
262. Strange fishy smell

The Witch's identity was revealed, and Tasya was not surprised.

Upon reflection, Lin Da must have known during the Monster Tide.

Tasya responded with a hum and closed her eyes.

She immersed her mind into her body, checking the black contamination flowing in her blood.

Then, she was startled.

It had decreased.

Just like when she fainted during the Monster Tide.

The Witch's Corruption had inexplicably lessened!

Although the amount decreased was only about one-tenth, under the premise of a sufficient base number, one-tenth was not an insignificant figure.

Theoretically, the Witch's Corruption should only increase, never decrease.

This was a contract forged with the Demon King.

No power was able to break it.

But the undeniable fact before Tasya was that the contamination certainly had decreased.

If the instance during the Monster Tide was a coincidence, what about this time?

She looked up at Lin Da's face, his confident smile.

It became clear.