
after a war comes a radiant love

Dex, the captain of exSeal members and the now shareholder of the ski resort with the same sworn brothers aka his ex-team members, always has the duty to teach young kids about self defence as the side hand business of their ski resort. While the parents would enjoy the ski resort their kids would be allowed to stay with the exSeal members and learn some self defence techniques. But on a certain winter day when Dex went out from the town to buy some fuel needed for a machine in the resort because their employee who would bring that fuel suddenly fell ill. It was really a huge task for Dex since he didn’t liked going out of the town because he didn’t like loud people from outside the town but this fuel trip proved to be very beneficial for him since he found something very interesting or rather peculiar for himself.  A woman or more like a drunk woman standing outside a university with the board “ save yourself” and yelling “don’t enter this shithole if you want a bright future and save yourself” Her appearance was completely distraught with messy hair, smudge makeup and a shoe missing. From the looks of everything she looked like she was too drunk to even know her own name. She was completely out of the definition of the “woman” in Dex’s dictionary but for some reasons he just couldn’t take his eyes off of her and soon he unconsciously walked towards her. Both had an eye contact and a little chat when the university’s authority came to chase her.  Although Dex had no link to the situation here but for some reasons he felt that it’s time he should help her escape and that’s exactly what he did. But halfway through the car journey back to the resort the girl had fallen asleep. Now the thing was, Dex couldn’t decide either to throw out that woman or take her back which he thought that the later option was better, but was it? On the other hand Hazel, who was going through the toughest time of her life found the love of her life, who helped her escape from being caught by the university’s authority. She felt a weird spark the second Dex held her hand to run away and for some reasons she even followed this complete stranger to his car and even fell asleep in it. Their first encounter was completely different from how their personalities actually were. At first Dex wasn’t so interested in falling in love with a woman who can drunk herself and get in trouble so much but what would happen if he fell in love with her in the end?.

viola_aster · Politique et sciences sociales
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs

chapter 3

Chapter 3

----------------------the night before Hazel and Dex met----------------

Hazel's POV

I looked at the clock and it finally ticked to 12 am. That means finally its my Birthday and my Graduation day!!!!!. I was very happy since it was a huge day for me because now I was finally going to graduate from my university and have the degree that I have worked so hard to achieve!.

I put the recorder camera and set it on my table where I was going to record my video diary for the day of my graduation.

"umm I think its rolling now.... oh ok the recording is on now. Hey future me!. I hope you are doing great in future and most probably watching this video in your bedroom with your kids sleeping beside you. Hahahaha.....I am recording this just as a memory that finally today we will graduate and I can get the hell away from this hell!.

My life is perfect right now....well almost. Our boyfriend who I love a lot and he loves me too, is throwing a party tonight for our graduation! Yay! Only 1 hour left for the party now. He said he would pick me up but he isn't here yet and he isn't picking up the call so I think he is trying to surprise me!"

After a pause I again looked at my phone in-case Jeremy, my boyfriend had left any messages but even my old messages weren't seen yet so I put my phone down and again continued recording my message.

"He still hasn't seen my messages.. spooky.....but finally after we graduate tomorrow, we are going to take our relationship to the next level and start living together!!!. Finally I can get away from my horrible lifestyle right now. Our successful parents are still very successful and as usual I don't think they are going to show up at my graduation ceremony tomorrow hahaha...I am used to it now though....they are just successful in their careers but I haven't seen them for a long time. I do miss them but after tomorrow I will finally be able to join the dream company we have always dreamed of...oh my phone is ringing I think he is here! Bye future me. I will record the rest after the ceremony in the morning!"

I looked at my phone and it read my dear boyfriend's name. I quickly picked up my bag and keys to lock the door and walked out from my house and finally picked up his call.

"hey! Jeremy I am outside. Where are you?"

"YOU BITCH!" I was suddenly startled by the loud voice on the other side of the phone but what was more surprising was that it was a woman's voice! And I have heard this voice before too. It was the close 'friend' of Jeremy like many others....but this one is the most annoying one.

"why the hell are you on Jeremy's phone?" I answered her.



"oh Lucy...what are you doing with my phone darling~ and who have you called? Oh what the—hello? Hazel? You there?"

"yes I am fuckin here 'darling'. Now where the fuck are you? Thought you were going to pick me up" I could here some rustling and some muffled sounds from his side but I ignored them because I trusted him and wanted an answer right now.

"umm yeah about that I am a little busy right now so I can't come. You should sort something out yourself"

I was perplexed on how he replied. It was the first time he was so rude.

"what do you mean by tha—"

"alright gotta go"

"but I—" *beep beep* when I looked at the phone the call had already been cut off. At first my mind was all a mess but suddenly the thought came in my mind

'he must be trying to pull a prank on me for my birthday'. So I relaxed a little and hailed a cab to go to his house.




After a whole 30 minutes I was finally standing outside his house. I saw his expensive car standing outside the house with girls all flocking over it and clicking pictures. The whole house was filled with people and loud music and soon as I walked in, I could feel everyone's gaze on me like they don't want me there. It was pretty normal for me since every time I go to my university, everyone behaves the same so it was nothing new to me. I looked here and there and finally spotted Jeremy's best friend and went over to ask him where Jeremy was, but when I tapped him to get his attention I realised he was too drunk. I was going to ask someone else when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear

"Jeremy is upstairs, I will take you there" I looked at him and somehow his aura was completely different from normal but he grabbed my wrist and took me upstairs in one of the many bedrooms in Jeremy's house.

"why is he in a room when there is a party downstairs?" Albert extended out a cup of beer to me while we were walking and I drank it in one go.

"you will soon know hazy, for now have some drink ok~". For some reasons he sounded very scary. Finally when he opened the door to the bedroom and took me inside I realised that the bedroom was completely empty and suddenly he pinned me to the door and touched me weirdly. I was feeling a little light headed and finally it hit me 'this bastard had drugged me'


"shhhh baby... I have waited so many years to do this. Just be quite and it will soon be over ok?"

"NO GET OFF ME!!MMPH" he kissed me suddenly and tears started flowing down my face. He tore my shirt and when his hand was moving downwards I used all my strength and kicked him in the balls.

"argh ahhh you BITCH!". He winced in pain and fell on his knees and I

used this opportunity to run downstairs. I was very scared and people around me looked at me weirdly but I somehow passed through some of them and was rushing towards the exit when I saw the most heart wrenching thing in my whole life.

My boyfriend making out with his 'special friend'. My heart completely shattered but I walked over to them.

"what the....WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING JEREMY?!!" suddenly breaking from his lip lock he looked at me but there was no hint of guilt or surprise on his face. The only look he had was complete distaste about me stopping him. He just walked to me and asked

"where is Albert?". I was completely in shock about why he didn't tried to explain anything but asked where his best friend is. He looked around and suddenly 'Albert' came walking downstairs grabbing his crotch and yelled

"JEREMY WHAT THE FUCK! SHE KICKED ME! I DIDNT FUCKIN CAME HERE TO GET KICKED. YOU PROMISED I WILL HAVE A TASTE ON YOU ARE DONE WITH HER!" I looked sharply at Jeremy and my mind was all a mess. He let his best friend do that to me...

"why....why the fuck did....WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND???" he looked at me and laughed suddenly.

"girlfriend ? hahaha hazy dear~ I am done with you. The only reason I tolerated your gf tag was because I just wanted good grades and a servant to do my work and luckily I found you~ but now that the university is done, your role is done too and you want to see who my actual girlfriend is? This beauty~ is my girlfriend" he pointed at his 'special friend' who was smirking at me.

She stood up, grabbed a wine bottle, walked towards me and pour all the drink on my head which flowed all the way down to my feet. At this point my mind wasn't responding to anything and all I could do was stand there and let her pour that drink on me. I could hear other people saying 'oohhh' in the back ground. I think there was something in that drink that washed away something from me because suddenly my mind was completely numb and my body moved on its own.

I kicked on the glass table in front of me, knocking everything off. Suddenly it was as if I was possessed I automatically grabbed the now Jeremy's girlfriend's hair and threw her on the couch next to the table. Next I grabbed some ice from the ice tub and put them inside Jeremy's skin tight pants. Hearing him shriek to put those out I felt a little light but before I could do anything else, Jeremy called the security to throw me out and that is exactly what they did. They threw me out from the hall into the lawn. But one thing they forgot was 'an angry hazel is a more dangerous than a demon'. I saw a baseball bat in Jeremy's lawn and God knows how glad I was to see it. Walking down the lawn where the guards threw me I grabbed some drinks on my way from the girls standing there and finally I reached what I wanted to see at the moment.

'Jeremy's car'.

I warned the girls around it to stand back a little and smashed his car to the fullest. By the name he would have been notified I already had left from there. I was a little satisfied but suddenly I received a call from the university's principle aka Jeremy's father that he had cancelled my graduation. Only hearing the words 'cancelled' and 'I have notified your parents' made my mind go complete short circuit. I yelled loudly and when I looked above me, I saw a neon sign saying

' Heaven's Taste Bar'.

Without thinking twice I went inside, bought a lot of bottles, borrowed a pen and walked straight to my university. After reaching the gate, I went to the dustbin to find something to write on and make some boards but after I made the boards, it hit me...I was never going to graduate..... the second it hit me ,tears started wielding in my eyes and an anxiety wave was going to hit me. I wanted to take my mind off from this Reality so I took out the alcohol and decided to get drunk and when the morning came I was totally drunk and my mind felt like I was in the air. I didn't knew how I looked at the moment and I couldn't careless. I held the board and fulfilled my task to aware people about this university.

Everyone kept on passing by until I felt someone staring holes at me. I looked in that direction and to my surprise I saw a handsome man staring at me. For the first time in my life I didn't hate someone staring at me. For some reasons I couldn't take my eyes of him, it was as if he was lightening a fire in me and that fire was spreading throughout my body. His gaze was burning and I could feel my heart thumping super loudly. It was as if I found something I was longing for a long time and my mind was fully blur now. I felt super sleepy and it was hard to keep my eyes open.

I gestured him to come closer and to my surprise he did came closer. And finally when he stood in front of me I saw how handsome this man was. We had a little chat in which the only thing I remember is his name "Dex" and suddenly when the authority of the university came to catch me I was ready to take the blame but instead, this guy Dex grabbed my wrist and ran to a different direction. It was the first time in my life I felt so warm after someone grabbed my hand. The heat from his hand was slowly spreading through my whole body.

I felt safe.....like I have finally reached a place I longed. He pulled me in his car and hurriedly drove off but I couldn't hear or make out anything that was happening and suddenly my mind felt completely light and I fell asleep. For some reasons I felt super safe in his car and his company. I completely forgot all the sadness and finally I felt as if my mind and heart was at ease and I didn't want to let go of these feelings. The only thing my mind was yelling was ' I am home'.