
Chapter182: hospital 7

Stefan led me back to my room to rest. I found Shawn and Andy gone. I laid on the bed and I looked at Stefan."I'm good now. You can get out of the room."I told him.

"I will after I make sure you are fast asleep."he said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like I'll be going anywhere Stefan."I said and he looked at me.

"I know. I just want to see you sleep and I'll be out. Bella your bodyguard will be keeping watch by the way."he said and I gave him a fake smile.

"Is that supposed to scare me or something?"I asked him and he looked away.

"I don't have time for jokes Kimberly. You should be closing your eyes right now."he said more sternly and I pouted but I still tried to close my eyes. I saw Alex's mom face as soon as I closed my eyes and I smiled.

The caught in between herself to greet me or pretend to hate me. I could see all that thanks to my psychiatry skills. But the disappointment I felt when she chose to ignore me. That really hurt though but I don't care what she feels. My mind went back to my mom and wondered how she's right now. I'm really mad but that doesn't mean I don't care. I thought about certain things and my eyes became heavier and heavier by the time and boom, I slept. I didn't even know if Stefan left or not.

Shawn and Andy were in Isabelle's hospital room looking at her not knowing what to say. This is something that really shocked them and they are not yet over it.

"Please guys, say something. I hate it that you are looking at me as if you don't me. I'm the same person. Let this issue not fool you please."Isabelle said looking between Andy and Shawn.

"Why have you been doing drugs antie? You expect us to look at you like the same person when we are not sure of the person to look at. Too much for keeping secrets."Shawn said angrily. 

"I'm sorry but they have been like my saviour for years."she said.

"Years?you have been cocaine for years? God!! Shawn can you believe this? How the hell did we not know this?"Andy asked raising her voice a little.

"Please...guys don't be mad at me. I had stopped okay? I really had stopped but then I couldn't be sober hearing that I have children I have never seen. I couldn't keep my sobriety anymore Shawn. Those news really shattered my heart. Then that girl Sheebalie came yesterday and I could feel it. I could feel she's my daughter. For twenty four years, I have been denied my right to see my kids. Do you know how that feels? No you don't because you don't have kids yet.... I couldn't help myself Andy."she said tears flowing down her cheeks. Andy and Shawn looked at each other then they looked at Isabelle.

"But you have been doing drugs for years. That's what the doctor said. What made you do drugs before then?"Shawn said. Isabelle held her head down and looked at her nails as if they are the most interesting thing in the world." Antie, answer the question, how long have you been doing drugs?"he asked.

"Over a decade."she said in a small voice. 

"What!!?"Shawn and Andy said at the same time.

"Oooh my God!!! You know what, I can't take this right now. I need some fresh air. Just be good and drink the water because you need to be in a good shape before your daughter come."Andy said then she left leaving Shawn in there.

"Shawn... I'm really sorry."she said and Shawn looked away.

"You could have died. I even thought you are dead because of how you were not breathing. You scared the shit out of me antie. What were you thinking?"he asked.

"I wasn't thinking."she said and Shawn glared at her. He looked at her for a while without saying anything then he shook his head and he set to leave.

"I need fresh air too."he said.


"Don't you call me. When you overdosed you could have thought of me, of Kimberly, of Andy, of the fact that you are about to become a grandma. I can't believe you were that selfish to not even think about us. Now tell me antie, don't I get to get mad? Knowing the mother figure I have doesn't even care about me?"Shawn said angrily.

"Please Shawn... it's not what you think please. Just listen for a while..."she pleaded with him.

"Let me have some fresh air first. Just give me this time to think and process everything please."he said and Isabelle nodded. She watched as the door closed and more tears run down her cheeks. She feels so emotionally drained right now and her head just want cocaine. She pressed the button and immideately a nurse came in.

"Please I need something to keep me going. I really need something."she said and the nurse nodded.

"This will help you sleep for now. You need rehab ma'am. Cocaine is the worst and you know that and also trying to stop is really hard."the nurse said holding a syringe and then took Isabelle's shaking hands.

"I know... I tried withdrawal myself and it was really hard but I still did it. Just don't tell anyone about this please."she pointed the syringe. You can get me some weed too. I really need it please."she said the she closed her eyes when the syringe was injected in her arm.

"I'll do what I can do but cocaine is out of reach. You can't use your means to get cocaine ma'am."the nurse warned and Isabelle nodded lying on the bed drowsiness taking over her.

In the room which Alex was in was Stefan and some other doctors. They were taking him to the theatre again because Alex's gun shot inflicted wound had started to bleed again. Only Stefan knows how severe the situation is right now but he lied to everyone because he don't want them to worry.

The wound on Alex stomach was really severe and it's a miracle that he was still breathing when he and Sheebalie found him. The blood loss was too severe and it seems whoever shot him was aiming for the kill. The only problem is that Alex wouldn't talk about what happened at least they can know what the situation is.

Stefan was really worried and even though he was really strong in front of the people, he was really hurting. Alex was his best buddy and him being like this was so sad for him. They took him to the theatre leaving Alex's family outside but he had told them it's not a big deal but only he knows it is a big deal.

Andy joined him later because he called her. He knew her surgery skills are on another level and it's a waste that she can't help in this. 

"Lissa, is there something you are really not telling us?"Mr Scott asked Lissa who looked at everyone. Her eyes fell on a lone figure sitting on the bench his head down then at his family members.

"No... I don't dad. Alex didn't say anything to anybody. I also think he might have told Stefan anything but Stefan said he didn't." She said sternly. Her family looked at eachother but they didn't say anything. Melissa walked up to Andrew and sat next to him but he didn't look at her.

"Where is Felix?"she asked.

"Baby sitting his boyfriend."Andrew said still his head down.