of the country and you didn't bother even to call or give an excuse I have decided to exclude you as my friend. Now I waited for hours for you instead of you waiting for me at least to show some remorse. You knew I was coming but still you left minutes before I arrived. What the fuck man." Felix complained.

"I'm sorry dude. I just had to do something super important."Alex said coldly his face expressionless.

"What the fuck is super important that you had to ditch me for it. And hold up, what are you even sorry for? For ditching my party or for today."Felix asked but he was really surprised that Alex really apologized.

"I just fucking apologized what more do you want ?" Alex growled and Andrew who had been on the sidelines intervened.

"Boys lets go down to business. What really brought us here."he said looking between Alex and Felix. Alex sat down next to Andrew at the couch and took his phone out and looked at the messages before looking at his friends who were talking about something he couldn't understand. His mind was elsewhere thinking about a certain woman.

"Alex what's your opinion on this proposal?" Andrew asked and Alex slipped out of his thoughts.

"What proposal?" He shamelessly asked and Felix chuckled while Andrew looked at him unbelievably.

"Why are you asking him Drew. He's been checking his phone after every single minute. You should ask him what the fuck is wrong with him."Felix said 

"What the fuck is wrong with you lately man. You're acting so weird." Andrew told him.

"How weird?" Felix asked curiously and Andrew told him About the day when Andrew made him drunk and took him.

"No way this Alex would be that crazy as to cry in his sleep because of a woman." Felix said laughing and Andrew shrugged smiling remembering the events of that night. Alex didn't hear what they were saying because he was busy on his phone smiling. His eyes had softened and he was typing on his phone. Then he immediately stood up and was ready to leave when Felix talked.

"Where the hell are you going. We are not done here and why are you smiling like that?" He asked confused because he had never seen Alex smiling like that. A smile that really reached his eyes. It was quite suspicious to him.

"But I'm done here. Let's meet again tomorrow. I have something I want to take care of." He said still smiling but he did not tell them about Kimberly and that he was going to see her. He had not told them about her yet and he seemed not in a hurry to tell them. He left his friends shocked.

"Maybe we should send people to trail that guy. That was super weird. What's the name of the woman you were talking about?" Felix asked.

"I don't really remember but the name starts with letter K. And we are not trailing him around. He has his privacy to maintain, when he's ready to talk he will talk to us. I don't want my men getting killed again." Andrew said sadly.

"What do you mean your men getting killed again." Felix asked intrigued.

"There's is this woman I had been trailing for months before I stopped. But when I decided to stalk her again a few days ago, my men didn't report back and you know what that means."Andrew said sighing.

"Who's this woman? Did you try to investigate about who killed your men?" Felix asked.

"She's a crush and yeah I investigated on them but the search came negative. It means someone really powerful is protecting her behind the shadow and I don't know who they are. I decided to give up, I can't stir up trouble with people I don't know because of a woman no matter how godlike she's. Money comes first to me and I don't want something I have built in years to be destroyed just like that."Andrew said taking a cigarette to smoke.

"Whatever you say man." Felix drunk his drink at once and took a cigarette to smoke too.