
After Being Reborn, I became a firefighter again?

[Military Fiction] [Light System] [Slice of Life] Back then, the fire service was still a branch of the military. Countless dreaming youths clutching steel guns were assigned to the firefighting forces that only used water guns and cannons. Fang Huai, a seasoned firefighter, has been reborn? Of course, he's out for money! Returning home, he found that even the camouflage bags from the Armed Forces Department had been brought back. ...... In an interview. Fang Huai points to the myriad of Military Merit Medals on his chest. "Each Military Merit Medal represents a step of my progress." The reporter nods, "I understand the thrill of being rewarded, I was a soldier too!" Fang Huai laughs and shakes his head: "No, you really don't understand." ...... This is a story about a military unit, but also a story about life.

Mr. Big eats potatoes · Urbain
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506 Chs

Chapter 6: Being a Human After All_2

Translator: 549690339


"Fall out and follow Squad Leader Chen."

The junior officer, holding the roll call list, called out the last two names—six non-commissioned officers each led one or two new recruits.

"Take them back with you."

There was only Fang Huai for the Seventh Company.

It was an unfamiliar corporal who didn't introduce himself but took the initiative to take Fang Huai's bag.

The corporal was somewhat surprised as he weighed the bag for a moment, then glanced at Fang Huai, who had nothing else in his hands.

"Didn't bring anything else?"

"Reporting, Squad Leader, I did bring things. The Armed Forces Department issued a coat, socks, and shoes, as well as a towel, a water cup, and a shirt."

"Nothing else?"

Fang Huai, looking rather honest, unzipped his camouflage jacket to reveal a gray collar: "And a set of thermal underwear."

The corporal chuckled, "No wonder Squad Leader Hao took a liking to you."

Speaking of which, he also gauged Fang Huai's expression, curious about their relationship.

Fang Huai smiled shyly, "Thank you, Squad Leader."

Squad leaders are annoyed by new recruits who talk too much, but also by those who don't say anything at all—the former are too lively, the latter too nerve-wracking. Fang Huai struck a good balance.

The corporal gave another nod and led him upstairs.

Calls of "Squad Leader" and "Report" echoed throughout the building, gradually stirring up memories.

Two years in the government agency, close to three years in the grassroots squadron.

Over 700 police dispatches, not a single accomplishment to show for it.

In his fifth year, as he decided to be discharged, he was given third-class merit as a form of encouragement.

In a previous life, his uncle had transferred him from the squadron to the Training Base's government agency to apply for the Military Academy. He didn't have enough academic scores, failed to be admitted as a regular student, and with the loss of his uncle, continued as a non-commissioned officer. He tried to become a squad leader, failed because of physical fitness, and went back to counting the number of times he was dispatched, so the five years of military service wouldn't be for nothing.

Internal Affairs, Skill, Fitness—all were below average. In a squadron of a dozen people, with three squads, he never once became a Deputy Squad Leader, even by the fifth year—a true embodiment of failure.

Being a failure has its inertia, which was unstoppable for the next dozen years. He learned plenty about human nature, firmly believed that "others have connections, all I have is a shadow," and didn't really master any true skills. He could spend an entire afternoon brainwashing the young newcomers in the company with his clever excuses for blaming society.

His skill tree was pretty much all talk.

He knew the true reason for his failure, had once struggled to escape the cycle of failure, but the pit of misfortune was so deep that he was stuck.

When he listened to those rookies on the train discussing, he thought about it, too. He didn't like watching "Soldiers' Attack"; he preferred "My Regiment Commander, My Regiment," because at every stage of his life, he could find a reflection of himself in that drama.

In the beginning, he was like Meng Fanyao at 25, cursing and complaining. Later, he was like Mi Long, content with a warm bed and his wife and child. In the end, like Kang Ya, seeking hope in a makeshift mirror of bayonets before dying.

He wanted to be like Captain Long, but the reality was that he wasn't even as good as Captain Long's dog, Dog Meat.

At least, the dog had followed the right leader.

That was yet another complaint.

The inertia of an old loser.


Let's start over from here.


"Knock knock."


The leading corporal finished knocking and turned to look at him.

Fang Huai knew this was meant to be a demonstration; the man had some expectations for him.


Fang Huai followed him into the office and noticed that Hao Chengbin was not inside. Only a lieutenant junior grade, a lieutenant, and three corporals were present.

Squad Leader Xiang Zhiyuan from his past life was also there; he glanced at Fang Huai as he entered but did not speak, and there seemed to be a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Hello, officers! Hello, Squad Leaders!" Fang Huai found a spot by the wall that was not in the way and called out with a strong voice.

Wang Jian saw that no one was behind him, casually waved his chopsticks, and beckoned.

"Sit, have something to eat."

"Reporting to the officer, I've already eaten!"

Wang Jian nodded, seeing that he was low-maintenance, and with a smile pointed to an empty stool, "All right, then sit here for a bit. Squad Leader Hao has gone to the Regiment Department."

Fang Huai shifted, indicating he heard but did not sit down.

The Regiment Department was on the third floor, and Hao Chengbin must have gone to see Old Black.

There was no one more familiar with the Base's situation than he was; he'd been stationed here for two years.

This was a Regular Regiment-level Unit, which every winter called various non-commissioned officers and officers from municipal and county levels for a ten-day concentration training, followed by the training of new recruits.

Come spring, after the new recruits were dispatched to their units, it was time for various local enterprise firefighting training and hosting the various provincial Firefighting Grand Martial Arts Competitions.

The leaders of the new recruit group's Regiment Department were also from the Base's leadership. His uncle had once served as a main officer here and was later transferred to the Provincial Brigade as the deputy regimental commander.


The Provincial Brigade boasted a highly equipped Deputy Division Commander, a Vice-regimental Commander of a regular regiment-level unit.

"Are you familiar with Squad Leader Hao?" Xiang Zhiyuan suddenly spoke up, his mouth still clutching two fish bones he had just picked out.

His eyebrows were thick, and when he talked, they bobbed up and down like Crayon Shin-chan.

"Report, Squad Leader! Squad Leader Hao brought us here! We didn't know each other before!"

"Sports school student?"

"Report, Squad Leader, just an ordinary high school graduate from the science stream!"

"Do you have any special talents?"

"Report, Squad Leader...no!"

"Any artistic skills? Have any?"

"Report, Squad Leader...I can play a little guitar, but not well."

Xiang Zhiyuan put down his chopsticks and looked at him, his expression calm.

"Then why did Squad Leader Hao want to transfer you from our squad? Did you request it?"

Fang Huai's heart tightened.

Great, I've offended someone.

The story about the Grandpa was no longer useful, saying that following the old squad leader was the way to learn things. With three lance corporals in the office, wouldn't they make his life miserable later?

"...Report, Squad Leader, my grandfather is from Jiangxi...Squad Leader Hao's accent felt very familiar, so…I spontaneously chatted with Squad Leader Hao for a while."

Fang Huai clenched his teeth and moved his Grandpa's place of birth from Jiangjin to Jiangxi.

Everyone understood.

When locals meet, their eyes fill with tears, and since Squad Leader Hao wanted to take care of a fellow local, they couldn't say much anymore.

Wang Jian stood up, "Alright, put down your backpack and everything, then wait outside the door for a minute."


Fang Huai placed his backpack on the bench, put the only contraband item, his mobile phone, on the table, and set his camouflage bag on the ground before walking outside to wait for inspection.


The wait was quite long, probably because they were a bit wary of Fang Huai's ability to network and his flexible thinking, making sure he hadn't brought anything hidden.

"Why are you standing here?" Across the corridor, Hao Chengbin came over holding two sheets of paper.

"Squad leader, they're...inspecting inside," Fang Huai whispered.

"Oh." Hao Chengbin pushed the door and went inside.

In less than two minutes, he came back out carrying Fang Huai's camouflage bag and backpack.

Of course, the mobile phone was gone, and Hao Chengbin didn't offer an explanation, probably feeling that with Huai's family background, he would understand the situation.

"You didn't bring enough stuff. Go rest in the squad room, and I'll go buy you some things."

While saying this, Hao Chengbin led him to the Squad room.

Squad Nine was actually just diagonally across from the Brigade Department, a mere two steps away.

When Hao Chengbin pushed the door open and flicked on the light, two people immediately sat up in bed.

The person on the upper bunk to the left was slightly overweight, his face covered with acne, and his eyes bleary from sleep.

The person on the lower bunk by the door had a flat, round head, his dark face sporting an unnatural expression. After freezing for two seconds, he readjusted his blanket.

Fang Huai glanced at the half-removed pack of tissues on his upper bunk mate's bed and almost let out a laugh but quickly stifled it.

Hao Chengbin walked in nonchalantly, but when he passed by his bed, he kicked the bed frame hard with his foot.


The entire bed shook, and while Fang Huai chuckled to himself, he couldn't help but wonder if this flustered brother would have issues with impotence in the future.

The space in the Squad room was small; upon entering, there was a desk against the wall, three bunk beds on the left, two on the right, and one laid across at the back, stacked as upper and lower bunks.

The so-called "Squad room" was actually the dormitory, which was their space for activities, as long as there was nothing else to do, within those ten or so square meters.

Hao Chengbin placed his camouflage bag on the upper bunk bed at the back and turned to ask him.

"Fang Huai, you've arrived early; pick a bed."

"Just this one, Squad Leader," Fang Huai pointed to the bed in front of Hao Chengbin.

Hao Chengbin casually tossed his backpack onto the lower bunk and said, "Those two are from Fujian, they arrived two days before you. Chat with each other, introduce yourselves. I'll go buy you some toiletries."

Fang Huai's expression turned troubled. "Squad Leader, I don't have any money..."

"I know, you can pay me back when you get your allowance." Hao Chengbin waved, then left the room.

The room fell silent all at once.

The sharp-headed guy on the lower right bunk stared in the direction of the door, his gaze unsettled; he fumbled under the blanket, his eyes starting to scan around, as though confirming whether his life was still intact.

The chubby guy on the upper left bunk's gaze gradually cleared, as he began to gather hope.

"Brother... do you have any cigarettes on you?"
