
After Breaking Up, I Married the General

Ryzel, a nineteen-year-old guide, was expecting to marry Dwight, but the man changed his mind a month before the wedding. “I’m sorry, Ryzel. I wanted a nice and compassionate wife, so I am going to marry Sean instead. Unlike you, who were usually preoccupied with other things, he always showed concern for me. Not to mention how highly compatible we are with one another. I've actually met him before, but he persuaded me to date you because he feels sorry for you." Without even waiting for Ryzel's response, the man left. Ryzel, who was left behind, can't even bother caring about his heart because he's been dealing with a lot of issues as a result of the sudden rejection. He was turning 20 in a month, which meant he had to be married according to the federation's laws. After he reaches the age of 20, the government's assistance will cease, leaving him to fend for his own expenses. If he is not married to a powerful sentinel, he will not be able to reclaim his inheritance and will be forced to die on the front lines. He instantly began looking for solutions, but his hope kept dwindling as his birthday approached without a proper solution to his problems. On the day he felt all hope was lost, his ex’s superior, General Lewis, proposed to him. "I'm not gentle and kind; my priority probably won’t be you; our compatibility may not be high; do you still want to marry me?" Ryzel questioned, fixing his gaze on the general. "It's okay, I don't need my wife to be gentle and kind. Our compatibility is also high. You can focus on your studies, job, or dreams. As long as you remember that you are my guide." “Okay, let’s get married.” ------------------------ This is the story of Ryzel's advancement in career and love life, even with all the troubles surrounding him.

Ann_Lucy_4506 · LGBT+
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156 Chs

Chapter 5: Breakup

He assured Lyre that he would inquire about it, but for the time being, he was merely holding the communicator. He was still thinking about what Lyre had said to him.

He knew that two months ago, the army to which Dwight belonged was currently reporting to the Capital Star, where he currently lives.

But Dwight rarely visited him, claiming that he was too busy with his duties in the army. As he recalls, Dwight only visited him four times in the past two months.

He had no qualms about it because he was also busy doing his own research.

He assumed Dwight was preoccupied with his duties, which was why he didn't have time to visit him.

It never occurred to him that Dwight might be meeting with someone else instead of him.

Ryzel didn't want to spend more time thinking about it, so he wanted to question Dwight right away, but he was a little hesitant because he wasn't the one who saw it.

When he was about to call Dwight, he received his message first.

Dwight: Ry, I'm here to pick you up.

Ryzel: Okay, wait for me. I just need to organize everything in the laboratory.

Ryzel arranged everything he used in the laboratory.

It was simple since, due to Lyre's interruption, he didn't spend much time performing his study.

After making sure that everything was in its proper place, he went out.

As soon as he stepped downstairs, he noticed Dwight's aircraft.

Ryzel walked in and greeted Dwight right away.

"Hello, Dwight, why did you visit today?"

Ryzel was expecting a warm welcome like he always did, but what greeted him as he looked in the driver's seat was a frigid face.

Ryzel looked at Dwight, who had a cold face since he had sat in the aircraft.

It wasn't the Dwight he was familiar with nowadays. It looks more like the Dwight when they aren't very close.

Or better yet, the treatment he is currently receiving is worse than when Dwight was facing strangers.

When confronted with outsiders, Dwight would not maintain a cold expression. When he didn't know the person he was speaking with, he was always courteous and considerate.

The way he was treated today was worse than how Dwight treated strangers.

"Dwight, what do you want to tell me?" 

"I will tell you once we reach your apartment," Dwight answered without even looking at him, just focusing on driving the aircraft.

"Okay." Ryzel wanted to say something more but shut his mouth.

He actually wanted to ask about what Lyre told him about, but looking at the aura of Dwight, he remained silent.

He thought he could just ask Dwight once they arrived at his apartment.

Once they arrived at his apartment, Ryzel immediately said,

"Before I listen to what you want to tell me, can you first answer my question?"

"Okay, just ask," Dwight responded, maintaining an icy expression and appearing to be in a terrible mood.

"Yesterday, my friend saw you together with Sean. Could you tell me what your relationship is?"

"Oh yeah, I remember that's your friend.

Your friend was really rude, and Sean cried because of it.

That's also the reason why I finally decided to come here today. "

Before Ryzel could refute that his friend Lyre wasn't being rude, Dwight continued.

"I'm sorry, Ryzel.

I wanted a nice and compassionate wife, so I am going to marry Sean instead.

Unlike you, who were usually preoccupied with other things, he always showed concern for me.

Not to mention how highly compatible we are with each another.

I've actually met him before, but he persuaded me to date you because he feels sorry for you."

Before Ryzel could process what Dwight was saying, he once again continued.

"I already told your family about it before coming to see you, and they all agreed about the cancellation of our marriage. Goodbye, Ryzel." 

After speaking, Dwight immediately left without even giving Ryzel time to speak.

Ryzel was so dumbfounded. His heart seemed to be pierced by something sharp. His mind didn't react yet, but it seemed that his heart reacted first.

"What just happened? This breakup is too sudden," he muttered.

His thoughts are becoming increasingly jumbled as he struggles to comprehend what has occurred. The encounter completely blew his mind.

He didn't think that what happened in the dramas that Lyre always talks about and cries about would really happen in real life.

His friend always talks about a lot of dramas and recommends them to him.

One plot he remembered was about a breakup just before marriage.

At least he can still comfort himself that the breakup happened a month before marriage and not a day before marriage.

Ryzel just stared at the wall of his apartment dazedly. After being dazed for a long time, he finally started thinking about what happened.

He ignored the prickling pain he felt in his heart and started to make sense of his situation.

Knowing that Ryzel would be turning twenty after six months, Dwight proposed.

The federation's marriage law about guides stated that guides needed to be married as soon as they reached the age of twenty.

If a guide hasn't yet married, when they reach twenty, the federation will assign them a sentinel using the matching system.

As a punishment for not following the law, the guides should render ten years of military service at the fringe stars.

Ryzel also understands the law, so of course he agreed when Dwight proposed.

Now, after five months, Dwight has suddenly canceled their wedding.