
After a flash marriage with a disabled boss (GL)

Disabled, ruthless and profiteer boss   Huo Lan's family is getting married, and Lan Su is ordered to marry Huo Yan.   Huo Yan comes from a prominent family, but her legs are disabled and she lives in a wheelchair all day long. What's even more frightening is that her three wives died in the past three years.   Lan Su replaced his sister and stepped into the dangerous tiger's den.   The dazzling jewelry, gorgeous dresses, and doting "wife" are all traps.   Hiding her identity is her biggest goal.   However, when she poured tea for Huo Yan for the first time, her soul was seen through by this man, and the secret that had been hidden for many years was revealed.   "Has your hand been broken before?"   She was afraid, calculating, and wary, until later, Huo Yan stared at the fractured hand of the eldest daughter of the Lan family, with a sinister flash in her beautiful eyes:   "This hand, it's time to pay off its debt."

Ru_shl · Autres
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30 Chs

Chapter 11 Living Together (Part 2)

After breakfast, we packed up and set off.

  Just like what Xiaolan said, Mini was very attached to Huo Yan. She even sat on her lap the whole time during meals, and she would rub against Huo Yan while she ate.

  Even when Huo Yan was about to go out, she would personally coax her and put her on the sofa. When the wheelchair reached the door, she would wave goodbye to her before the little princess would let her leave.

  After the gate is closed and before getting in the car, Huo Yan will clean the cat hair in the front yard.

  Otherwise, if you clean it inside, Mini will be sad to see it.

  All the servants in the house, including Ai Li, Xiao Lan, and the other two servants, would come together to remove the hair from Huo Yan, from head to toe, leaving not a single strand.

  Lan Su saw this and thought it was indeed necessary.

  Huo Yan is the Jade Yama who has shaken the entire jewelry industry and even the business community. If he is found to be a cat slave, his prestige will be greatly reduced.

  The transfer procedure went smoothly, and Lan Su got a shopping mall in the city center without any effort. The staff who handled the procedures looked at her secretly several times, almost piercing her bones with their eyes, but they didn't see anything special about her.

  Lan Su pretended that he saw nothing. He signed when he was asked to sign and put his fingerprints on the document when he was asked to do so. He was very cooperative.

After completing the formalities, the private car drove to the largest private beauty salon in Lanbin City.

  Along the way, the two didn't talk much, and it might have been recorded with a recorder, but the number of words they spoke was no more than 10.


  In the driver's seat, assistant Jiang Feng observed the new wife's heart and felt that she was very patient and had no intention of managing the relationship.

  At least you can ask a few questions, like what you like to do in your daily life, or where you are going to eat later, these daily routines, right?

  As she was complaining in her heart, a voice finally came from the back seat. It was Lan Su:

  "Why go to the beauty salon?"

  Lan Su's voice is very light, not the cold and chilly kind, but a purely natural light, without any noise or ups and downs, like a bowl of boiled water with a calm surface.

  Huo Yan was listening to the online meeting through his headphones. When he heard her words, he briefly paused:

  "face care."

  Jiang Feng shrugged. Well, what a meaningless conversation.

  Like every lady before her, she racked her brains to create a topic, but was ended by Huo Yan's words.

  Unexpectedly, Lan Su said again: "You can call him home."

  Huo Yan paused, "Hmm?"

  Lan Su explained: "When you do your makeup and hair, you ask the stylist to come to your home instead of going all the way to the studio."

  The car slowed down, Jiang Feng stepped on the accelerator less forcefully, and pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation in the back seat.

  She took back her previous evaluation of Lan Su. The new lady's insight was frighteningly sharp, unlike the previous lady.

  Huo Yan did not go to the studio very often. Firstly, it was a waste of time on the way. Secondly, it was unsafe.

Going out with such fanfare today is indeed different from my usual habits.

  Jiang Feng glanced at the rearview mirror, and Huo Yan raised his hand to touch the earphone and muted the meeting sound in his ears.

  "I go to a beauty salon for a facial."

  Huo Yan's explanation was perfunctory.

  Lan Su was skeptical and didn't ask any more questions. It wasn't because he believed her, but because conversations between smart people always stop at the right point. The matter of the beauty salon made her feel like she was bargaining at a vegetable market.

  Lan Su leaned against the leather chair, looking out the half-open window, and said coldly:

  "Someone is following us."

  Jiang Feng's eyes widened as he looked in the rearview mirror. Sure enough, there was a familiar gray van. The last time he saw it, it seemed to be coming out of the transfer hall.

  It was her fault. Her attention was always on Lan Su and she didn't notice she was being followed.

  At the same time, Huo Yan, who had been sitting in a wheelchair in the back seat, finally looked up from the online meeting.

He lazily sat up from the backrest, touched his ears with his slender fingers, took off his black headphones, tapped the tablet screen with his index finger, and exited the online meeting.

  That expression was unfamiliar. Jiang Feng searched his mind but couldn't remember when he had seen it before. The eyes under the lenses were slightly dazed, the eyebrows were slightly raised, and the tails of the eyes were slightly tilted, as if he was interested in something. But it was definitely not the van following behind.

  It is the kind of expression that one gets when one is used to walking in the dark night and suddenly finds a flower on the road, feeling strange and amused.

  Following the light reflected from the lens, he gazed over and examined Lan Su's face:

  "Really? Where?"

  "A van." Lan Su turned to look at her, his eyes flashing with certainty, "You know someone is following you."

  Huo Yan neither confirmed nor denied it, but only said:

  "I'm not as powerful as you think."

  Lan Su didn't believe her excuse and explained, "If you don't want to be followed, they won't be able to catch up with you."


"So, you did it on purpose. You exposed your whereabouts and let them find you."

  Lan Su pointed it out to her, and then she had a question that she had been thinking about all the way but couldn't figure out:

  "Why did you do that?"

  For a moment, the car was very quiet, and the only sound was the gurgling of the wheels rolling over the flat road.

  In the silence, the two people in the back seat looked at each other and examined each other.

  Huo Yan raised his gold-rimmed glasses and focused on the seemingly delicate face.

  The brown eyebrows are smooth, and the muscles around the glasses are relaxed, without any tension. He has a simple and elegant Jiangnan look, but with a knife-like look.

Beneath his obedience lies a rebellious nature.

  Huo Yan was very satisfied with this pair of calm yet sharp eyes, so he explained:

  "You have to get used to this feeling. Being watched means being looked up to."

  This explanation was barely scratching the surface. Lan Su rolled his eyes and said, "I don't understand."

  Lan Su was very calm, without any emotion of excitement or anger, either on her face or in her heart. She was just simply wondering why Huo Yan would deliberately expose his whereabouts and let others follow him.

  "Heh." Huo Yan chuckled from the bottom of his throat. He did not continue to explain. Instead, he took a step forward and moved forward to checkmate. "But what I'm curious about is that Miss Lan has been in a coma for so many years, but I didn't expect her to be so alert."

  Even a van in the distance can be spotted.


  Lan Su was shocked, his spine was pierced by ice, his neck was pinched by a hand, and the air was blocked in his lungs and could not flow.

He blinked nervously, quickly looked away, retracted his legs towards Huo Yan, sat upright in the back seat, facing forward.

  "They followed us all the way, it would be hard not to notice. Besides, I'm just curious why you like being followed."

  The words of explanation were blown away by the wind that came in through the broken window, and turned into ions one by one, lighting up the light in someone's dark heart.

  Huo Yan did not embarrass her. He turned his head and leaned back, as if nothing had happened.

  The van was still following closely behind. Huo Yan didn't say anything about changing the route, so Jiang Feng followed the navigation and drove towards the beauty salon.

  Lan Su quietly held his breath in the back, waiting for the fight that might break out at any time.

  No wonder she was nervous.

  The Lan family was in the antique business, and sometimes they had to fight with tomb robbers and some foreign dark forces for a small piece of porcelain. If she encountered someone chasing her from behind, she would run away without saying a word.

  The most dangerous time was when he rushed into the river from a cliff of more than 30 meters, carrying a ceramic plate from the Song Dynasty. He drifted along the current for three days and two nights before he finally shook off the pursuers.

Now in mainland China, public security is much better, but you may be surrounded by desperate criminals when your car drives into a dark alley or a place without surveillance.

  I don't know where Huo Yan's bodyguard is and why he didn't follow him today.


  She was mumbling inwardly when the private car in front of her suddenly stopped. She looked up and saw a magnificent building with the words "Xianglin Xiaoxie Beauty Center" hung in large letters on the main entrance.

  There is surveillance at the main entrance of the beauty salon, so they shouldn't take any action.

  Just as he was about to get off the car, Huo Yan said, "You sit down first."

  He withdrew his hand that was touching the car door, feeling a little nervous - it seemed like he still had to take action.

  Huo Yan got out of the car backwards along the buffer board, and the wheelchair went around the rear of the car and reached the door on her side.

  With a click, the car door opened from the outside.

  What she was greeted by was Huo Yan in front of her, with his slender hands stretched out towards her.


Lan Su's first reaction was to hand over the information, but this man had nothing in his hands, and it seemed that he just wanted to give her a ride.

  So she reached out her hand, put it on it, and awkwardly got out of the car with the help of this hand.

  "Where's the van?"

  She asked in a low voice.

  After she stood still, Huo Yan let go of her hand, pretended to be intimate and helped her pull down the wrinkled hem of her clothes, and said:

  "Don't worry about it, they took the photo and left on their own."

  Lan Su was stunned: "Take a photo?"



