
After I Suicide My Life Restarted With The Life Restarted I Longed For

Have you ever felt like life is just too much to handle? Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you can't go on anymore? That's how I felt before I decided to end it all. But then something strange happened, I woke up in a different reality, one where my life was everything I had ever wanted it to be. The question is, what will I do? Accept and happily cherish it or vainly repeat the wounds of history? What is this life I had longed for? *DISCLAIMER!* Please be advised that this book contains sensitive and potentially triggering content, including but not limited to self-harm, physical and sexual abuse, and other traumatic events. These events are depicted in a fictional manner and should not be taken as a guide for real-life actions. The novel does not promote or normalize suicide in any way. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a professional.

Haruki_Vanz · Politique et sciences sociales
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33 Chs

Chapter 22 Strangled Rope

Chapter 22 Strangled Rope

June 6, 2012 (New Present)

While still confused by my questions, my mother came into my room and saw me. "Oh, you're awake, Justin. Good Morning! Come on, and let's eat breakfast." My mother said as she went to the window to open the curtain in my room." I need to ask my mom about it.

I asked my mom while she was opening the curtain. "Mom, why is my first day at school on Monday this week? But as far as I know, the class starts in April?" I need to be straightforward. My mom was stunned for a second but turned around to face me, and she replied: "Before I answer that, let's eat breakfast, okay?"

I saw my mom's face when she passed me; she looked remorseful. What's with my mom?

I followed my mom to the kitchen and saw my dad drinking his coffee on the table while reading the newspaper. My dad looks like a typical dad.

While he was drinking coffee, he saw me. By the time he saw me, he had greeted me good morning.

"Good Morning, son. Let's eat breakfast." Dad lifted me so I could sit on the chair. Since my body is only 8 years old, I still can't sit in the chair because it's taller than me. I'm tiny compared to people my age.

Our breakfast looked delicious again, and we had various food on the table. There was an Asian-style and Western-style breakfast. Every breakfast is a feast.

My mom is also seated, and she's in front of me. Then my mom asked my dad.

"Hon? Should we tell Justin what happened?" my mom's voice trembled with worry and apprehension. Her eyes were full of guilt and pain, and I could tell that whatever they were about to say would be difficult to hear.

"About what?" My dad's tone was casual, but I could see the concern etched on his face.

"About what happened in April, the accident. Our son is asking why this week is his first day at school if the start was in April." My mom's voice cracked as she spoke, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"I see. Then we should tell him what happened in April." My dad's voice was low and serious, and I knew this would be bad news.

I swallowed hard, feeling a lump forming in my throat. Why did they sound so serious?

"The truth is… you've been in a coma for one and a half months and just woke up from a coma on June 1." My mom's words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't believe what I heard. I had been in a coma for a month and a half? How was that even possible?

"You were in a coma because of my negligence." My mom's voice was barely above a whisper, but her words cut through me like a knife. The guilt and regret in her voice were palpable, and I could see the pain in her eyes.

"Hon, stop blaming yourself. After all, it was just an accident, and nobody wanted that to happen. It's not your fault." My dad's voice was gentle and soothing, but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

I was still reeling from the news and needed to know what had caused the accident. "So… mom? What happened, and what was that accident?"

"It was April when you had an accident. You were just playing in our backyard, and I cleaned the house. All I knew was that you were just playing alone when suddenly I heard a shout coming from our backyard." My mom's voice was filled with sorrow and regret; I could tell this was a painful memory for her.

"And then I heard the words that would haunt me for the rest of my life. 'HELP!!! THE CHILD IS STRANGLED BY ROPE!!!'"

"I immediately went to our backyard to see what had happened, and there I saw two little kids trying to climb our fences."

"LOOK! THAT KID IS STRANGLING IN A ROPE IN YOUR HAMMOCK." "Then they pointed their finger at you."

"I looked where they were pointing their fingers at. Then I saw you struggling while you were strangled in the rope, then… suddenly you immediately lost your consciousness."

"I instantly grab our pruning shears. (Pruning shears are usually used for cutting branches of a plant) and rushed towards you."

"I cut the tied rope around your neck. After I cut the rope that suffocates you, I tried to wake you…but you're not breathing anymore, and your face turns violet... At that moment, I didn't know what to do, so I asked the two kids that made it climb to our fences.

"I asked two of them how long you've been strangled by ropes, then two said they didn't know. They said that you were already struggling on the rope when they just passed by our yard."

"I'm already in a state of panic at that time, and I don't know what to do anymore."

"The one kid looked at you, and she told me that I needed to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) immediately to prevent much further damage in your brains due to Asphyxia." (Asphyxia occurs when the amount of oxygen in our brain decreases and could lead to unconsciousness or death.)

"She told me that I needed to pump your chest with the right amount of pressure to continue blood circulation in your body so your brain receives oxygen. I don't know how to do CPR. Fortunately, she knows how to do CPR, so she taught me how to do that."

"I still can't believe that she knows that at her age."

"Then the other kid asked me where the phone was so she could call an ambulance," I recounted, my voice still shaky. "I pointed towards our phone, and to my surprise, the other kid instructed me on how to perform CPR. Their response was like that of an adult, not a child. I couldn't believe it."

A few minutes passed, and the ambulance arrived, and I thanked the two children who had helped.

"We rushed you to the nearest hospital. When we arrived, the doctors sprang into action, trying to revive you using a defibrillator and CPR," Mom continued. "But your vital signs were absent - you no longer had a heartbeat. My heart sank."

The ECG machine beeped rhythmically, its lines running across the monitor. 

"Then, after 30 long minutes, the machine showed a sign that your heart was beating again," She said, her eyes misting.

"The doctors informed us that you had been asphyxiated by the rope for five to eight minutes and that it was enough to kill someone. They warned us that you may have suffered brain damage due to the lack of oxygen in your body. We had to wait for further tests to know the extent of the damage."

"When will he regain consciousness?" "I asked the doctor, feeling desperate for an answer."

"It's only a matter of time. He replied, "We'll find out how bad the damage is to his brain."

"Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but you still didn't wake up. The doctors told us that there may have been permanent damage to your brain and that you might never wake up, but your father and I didn't give up hope."

"Then one day, the doctors did more tests on you and found that you had brain activity. "

"There was hope that you might regain consciousness. And the very next day, on June 1, you opened your eyes."

"Your father and I were overjoyed, and even the doctors were surprised at how you had regained consciousness despite the damage to your brain. They tested you again and found that everything was fine in your brain as if nothing had happened. You were cleared to be discharged from the hospital."

"June 3, you were allowed to be discharged to the hospital."

So… that's what happened. I placed my hand on my neck, and it looked like I was choking myself.

I got strangled by a rope…again. Huh?

As my parents apologized for what happened, their faces were filled with sadness and regret. "Forgive me, son, if that happened because of my negligence. If I had watched over you properly, it wouldn't have happened. Until now, we still can't figure out how that occurred," my mom said, her voice quivering with emotion.

I could see the pain and guilt in her eyes, but I didn't want her to blame herself for what happened. "Mom... it's okay now. Look at me. I am all fine and good! And also, if there's one who's at fault, that's me because I got too careless, so it happened, so don't blame yourself for that, Mom," I reassured her.

My dad also chimed in, "Yeah, don't put all the blame on you, hon. I'm at fault, too, because I didn't check if our hammock is child-friendly."

I smiled at my parents, trying to alleviate their worries. "Anyways! It doesn't matter right now. The only thing that matters is that we are complete and happy together. I can promise you that from now on, I will be even more careful in what I do. I know you two must be worried about me, but I'm fine now, and it's all because of you, Mom, and Dad. Thank you for always taking care of me," I said, beaming at them.

My mom's expression softened, and she smiled back at me. "Thanks for that, Justin."

My dad chimed in, "Yeah! Let's eat. Our breakfast is delicious!"

So that's also the reason why my grandma told me that my birthday party was unexpected. I'm amazed that in a short time, my parents pulled off my birthday pretty well. My parents… are extraordinary to me.

"Now, now, let's change the topic." My dad said with a sly grin. "By the way Justin, how are you and Mrs. Suazo's daughter? Did you get along with her?"

  I chuckled nervously, "Yes dad, I do get along with her. She's fun to talk with."

"That's great then! I know you two will get along and also… she's pretty cute, right? Hehehe."

  My cheeks flushed bright red as I stammered out a response, "YES, SHE IS!" Oh no, did I just say that out loud? I could feel my dad's eyes on me, laughing at my expense.

"Looks like you already found your crush! HAHAHAHA," my dad joked.

  "Wait, dad!! It's not like that!! You just misunderstood me, dad. Yes, I'd admit she is really cute, adorable, gorgeous, elegant, and a woman. But it doesn't mean I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!" I protested, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  My dad continued to laugh at my flustered state, "If you could see your face right now HAHAHAHAHA."

I glanced at the mirror and saw my face was beet red. I needed to control myself, I was eight years old now but I still had the mind of a 35-year-old. And Mrs. Suazo's daughter was physically, mentally, and emotionally eight years old. I needed to suppress my feelings at all costs!!

  "Hey, hon! Stop teasing Justin like that, please. He is too young for that," my mom chided my dad while pinching his arm.

  "I got it, I got it! HAHAHA. Justin, you should change your clothes now because Mrs. Suazo's daughter will come soon."

  I quickly changed my clothes, my mind still spinning from the teasing. I wondered what time it was and if my crush would arrive soon.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, "Ding-dong~ ding-dong~"

  "It must be Mrs. Suazo's daughter," my mom said, rushing to answer the door.

  "Good morning Mrs. Esca," the beautiful girl greeted my mom.

  "Good Morning too, by the way, where are your parents?" my mom asked.

  "Ah, dad and mom left early because they had a business trip," my crush explained.

  "Is that so? Then what time can they get home?" my mom inquired.

  "I just don't know, they said that they will be out of town and it's pretty far. But they left me food for dinner if they didn't make it back home tonight," my crush said.

  "Sorry for waiting!" I said while running to our door.

The girl greeted me with a warm smile, "Good morning Justin!"

  I couldn't help but blush at her beauty, "You are way more beautiful than morning." Wait, did I say it out loud again?!

  My crush looked away, her cheeks reddening as well. I couldn't believe I was embarrassing myself in front of her.

  I looked at my dad and saw his face on a smug while giving me a thumbs up. He was clearly enjoying my awkwardness.

  "You two should get going now and be careful on your way!" my mom said.

  "Yeah mom!" We waved our hands.


To Be Continued.

The husband and wife watched as their son and Mrs. Suazo's daughter walked.

"Mrs. Suazo's daughter is such a sweetheart, don't you think?" the woman said, her eyes following the kids.

"Absolutely! She may be young, but she's wise beyond her years. And she has such a kind heart," the man replied, smiling at his wife.

The woman's face lit up, "You're right, honey. She saved our son's life, and we owe her so much."

The man put his arm around his wife, "We'll never forget what she did for us. But you know what I noticed earlier?"

"What's that?"

"Our son and Mrs. Suazo's daughter were already flirting!" the man said with a chuckle.

The woman's eyes widened, "Are they? Oh my goodness, I didn't even realize it!"

The man teased her, "I can't believe my usually perceptive wife missed it!"

The woman playfully hit her husband's arm, "Stop it! But you know what? I don't mind if they end up together. I think they would make a cute couple."

"I agree, as long as they're happy," the man said, pulling his wife closer.

The couple watched the kids disappear from view. The man squeezed his wife's hand, "Let's make sure to always support them, no matter what."

The woman leaned her head on her husband's shoulder, "Yes, let's always watch over our children and their happiness."