
After marrying her aloof mentor, she became dark.

Falling in love with the beautiful master, she finally took the initiative

DaoistTrwRuq · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 The Shameless Peerless Demon Lord

"I'm easy to take care of..." Gu Junlin defended in a low voice.

Feng Qingxian didn't say anything, but stared at him with a faint expression.

Gu Junlin was embarrassed to be stared at by this beautiful face. Unless he was a relative, there was really no reason for the other party to take care of him.

After thinking about this, Gu Junlin said shamelessly: "How about you take care of me now, and I will take care of you when you grow up, and provide for you in your old age?"

The corner of Feng Qingxian's mouth twitched slightly: "My beauty will last forever. Even if you get old, nothing will happen to me!"

"Gulu..." Gu Junlin's stomach growled again. He blinked his big innocent eyes and looked at Feng Qingxian hopefully.

"It's still dark and I can't see the road clearly. Where can I find food for you?"

Feng Qingxian was quite speechless. Looking at these innocent eyes, she felt a sense of indebtedness. She was obviously just a sacrifice who would die by her own hands sooner or later!

Gu Junlin's eyes moved to those proudly erect breasts, and he swallowed a mouthful of foam: "You have something to eat..."

"What do you mean? Do I need to lie to you?"

Feng Qingxian frowned in displeasure. After seeing clearly where Gu Junlin's gaze landed, she became even more furious, her face turned livid, her jade hands clenched into fists, and she made a crackling bone-exploding sound, giving him a violent shudder:

"I don't have what you think of here!"

Gu Junlin held his head and said in panic: "Sister in red, I was wrong."

"It won't happen again." Feng Qingxian felt powerless. The little boy's innocent eyes were full of innocence, and he couldn't hit or scold him.

Outside the window, there was a glimmer of light at some point.

Feng Qingxian casually smoothed her waist-length hair and straightened her clothes:

"I'm going to find something to eat. You stay at home and don't run around."

"Yeah." Gu Junlin nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Feng Qingxian left with peace of mind.

Gu Junlin climbed up to the balcony on the second floor, sat on the small bench, and looked through the gap between the railings, hoping that the sister in red would come back soon.

Time passes slowly.

The sun is shining brightly.

Gu Junlin was so hungry that he felt dizzy and almost fainted.

A pair of delicate hands behind him caught him in time.

"Sister Hongyi, you're back..." Gu Junlin shook his groggy head, feeling extremely weak.

"You are so stupid. The sun is so bright. Why don't you know how to hide in the palace?" There was a trace of concern in the cold and impatient voice.

Gu Junlin smirked at Feng Qingxian: "Sister in red comes home, I want to know as soon as possible."

Feng Qingxian was stunned. She had been alone for thousands of years and had long been used to being alone. She felt complicated and uncomfortable, mixed with traces of emotion.

With a long sigh, she gathered her thoughts, and Feng Qingxian handed over the relief food: "You brat, this is what you've been shouting about for a long time."

On the white palms and slender fingers, there were several green fruits lying quietly.

The fruit is not big, Gu Junlin can only take one bite.

Looking at the child who had been reincarnated as a starving ghost, Feng Qingxian couldn't help but ask, "Is this stuff so delicious?"

"As long as it fills your stomach," Gu Junlin said while eating.

Although the fruit is small, it contains a lot of energy. After eating a few, Gu Junlin felt a little full. He handed the remaining few to Feng Qingxian:

"Sister in red, here you go."

Feng Qingxian pushed it away in disgust: "I don't need it."

Gu Junlin looked at her in a daze, his eyes covered with a layer of white mist. This scene shocked Feng Qingxian. She thought that she didn't say anything excessive, right?

Are people nowadays so mentally fragile?

It's so hard to carry!

"I'm sorry, it was me who dragged you down." Gu Junlin hung his head, blaming himself.

Only then did he notice that the glamorous sister in red had a gray face and a branch in her hair, as well as a few fallen leaves.

"It's good to know!" Feng Qingxian snorted coldly from her nose. It took her a long time to find this fruit.

Not only that, the fruit tree, which was about the size of a hug and tens of meters high, had an extremely smooth body. Even with her mortal body and considerable physical abilities, she could only hug the tree tightly with all her strength before she could barely move upward.

If the world knew that she, the majestic leader of the Phoenix Clan and the Supreme Demon Clan, had committed such an indecent act, they would definitely laugh out loud!

Thinking of having to go through today's embarrassment for sacrifices, Feng Qingxian had the urge to strangle Gu Junlin to death.

But when she saw Gu Junlin's little face full of tears and guilt, the resentment in her heart suddenly dissipated, and she just said coldly: "You bastard, follow me!"

Gu Junlin followed Feng Qingxian in confusion. The two of them went downstairs, opened the back door and walked several hundred meters, climbed a hillside and came to a hot spring.

The area around the hot spring is full of life and covered with grass, which is like a green blanket and feels soft when you step on it.

"You're all sweaty and stinky." Feng Qingxian pointed at the spring water and scolded coldly: "Go down and take a bath!"

With that said, he pushed him into the water without even taking off his clothes. "Plop." Water splashed everywhere.

Gu Junlin emerged from the water, raised his head and wiped the water from his face with his hands, then shook his head, opened his eyes, and saw that Feng Qingxian had also taken off her clothes.

Shoes, coats, and long skirts were placed randomly on the grass.

In the hot spring, Feng Qingxian put her hands back and rested her elbows on the grass. She frowned and looked at Gu Junlin who was leaning on the other side, far away from her:

"You brat, why are you running so far away? Will I eat you?"

Gu Junlin shrank into the water, leaving only one pair of eyes outside. The memory of being teased by two female gangsters was still vivid in his mind. Maybe this was a more beautiful female gangster.

It was just a joke at first, but seeing the other party's reaction like this, Feng Qingxian felt a little unhappy.

Her appearance is the most beautiful in the world, and she is the goddess in the hearts of countless men. Others don't even have a chance to get close to her, but she is actually disliked today?

"You brat, come here!" Feng Qingxian said with a straight face and a commanding tone.