

Alex sat down on his chair smiling at what he heard. He just knew Xavier was gonna try some shit like contacting his wife. He kinda expected it and he didn't disappoint. He's stupid as his wife calls him.

"I told you your wife is really a person you should be afraid of."Felix who was sitting in front of Alex on the desk of Alex's office said smiling.

"What do you expect, she's my wife."Alex said proudly beating his chest.

"Don't boast too early, I am looking forward to seeing your balls chopped when she realises that you bugged her phone and that you have been listening to her phone conversations."Felix said smiling imagining Alex being kicked by his wife. He heard how Britney once slapped him in front of Andrew and Shawn at his Alekim cop launching party. He just wished he was there. That's one fun moment he missed in Alex's whole life.

"And don't start getting all excited because those stupid ideas you are creating in your head, won't get to be. I will just explain things sweetly to her and she would understand and forgive me. I will tell her how I was tracking Xavier down and the only way to do that was by bugging her phone since I knew he would be stupid enough to call her to prove to me how he can manipulate my wife too into betraying me."Alex said smiling proudly.

"Whatever man, so what's the plan now. Xavier is gonna call her again, you must know that right? He's gonna try and do anything to hurt you, and that includes trying so hard to manipulate your little wife into doing something to you."Felix explained looking at Alex worried.

"Good thing we can listen to whatever he is saying. Besides, my wife would never agree to his requests. She's really a savage that only by opening her mouth, that son if a bitch won't have any chance to harass her. That's one of the things I fucking love about her. She's always so protective of me and the people she loves and those qualities are rare to find in people these days."Alex thoughtfully said and Felix nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, I'll be seeing myself out and probably go home. Shawn is coming today from a shoot that your dad gave him an opportunity in Los Angeles and I don't want him to come home and find that I am not there. I want to cook something special for him. He's been working so hard these days to make his dreams come true."Felix said sighing. He just wondered why Shawn is working too hard. He has all the money in the world to provide for the both of them yet she just can't stop working. He really gets upset at him but then he remembers he's making his dreams come true and at that moment, he supports him with everything.

"You two should really get married, don't you think so?"Alex asked laughing.

"It's a very good idea and I'm planning to execute it but once you get married. I want you to get married first and so do my baby Shawn wants Kimberly to get married first. So just do us a favour and get married soon."

"What the fuck you talking about? I'm already married you asshole."Alex said chuckling unbelievably looking at Felix who was talking some nonsense according to him.

"I'm talking about real marriage where you hold a wedding ceremony and I see you put a ring in each others fingers. You get me?"Felix asked raising a brow at Alex.

"Yeah.. damnit, I have not given Kimberly the wedding she deserves. Jeez... I almost forgot, actually I had forgotten. I'll think of something but that's after she gives birth for sure. I can't stress her right now."Alex said and Felix nodded.

"Okay, we'll wait till you guys are ready. No rush for sure."Felix said standing up." I need to get going man."he added looking at Alex who just nodded. He sighed when Alex didn't show the reaction he was waiting for." Ain't you gonna go and check up on your wife? You do know that by the time she would be done talking with Anderson, she's gonna need you right?"he asked.

"I know but trust me when I say that talk is gonna take so long. They have so much to talk about so going right now will be like disrupting them and I want her to talk with her dad and clear all the shit up."Alex threw his head at the back of his chair and closed his eyes.

"Is there something that you want to talk about? You fucking look so stressed right now and I know that face. So fucking talk."Felix said sitting back down on the chair looking at Alex waiting for him to look at him and talk.

"Ain't your boyfriend be mad? However much I don't like Shawn, I think you should go. Don't worry about me. Nothing is wrong for sure."Alex opened his eyes and slowly leaned on his desk looking at Felix.

"Don't think you can Fool me Alex and don't worry about Shawn, he will be home by tonight so I got the time to listen to whatever is going on with you. I just wanted to go and do some office work before I went home. So talk."Felix said.

"It's Lissa. I'm just... I don't know what or how to say it."

"What the hell is wrong with her."Felix asked worried.

"It's not something bad but I am really worried that she's making decisions that are really rushed. She's dating-ish my wife's brother."Alex said sighing. This is something that has been weighing on him because he just don't know how to react to the whole situation.

"What do you mean dating-ish?"Felix asked confused.

"I'm not really sure but I have a speculation that they are kinda dating or something and I don't like it."Alex replied.

"Damn... that's heavy. I mean is it possible that you don't like it because Liam literally looks like your wife or you think that he's not good for her?"

"That's the problem Felix, I don't fucking know. All I know is that the relationship is not making really good. I mean Liam is a good guy for sure but I just feel like, I don't know...my sister is kinda rushing things or making a rushed decision because she's new to this. I just don't want her to get hurt. I feel like....."

"Alex... stop stressing out. Your sister is a grown ass woman who can take care of herself. If you are afraid that she's gonna get hurt, you should actually let her get hurt. At least she would learn from that. But seriously, maybe they are not even dating and you are assuming things. Have you even talked to her and see what is going on?"Felix raised a brow at Alex.

"I don't want to because I don't want to hear the truth."Alex mumbled.

"Ahhaaa...so you are afraid that they dating and the reason being that he looks like your wife. Is that it?"Felix asked smiling. 

"No...yes.. I fucking don't know. Maybe it's the reason. I just can't imagine her dating the copyright of my wife. I feel weird about that."Alex said.

"It's not like you are the one dating him. Why would you feel weird? He's Kimberly's twin brother, not really Kimberly."

"I know damnit, I guess I just... don't you think it's weird?"Alex asked and Felix shook his head smiling." You know what, fuck it. You wouldn't fucking understand what the hell I'm talking about. Go cook for your boyfriend. I don't want him hating me more than he does for keeping you here, though it's not like I care."Alex shugged and Felix chuckled.

"I just don't understand how the hell do you two hate each other like that. I mean, I wish you can hear what Shawn bitches about you with me. Fuck, I usually tear up laughing."Felix laughed while Alex just rolled his eyes at Felix for his abnoxious behaviour.

"Just leave already asshole."

"Oooh..one more thing before I leave. Andrew. Now that Kimberly knows what he did, he sure is in trouble so make sure you explain things to her and this is the last time I am telling you that you should really check up on him. The next time I will just bust your silly lips or break your pretty nose to get your ass there."Felix threatened.

"Whatever dude, I'll think about it and don't expect me to talk to Kimberly about him. She's obviously pissed and with her pregnancy moods kicking in, she sure won't listen to anything I say."

"Do what you gotta do. She fucking listens to you. See you soon."he said and then he walked to the door and gave Alex one last glance before leaving.


I sat across my dad, on the couch in the living room not knowing where to fucking start. I always have a lot of shit that I planned to tell him but here I am speechless and not knowing or sure what to say.

"Soo... honey, you wanted to talk?"he started breaking the silence