
Chapter173: chocolate

I was pacing back and forth at the door very anxious because Alex hadn't come home and I was really getting worried.

"Ma'am... I think you should go and sleep now. You have been awake and now it's almost two  in the morning. Master will be fine. Maybe by the time you wake up he will be home."the butler came and I stopped racing.

"I can't sleep Samuel. Not without knowing if my husband is safe and sound where he is. Maybe you can give me a bar of chocolate to eat. I really want one."I told him and he frowned.

"There are no chocolate bars for now ma'am. Would you perhaps need something else?"he asked and I frowned. I really need chocolate, in fact, all I want is chocolate.

"But I only want chocolate."I told him and he sighed frustratedly. Why I'm I even giving him a hard time, even though I need chocolate right now, it can wait. Maybe if Alex picked had his phone on, I can tell him to buy me chocolate but now his phone is off and to make matters worse, I don't even know where he is.

"You know what, it's okay Samuel. Just go and have some rest. I'll be fine. Maybe Alex is on the way right now and I want to see him before I sleep."I told him and he looked at the door helplessly. I can tell he doesn't want to leave me here but he needs to go." It's okay, I'll be fine, really."I emphasized and that's when he left but I know he didn't go to sleep because I could feel a gaze on me and I'm sure it's him. I sighed because he just won't listen to me.

I looked at my phone for the millionth time and I frowned. I decided to call the one person who I didn't want to call. I know it's late but I can't care right now. My husband is not home, and it's not like him to just disappear without informing me. I called Sheebalie and she picked up in the last ring.

"Kim.. what are you doing up till this time?"she asked and I rolled my eyes. Her voice doesn't sound like a person who had been sleeping.

"Alex is not home and I really want to know if you have heard any word from him."I asked her and she went quiet for a while." Sheebalie, are you still there?"I called when she didn't talk.

"No... I mean I have not heard any word from him. Kim, you should just go and sleep please. I'm sure he's fine and he wouldn't want you staying this late at night." She told me and I felt like killing her. 

"I can't sleep because I need to know he's fine. He just went to the enemy and now he's not home. What do you expect me to think? I need to make sure he's fine, that's all and I will sleep."I said what I wanted.

"Kim stop being this stubborn. I talked to Alex and he said he'll be home when you wake up so just go and sleep."she said and I frowned. I can feel that she's lying.

"I'm not sleeping till I hear his voice. I don't care even if it takes forever because I will surely wait. All I can do now is wait because that's what I'm good at apparently at a time like this."I said angrily then I hung up. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and damn, I they started flowing down my cheeks.

In the penthouse where Alex and Kimberly were staying before living in the mansion, lay Alex who was sweating beyond control right now. He had his eyes tightly shut due to the pain he felt as Stefan cleaned his wound.

"I can't believe you would be this stupid Alex. What the fuck were you thinking?"Anderson asked angrily.

"Can you stop shouting at me. I need a quiet environment right now."Alex said and"aaaaah" he groaned in pain when Stefan pressed his wound a bit harder and not so gentle.

"What the fuck was that for Stefan? I'm a patient damnit and I'm in pain."Alex whined and Stefan glared at him.

"That was for your wife idiot. Do you know how worried she's been the whole day? Why would you pull something like that? Now you'll make her even more worried when you go home with a big gunshot wound. She's pregnant damnit and you can't keep worrying her like this."Stefan scolded.

"You think I don't know that? I had to do that for her. I can't keep on seeing her getting hurt which has become a trend nowadays, thanks to the arrival of Anderson. Fernando took Anderson to serve as a warning, who do you think would have been his next warning experiment. Maybe her mom, or her friends or my friends too. Unfortunately or fortunately, Fernando didn't hit the jackpot this time because he thought, Kimberly cared for her father and as soon she heard he has been kidnapped, she would go against all odds to rescue him. But he was stupid as I thought. He acts rashly without thinking."Alex said with a horse voice his eyes still closed.

"But you were stupid enough to walk in the den without even back up just so you can have a conversation with him. You do know he acts rashly yet you made a stupid decision like that. You could be dead right now, thanks to your luck, you only have a gun shot which by the way, could have had you dead if your friend here was not a great doctor."Anderson said angrily." What would I have told my daughter happened to you? She would never have forgiven me and her hatred for me would be so severe that it would kill me for real this time."he added.

"But I'm fine and she will be fine for a while too."Alex said and Stefan looked at him.

"What did you guys talk about anyway?"Stefan asked curiously and so was Anderson.

"Yeah... I want to know too and how you got shot too. I deserve that."Anderson chimed in.

"No one deserve anything. You could be dead by now and more people would follow suit if I didn't do what I had to do. Now enough with the questions, I need some whiskey to help me with this pain."Alex said brushing off their curious questions.

"Alex, your wife just called."Sheebalie came running. Immideately Alex heard that, his heart stopped for a second and he shot his eyes wide open. Hearing his wife called was something he was afraid of right now. 

"She's not asleep yet? She just called a few hours ago but my battery died so I didn't get to talk but then I couldn't do anything because I got shot."Alex said.

"She insists that she's not sleeping until she knows you are safe. Such a stubborn sister I have there."Sheebalie cursed and Alex frowned.

"Give me your phone. She can't stay awake this late. She's pregnant for god's sake what the hell is wrong with her."Alex said taking the phone away from her hand.

"It's because of you she's awake at this time. She's been worried about you the whole day. You could have at least picked her phone calls and said something like, don't wait up too late, I'll be fine and might be late."Sheebalie said and Alex rolled his eyes.