
After I Suicide My Life Restarted With The Life Restarted I Longed For

Have you ever felt like life is just too much to handle? Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you can't go on anymore? That's how I felt before I decided to end it all. But then something strange happened, I woke up in a different reality, one where my life was everything I had ever wanted it to be. The question is, what will I do? Accept and happily cherish it or vainly repeat the wounds of history? What is this life I had longed for? *DISCLAIMER!* Please be advised that this book contains sensitive and potentially triggering content, including but not limited to self-harm, physical and sexual abuse, and other traumatic events. These events are depicted in a fictional manner and should not be taken as a guide for real-life actions. The novel does not promote or normalize suicide in any way. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a professional.

Haruki_Vanz · Politique et sciences sociales
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33 Chs

Chapter 21 Home

Chapter 21 Home

June 5, 2012 (New Present)

Our class is over, and I'm on my way home with my crush. I'm still nervous about it, even dense as I can't keep conversing with her. I can't help but tremble with her elegant presence. Mind you, she's very popular as well. I always think she's way out of my league.

Mehhh, I'll get used to talking with her casually. No stutters. After all, I just wanna be friends with her. That's all... That's all.

We said goodbyes after reaching our homes. "Uhmmm and s-see you tomorrow," I said

She responded, "Mhm, see you too tomorrow." Then waved each other farewell.

Since my old life, I have enjoyed being in school for a long time. No one hates me for who I am anymore. Not a single cuss about me nor my Dad. As a matter of fact, they're always telling me how they admire my Dad. How nice to hear of it.

I entered our house and saw Mom mopping the floor alone. She noticed I arrived and greeted me, "Oh! Welcome Home, kiddo. How was school?"

  It feels so good being welcomed home with the people you love.

"It was good, Mom. Me and my classmates are getting along really well," I replied happily.

"Ooh, that's so nice to hear, honey." Mom's cleaning our house... no, by its size, it's more like a mansion! She's cleaning all alone again, in this colossal house. Maybe this time I can help her.

"Mom, can I lend a hand with the housework?" I asked, 

  "You're so thoughtful, son, but Mommy's got this. Just go to your room, have a change of clothes and play outside. And also you already helped us last night?" Mom replied.

  But I wasn't ready to give up just yet. "But Mom, I want to help however I can. So, I decided to stay here and clean this enormous house with you. So whether you like it or not, I'm not gonna leave you here all tired."

  My mom looked at me with a mix of surprise and amusement. "I guess it can't be helped then. If my son is so stubborn to help his mother, then fine. I'll let you help me." She sighed while softly patting my head and smiling.

  As we started cleaning the house, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. It felt great to be helping out and making a difference. My mom and I chatted and joked as we worked, and before I knew it, we had swept the floors in and out, washed the dishes, and done the laundry.

  But cleaning this giant house was no easy feat. I felt exhausted, and I could tell my mom was feeling the same. "I understand better why Mom ended her own life before. I will let that happen no more. Never again," I thought to myself.

  Despite the fatigue, we kept going, and the sense of satisfaction we felt when we finished was unparalleled. As we stepped back to admire our hard work, I looked up at my mom and said, 

  "Thanks for letting me help, Mom. This was actually kind of fun."

  My mom smiled and gave me a tight hug. "Of course, honey. I'm so proud of you for being such a helpful and caring son. And I had fun too." Then she looked at the window.

"Oh, I think it's evening now. Time to prepare for dinner. What would you like for dinner tonight, son?" Mom asked, her eyes scanning the contents of the fridge. My stomach growled in anticipation as I pondered my answer.

  "Uhmmm, can we have chicken curry tonight, Mom?" I asked, hoping we had all the ingredients.

  "Okay! We just have enough ingredients to make it," she replied, a smile spreading across her face as she started gathering the necessary utensils.

  I offered to help, but as always, Mom was hesitant. "My son is so thoughtful, but you've done enough today, hon. And I'm sure you're pretty tired," she said, patting my head.

  But I wasn't about to give up that easily. "I'm barely tired, Mom. I wanna help you cook since I wanted to see and know how you do it. I wanna know your secrets as to why our foods always taste delicious. After all, I'm strong like you, Mom," I said, flexing my muscles.

  Mom chuckled, unable to resist my enthusiasm. "Looks like I can't stop you after all. Then can you assist me with washing the vegetables?"

  "Of course, Mom!" I said, eagerly grabbing a bowl of fresh produce.

As we worked, I couldn't help but ask, "Mom, how come everything you cook is so delicious? What's your secret?" I bet she'll say its "love"

  Mom paused for a moment, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "The only secret in making delicious food is to be really good at cooking. You must always be open to learning more about it. I studied cooking at a vocational school where I learned various dishes."

  I frowned, a little disappointed that there wasn't a secret ingredient or mystical cooking technique involved like 'love'

  Mom spoke again "I know that most people would say it's love. They're right too, of course, you have to love what you do. Otherwise, you won't feel it. But is love all there is to it?"

  Mom's smile widened, and she nodded. "Well, love certainly helps, but it's not the only thing. It's all about practice and experimenting with different flavors. And, of course, having a sous chef like you!" she added with a playful wink.

  I grinned, feeling proud of myself for being her trusty assistant. Together, we chopped, sautéed, and simmered our way to a mouth-watering chicken curry that filled the kitchen with tantalizing aromas.

  As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but admire Mom's skill and hard work. She truly was the strongest and sweetest woman in the universe, and I was lucky to have her as my mom.

I could feel the warmth of the evening as we walked towards the door. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow on the houses and trees, and the birds were singing their evening songs. 

  Suddenly, a car horn honked, breaking the peaceful silence. "Oh, it must be Dad!" Mom exclaimed, with a smile on her face. "Let's go greet him, Justin!" I eagerly followed Mom to the door, my heart racing with excitement.

  As we opened the door, Dad appeared, his face beaming with joy. "I'm home!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the house. He looked tired, but seeing us made him forget all about his exhaustion. "Welcome home, darling!" Mom said, giving him a warm hug. "Ooo, you look so tired," she added with concern.

  "Yeah, hon. I attended countless meetings today," Dad replied, rubbing his eyes. "I met with our local farmers and the contractors for infrastructure projects. Because of that, I still have a lot of paperwork to take care of."

  "I see," Mom said sympathetically. "Well, come now, we made dinner."

  "Wow! I can smell the aroma just from here. Can't wait to taste it!" Dad exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with anticipation.

  I ran towards Dad, and he scooped me up onto his shoulders. "How's my wonderful boy?" he asked, tickling my belly.

  "I'm great, Dad!" I replied, giggling uncontrollably. "I helped Mom with cleaning today, and even cooked dinner with her!"

Dad was amazed. "Well, how about that! That's my son right there! I'm proud of my little man helping his Mom."

  Mom chimed in, "I tried refusing him, but he's very persistent, hon."

  "Anyways, let's eat!" Dad said, rubbing his hands together with excitement.

  We all sat down at the table, and I felt a sense of belonging wash over me. For the first time in my life, I was eating dinner with my family, and it felt incredible. The food tasted amazing, but what made it even better was the company. We laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company.

  As the night went on, I felt a sense of love, warmth, and happiness that I had never felt before. The Esca residence was filled with laughter, joy, and life, and I knew that this was the start of something beautiful.

We finished eating, and I was very full. "Thanks for the food, Mom. It's delicious!" "You're welcome, Justin. For you, I will always cook more delicious meals."

My Dad and I sat cozily on the couch, immersed in the warmth of our home. We were watching some shows on television, while my Mom diligently washed the dishes. Suddenly, my Dad turned to me and said, "Thanks for helping your Mom with house chores today, Justin. Your mother is the backbone of our family. She works so hard to keep our house running smoothly. 

But I can see that it takes a toll on her. That's why we need to help her more often."

  I nodded in agreement, knowing that my Mom deserved all the help she could get. My Dad continued, "Your mother is an extraordinary woman, Justin. She's not just capable, she's unstoppable. She's faced so many challenges in her life, and yet she still manages to keep smiling and make our lives better. I don't know where we'd be without her."

My heart swelled with pride and love for my Mom. She truly was a superhero in my eyes. My 

  Dad's words echoed my sentiments exactly. "She's the strongest person I've ever met, and I'm grateful for her every day. I fell in love with her because of her resilience, and I will love her forever."

  As we basked in the comfort of our home, my Dad turned to me once more. "Justin, can I count on you to help your Mom here at home? We all need to do our part to make sure she doesn't overwork herself."

  I smiled and replied, "Of course, Dad! I'll do whatever it takes to help Mom." My Dad beamed at me with pride and affection. "Thank you, son. That means a lot to your mother and me."

Mom finished washing the dishes, and she also sat on the couch. "What are guys talking about?"

  "It's nothing hon, come, let's watch some movies."

  As I nestled in between my parents on the couch, my dad grabbed the remote and began flipping through channels until he settled on a movie. The warm glow from the TV illuminated the room, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air. It was the perfect blend of fun and comfort, and I couldn't help but feel at home.

  But as the night wore on, exhaustion began to catch up with me, and my eyes grew heavy. I could feel myself drifting off, cradled in the loving arms of my parents. Just before I fully succumbed to sleep, I heard their voices whispering sweetly in my ear.

  "Goodnight, Justin," my mom said, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You must be tired, but thank you for helping us today. We love you so much."

I smiled sleepily, feeling their love and warmth wash over me. This was my home, and I knew that no matter where life took me, this feeling of safety and belonging would always be with me.

The next day I woke up in my own room. I looked at my digital clock, and I saw the date today. "It's June 6, 2012; it's my new reality after all." After I stretched my whole body, I opened my closet and looked inside it. I already have a lot of clothes. Before, I remember I only had a few clothes, and most of them were just given to me by some of our neighbors.

I saw my parents and friends' gifts inside the closet.On the closet door is where i sticked the photos of my family and friends. From now on, I will capture every happy moment of my life. I'll cherish it all my final breath.

I'm going to cherish this photo until my last breath.

Then suddenly the MP3 player that my quiet girl gave to me, fell. While looking at it, I remembered something. "Oh, I remember now! It looks the same as the MP3 that little boy who found me back then. I couldn't even return that MP3 player to him… I just found out that he was the boy who saved me after his death.

Just wait! If I go back in time. Maybe I've already met him in April. Wait! Just a moment. We met because our driver had tried to trick me for me to get lost, and now maybe that didn't happen, so maybe we didn't meet at all.

What really happened to me in April? I can only wonder why the first day I went to school was June, but as far as I remember, the start of class was still April. So what has really happened to me in recent months?


To Be Continued