
After a flash marriage with a disabled boss (GL)

Disabled, ruthless and profiteer boss   Huo Lan's family is getting married, and Lan Su is ordered to marry Huo Yan.   Huo Yan comes from a prominent family, but her legs are disabled and she lives in a wheelchair all day long. What's even more frightening is that her three wives died in the past three years.   Lan Su replaced his sister and stepped into the dangerous tiger's den.   The dazzling jewelry, gorgeous dresses, and doting "wife" are all traps.   Hiding her identity is her biggest goal.   However, when she poured tea for Huo Yan for the first time, her soul was seen through by this man, and the secret that had been hidden for many years was revealed.   "Has your hand been broken before?"   She was afraid, calculating, and wary, until later, Huo Yan stared at the fractured hand of the eldest daughter of the Lan family, with a sinister flash in her beautiful eyes:   "This hand, it's time to pay off its debt."

Ru_shl · Autres
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30 Chs

Chapter 3 Engagement (3)

She is not a cat, she is a leopard lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity.


  When we met for the first time, Lan Su had a 6-centimeter wound on his arm. It was neither long nor short. In order not to leave any scars, the doctor carefully sewed more than twenty stitches.

  Taking into account her character as the "rich lady", she tried her best to make a sweet sound:


  It's just poor acting, like a fleshless puppet, moaning for no reason.

  Huo Yan didn't speak. He raised his chin slightly, his eyes reflected in the mirror, and he said, "Miss Lan is suffering."

  He raised his slender fingers and called the assistant: "Go get the clothes."

  Lan Su's skirt was stained with blood, speckled and a little scary.

It just so happened that Huo Yan had a newly arrived haute couture dress in her car, which was also a skirt.

  Half an hour later, Lan Su came out of the changing room.

  This time, she didn't have to deliberately cater to the sudden pink color, or expose her breasts and hunch unnaturally. Instead, she wore a single-slit long skirt with slender suspenders, a slightly V-neckline that only exposed her collarbone, and the hem of the skirt split from her thighs. When she walked, her straight long legs were vaguely visible.

  Black is the color of security. The moment you put it on, your tight shoulder blades relax, and every cell lies in a comfortable harbor.

  Sure enough, she still likes black.

  "too dark."

  The assistant secretly said, "Sister, the daughter of the Lan family is just a kitten, so she still has to wear pink. Black is too gloomy and looks like a big sister."

Huo Yan took off his eyes, wiped the dust on the lenses with a glasses cloth, put them on, and looked at the back of the man outside the car. The man in the black dress had a white bandage on his arm, and his thin lips moved slightly.

  "She's not a kitten."

  But a leopard with sharp fangs. If you don't pay attention, your neck will be covered with blood.


  Midsummer nights are particularly lively, with insects chirping, birds chirping, and sounds coming and going.

  However, when we drove to the villa area in the middle of the mountain, everything sank, as if someone had thrown everything into the sea, and there was no sound.

  There were two people sitting in the back seat. On the left was Lan Su, who was wearing a long black dress. On the right, the original leather chair was removed to make room for Huo Yan's wheelchair .

"I would like to ask Mr. Huo to reconsider the matter of marriage."

  The driver helped open the door. Before getting out of the car, Lan Su made one last attempt.

  Huo Yan sat aside: "Miss Lan doesn't want to get married?"

  Lan Su paused, Lan Xiaoyu's helpless face flashed in his mind, and nodded:


  Huo Yan turned to look at her, with a trace of amusement on his stern face:

  "What if I want to take something by force?"

  Lan Su lowered his eyes, and his crow-feather eyelashes cast shadows, making it difficult to see his expression clearly:

  "Mr. Huo, why bother to embarrass me, a weak woman?"

  Ta, tap, tap...

  The two sides fell into a long silence. Huo Yan put his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, curled his index finger and tapped it one by one.

  The eyes under the lenses were slightly narrowed, and he looked at Lan Su's profile from top to bottom, but all he saw was coldness.

This kind of temperament cannot appear in a delicate greenhouse flower.

  She was convinced that Lan Su had a secret hidden in her body.

  more than one.

  "Anyway, thank you Miss Lan for your rescue today. We will discuss the engagement another day."

  For the first time, she made a concession.


  When Lan Su returned, Aunt Zhang secretly helped open the door.

  The Lan family trained her to be a thug and she was not allowed to see guests privately. Therefore, she could only sneak in secretly.

  However, the moment my hand touched the bedroom handle, my whole body felt cold.

  "Ah! Ah..."

Rapid breathing and an extremely familiar voice came from inside the door.

  "Xiaoyu, you smell so good..."

  "Sister Shan, please slow down!"

  "Wait a minute, Xiaoyu will blame me again."

  "You, you are so bad, be careful dad and the others hear you!"

  Lan Su stood outside a door, and the fingers on the handle began to tremble, like a sieve.

  It turns out that Lan Xiaoyu's words "I have someone I like" when she refused the engagement last night were true. But this person is none other than the eldest lady of the Lan family, Lan Shan.

  He retracted his trembling hands stiffly and turned on his toes, trying to escape, but he heard something even dirtier.

  "Are you really going to let your sister go about marrying Huo Yan?" Lan Xiaoyu asked.

  Sister, yes, Lan Xiaoyu's biological sister is no one else but her, Lan Su.

  "Yes." Lan Shan answered matter-of-factly, "She will agree to repay her kindness."

"But, that year in Vietnam, you were not the one who saved her."

  "What does it matter? As long as she thinks it is, that's enough."

  Then came Lan Xiaoyu's high-pitched and slender cry, which seemed to have reached its peak.

  After a pause, she seemed to realize her conscience and said hesitantly:

  "This is too cruel to my sister. You have been lying to her all this time... I am going to tell her that she cannot marry Huo Yan just to repay her kindness. Huo Yan has three wives dead and I don't want her to die! "

  Footsteps sounded from the bedside, and he staggered to the door, but was stopped by Lan Shan.


  The voice is hoarse, calm, and ruthless:

  "If she doesn't marry, it will be you. The Huo family is a dragon's den and a tiger's den . Do you want to go?"

  Sure enough, Lan Xiaoyu hesitated, and Lan Su could feel the trembling through the door:


Lan Shan said word by word: "This world is a cannibal. If you don't sacrifice others, you have to sacrifice yourself. Xiaoyu, you have to think clearly about what you want to do."

  After the words fell, Lan Xiaoyu sobbed and kept saying that she didn't want to die, she was afraid.

  Opposite the door, Lan Su stood alone, her black dress extremely dark, covering her body like a shadow, extinguishing the last small fire in her heart.

  Even if Lan Xiaoyu says something, is there any way to save her sister?

  Even one sentence.


The key turned and the bedroom door opened from the outside.

  This person was none other than Lan Su, whom the lovers on the bed were talking about and about to throw into the fire.

  It's different from the past. Her face is no longer restrained, forbearing, humble, humble, and other emotions that are consistent with her identity as a thug.

  At this moment, she was angry and sinister, like a messenger sent by the underworld to demand death, wanting to tear the two people in the room into pieces.


  At 11 o'clock in the evening, the Lan family villa was brightly lit.

  Everyone inside and outside the entire building was called out and stood in two rows in the living room.

  In the center of the living room, on a soft chair facing the door, Lan Haotian sat with his legs spread apart, one hand supporting his thigh and the other holding a whip.

  On the right side, Lan Shan and Lan Xiaoyu were kneeling on the ground. Lan Xiaoyu was shivering and shivering, while Lan Shan had two whip wounds.

Dad, do you really believe Lan Su or me? I am your biological daughter!"

  Lan Shan asked, her proud face showing a bit of vulnerability.

  Lan Xiaoyu trembled and hid behind Lan Shan, "Dad, I, I really have nothing to do with Sister Shan! Sister, she lied! She didn't want me to marry Huo Yan, she lied!"

  The whip has not yet fallen on her, which shows that Lan Haotian believes in her.

  "Don't think I don't know what you did."

  Lan Haotian's brows sank, forming deep wrinkles. He looked at Lan Xiaoyu like an animal, and then said:

  "I won't beat you because I want to take you to see Huo Yan at the weekend."

  When the name fell, the hall fell into silence, as if Yama came to the world and wanted to swallow everything up.

  The old voice is like an old copper bell:

  "I made three phone calls and made six appointments before Huo Yan agreed to meet you on Saturday. Please stay here for the next few days."

Raising his hand, the housekeeper understood and asked two strong servants to lock Lan Xiaoyu back to the bedroom.

  During this period, Lan Shan did not ask for love.

  After all, if you say the wrong thing, you will get another whip.

  In front of him, Lan Su, who was wearing a black dress, was kneeling upright with several whip wounds. Unlike Lan Shan, the whip that fell on her body did not avoid sensitive parts, but was targeted at places that could not be covered by clothes, such as her neck, arms, shoulders, and even her cheeks.

  "Tell me, dressed like this, who are you going to see?"

  Lan Haotian was wearing pajamas, with gray veins standing out on his temples.

  Lan Su didn't say anything. The wound on his forearm hurt hotly, not as much as the whiplash on his face.

  This whip shattered her self-esteem as a human being.

  After a while, she slowly raised her head and looked at the angry Lan Haotian without fear:

  "The person who saved me in Vietnam seven years ago was not Lan Shan."

"Whether it is or not." Lan Haotian held back his anger, "The Lan family is your savior. I picked you up when you were homeless."

  "Over the years, I have been injured for the Lan family. I have been knifed and shot. I have narrowly escaped death many times. I have repaid my kindness long ago."

  This question triggered Lan Haotian's reverse scale. He swung the whip and landed on Lan Su's neck, whipping the thin man aside.

Snapped! Snapped!

  Two more whips landed hard on the back.

  "Repay? What do you want to repay! Or do you think that once your wings harden and you climb a high branch, you can become a successful person?"

  Lan Haotian scolded and stood up, beating Lan Su like a disobedient dog.

  Chu Meilian felt particularly happy when she saw him angry. After all, if the old man throws all the heat on Lan Su, her daughter Lan Shan can escape.

  So, she added:

  "Husband, calm down. Lan Su is nineteen years old now. Maybe he went on a date with someone he likes."

  Dating, these two words exploded in Lan Haotian's mind.

  He stopped in front of Lan Su and said condescendingly:

"I told you, you are a knife of the Lan family. You cannot be seen in public unless you have a mission."

  The body lying on the ground moved, slowly straightening its spine, and the hem of her skirt rubbed against the ground, making a rustling sound like the wind blowing through the waves of wheat.

  Looking up again, under the hanging hair, his eyes were like daggers:

  "I'm not a knife."


  Lan Haotian was about to raise his whip again, but was stopped by Lan Shan.

  "Dad. There is a car parked outside to take Lan Su back."

  Chu Meilian hurriedly agreed: "Honey, why don't you call someone in? If it's really Lan Su's lover, let's talk about it and don't have any contact with him in the future. If he's some undisciplined little gangster, teach him a lesson and he'll be quiet in the future."


Lan Haotian threw the whip to the ground and cursed:

  "Sister-in-law Zhang, open the door! I want to see which little brat dares to fool around with people from my Lan family!"

  He lowered his head and looked at Lan Su with disdain:

  "Just take a good look and see if your mistress will still be with you if she sees you like this!"

  After a while, the door opened, and a figure in a wheelchair appeared in front of everyone. Lan Haotian was so scared that he collapsed on the chair.

  The white suit is particularly eye-catching under the lamp, like a piece of ice that has been covered with snow for many years. After falling into the puddle, not only did it not melt, but it also froze the surrounding areas, sealing it with frost for thousands of miles.

  Huo Yan raised his chin slightly, stopped in the middle of the hall, and glanced at Lan Su, who was curled up on the ground with whip wounds.

  Looking up again, Lan Haotian's old face had turned from anger to fear, and then squeezed out a false flattery.

  "Huo, Mr. Huo, why is it you?"

Huo Yan's head moved slightly, and the lenses reflected dazzling light:

  "Mr. Lan, I have long admired you. I am that 'concubine'."

  Behind the crowd, the person huddled on the floor sat up, looked at the door through the gap in the crowd, and called out calmly:

  "Ayan, you're here."

  ——You can also call me "Ayan".

  ——Mr. Huo.