
After a flash marriage with a disabled boss (GL)

Disabled, ruthless and profiteer boss   Huo Lan's family is getting married, and Lan Su is ordered to marry Huo Yan.   Huo Yan comes from a prominent family, but her legs are disabled and she lives in a wheelchair all day long. What's even more frightening is that her three wives died in the past three years.   Lan Su replaced his sister and stepped into the dangerous tiger's den.   The dazzling jewelry, gorgeous dresses, and doting "wife" are all traps.   Hiding her identity is her biggest goal.   However, when she poured tea for Huo Yan for the first time, her soul was seen through by this man, and the secret that had been hidden for many years was revealed.   "Has your hand been broken before?"   She was afraid, calculating, and wary, until later, Huo Yan stared at the fractured hand of the eldest daughter of the Lan family, with a sinister flash in her beautiful eyes:   "This hand, it's time to pay off its debt."

Ru_shl · Autres
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30 Chs

Chapter 19: Sharing Bed (Part 1)

The first gift Lan Su received from the Huo family's old house was a bug.

  In the name of care, they wrap a deadly poison in a kind and warm candy wrapper.

  She felt it was terrible, even more terrible than the Lan family.

  When Lan Haotian whipped her, he would at least tell her, "I'm going to beat you." But Jiang Dan would not do that. She would gently give you a poisoned apple, and after you die of the poison, she would come up to mourn you, be decent and considerate, and escort you to hell with her own hands.

  The hot air in the bathroom condensed into water droplets, hanging on the surface of objects, with many tiny water vapor connecting the water droplets, like fine spider silk, stretching across the surface of the marble tiles in a flaming manner, like an old, old roof covered with spider webs.

  In the bathing pool, the two of them were soaking in the water. Huo Yan leaned against the wall of the pool, while Lan Su faced the wall, staring at the golden rice-sized bug in front of them.

  The teeth bite the mucous membrane of the inner wall of the mouth, and a fishy smell gradually appears.

  "A snake in the mouth."

  She cursed the person on the other side of the bug. Thinking of Jiang Dan's face turning blue and red when she secretly listened in and only heard this sentence, she felt better.

  Huo Yan was startled, and vaguely saw two leopard cubs fighting, their claws and fangs bared but their attack power limited.

The bathroom was equipped with a signal jammer, so the eavesdropper was useless. Of course, this included what they had just said, as well as Lan Su's vicious curse.

  Should I tell her?

  Huo Yan thought about it and decided not to dampen Lan Su's fighting spirit, so he didn't say anything.

  A few minutes later, Jiang Dan knocked on the bathroom door:

  "Xiaoyan, I made two drinks."

  There was a knock on the door, and Lan Su quickly leaned towards Huo Yan and pressed close to him. The person outside the door did not wait for Huo Yan to respond, but pushed the handle and went in. The two cups of milky white drinks on the tray were suspended with fine particles, and were turbid.

  "I followed the recipe from my nutritionist at home. I specifically drink it after bathing. It's good for the skin."

  She smiled silently and scanned the bathroom.

  The two of them were soaking naked in the same bathtub, their bodies pressed against each other. Even Huo Yan, who had always been a germaphobe and didn't like having physical contact with others, put his arm around Lan Su's shoulders.

  Huo Yan did not move, still with his back to Jiang Dan, his hands on the edge of the pool, one bent and the other stretched out, always keeping Lan Su within the range of his arms.

But one of the wife has to be polite, so Lan Su turned around, put her hands on the edge of the bathtub, and looked up at Jiang Dan from bottom to top.

  "Thank you, Aunt Dan. You are so thoughtful."

  Jiang Dan squatted carefully, put the tray next to the wine glass tray, and smiled kindly:

  "It's my duty. I have always regarded Xiaoyan as my own daughter. Now that you are married, you are also half my daughter."

  Lan Su examined her expression, and could not see any flaws in the fine lines at the end of her eyes or the curve of her lips. It seemed that Jiang Dan was really a thousand-year-old fox. If she had not seen the eavesdropping device in the jade pendant with her own eyes, she would have been fooled by this trick.

  Using all her acting skills, she tried to squeeze out a well-behaved expression, with her pretty lips curved up:

  "Well, thank you Aunt Dan."

  Jiang Dan looked at her with a smile, but when his eyes fell to her neck, his smile finally froze for a moment:

  "Miss Lan, where is the jade pendant I gave you? Don't you like it?"

  Lan Su was not very good at lying. Her hands hidden in the water gradually clenched, "No, I took it off and put it aside because I was going to take a bath and was afraid it would get damaged."

Jiang Dan's eyes moved to the scattered jade fragments beside the tray, knowing that the jade pendant might have been discovered, so he asked:

  "Where did you put it?"

  Now, Lan Su had no excuses, and wondered whether she should lie and put it in the bedroom. But tomorrow, Jiang Dan would definitely ask again, and then half-force and half-kindly put another necklace with a bug on her.

  It seemed as if someone was pushing his head under the water, and Lan Su was annoyed - things that cannot be solved by force are the most troublesome things in the world.

  Fortunately, there are people who are good at verbal battles.

  "Aunt Dan."

  In the silence, Huo Yan, with her back to Jiang Dan, spoke slowly. After calling out Jiang Dan's name, she turned around in the water, also looking up at Jiang Dan from a low position, but she seemed to be trampling the person in front of her under her feet, looking down at him with contempt, like a giant elephant looking down on an ant.

  "You want to know what I'm doing, at least give me some real money."

  She spoke slowly, her sharp eyes fixed on Jiang Dan's face, like hooks tearing the well-maintained skin apart inch by inch. As she spoke, a drop of water slid down her protruding brow bone, and a cold light flashed across her chiseled face, and her tone suddenly dropped:

"You're looking down on me by throwing away some garbage."


  Jiang Dan's eyes widened as a nail pierced through his eyeball, pierced through his eye socket, and was dug out from the back of his head.

  In the entire Huo family, there is one person that no one dares to offend, and that is Old Man Huo.

  And the second person is Huo Yan.

  Just like the old man, Huo Yan would always reveal the terrifying look of a black panther no matter what age or where she was. At first glance, she seemed to be smiling, but when she smiled, her eyes were slightly narrowed with the corners of her eyes drooping, as if everyone was just an ant that could be crushed by her with one finger.

  "Xiao Yan..."

  Jiang Dan's momentum was weak to begin with, and when Huo Yan pointed it out, all his disguise collapsed:

  "It's Aunt Dan who is wrong. But, but this is what the old man wants, I can't disobey him."

  Looking at the entire Huo family, the only one who can suppress Huo Yan is the old man.

  Huo Yan maintained his dignity and said coldly, "Then please ask Aunt Dan to tell Grandpa that I will bring people back tomorrow and ask him not to worry."

  Seeing that she didn't pursue the matter, Jiang Dan breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'll tell him."


  The sound of running water could be heard faintly. Huo Yan picked up a clay ladle and poured a ladle of hot water over his head. The warm water flowed down his tough facial features, just like in the ancient Shura field, after a bloody massacre, his face was covered with wet red blood.

"We're done. If you don't want to watch live sex, Aunt Dan, go ahead."

  After Jiang Dan left, the huge bathroom finally returned to its peaceful state. Lan Su let out a long breath. She felt that being alone with Huo Yan was not as uncomfortable as she had imagined.

  Especially, compared with Jiang Dan, Huo Yan is absolutely upright.

  Glancing at the wheelchair not far from the bathing pool, Lan Su asked:

  "do you need my help?"

  For example, dry her off as she struggles to get out of the bath, or help her get dressed.

  She didn't know if Huo Yan's disability was in one leg or both legs, if he had no feeling below his hips, or if it was in his knees. She was curious, but she was worried that this curiosity would hurt Huo Yan's self-esteem. She just thought in her mind that after sitting in a wheelchair for many years, the muscles in his legs must have atrophied, and even the skin was loose, which might be ugly.

  She reminded herself to treat those legs with a normal mind.

  Huo Yan's answer was naturally no.

  "You go out first and ask Ai Li to come in."


This answer was within Lan Su's expectations. She did not insist any longer, but walked to the steps by feeling the wall of the pool. Before standing up, she hesitated for a moment, wondering whether she should let Huo Yan turn around.

  Although they were married, they were not even ordinary friends. Being stared at by Huo Yan while putting on clothes, I felt ashamed as if I was performing a dance in an adult nightclub. Every cell in my body wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

  The foot that stepped onto the stairs stopped and turned around:


  He paused after saying one word - Huo Yan had already turned his back, and was concentrating on dealing with the remaining wine in the glass.

  For a moment, Lan Su had the illusion that this man drank to avoid embarrassment for her.

  But on second thought, Huo Yan, who was stubborn and self-willed, would never be so considerate. It was already a great mercy for him to turn his back before she opened her mouth.

  This person is very nice.

  "Sleep in my room tonight."

  Huo Yan said.

  This person is pretty bad.