
44, the Great Sage and the demon

Learn, everyone, come and learn!

Look at how other people chat!

All you lower-ranking women just know how to take and take, not realizing that as long as the emotional value provided is sufficient, you don't need to say anything, and the man will be willing to dig deep into his pockets.

Actually, men don't need much—an encouraging word when they're feeling down, a warm hug when they're tired, and a hot dinner after work.

Then, this man can fully recover, continue to carry the burdens of life, and forge ahead with determination!

Yet the words many women often have on their lips are "So-and-so's husband makes so much money" "Marrying you was a complete mistake" "Why can't you learn from someone else"...

Though they give their all at work, when they return home, they're met with nothing but complaints and nagging.

The fatigue of the body will pass after a rest, but such psychological stress will only build up and deepen, eventually leading to a breakdown!