
Nightmare & Personal Magic

2 days have passed since Argus teleported everyone to the Kyzan Kingdom. Argus is having a nightmare.

Argus is surrounded by darkness and two crimson eyes stare at him. "Argus how long will you continue to ignore me?" An ominous voice asks.

"I don't need your power." Argus says staring into those crimson eyes. "But you do you remember our deal."

"My humanity for power yeah I remember. you already got that." Argus says. "Hahaha but somehow you've managed to regain a shred of humanity. Could it be when you gave Algrim power you sold part of me off?" the voice asks.

"There will be a day when you regain your traded power and you'll be right back to killing humans and burning villages just like the old days."

"Your wrong I'm just bored of it." Argus says. "Ahahahaha sure if you say so. Also I find one of your party members very interesting she seeks revenge for her village."

"What about Ash?" Argus asks. "What if she found out you're the one who burned her village down and killed her family?"

"Your delusional what are those chances?" Argus asks. "Ask her about her village I have a strong feeling you'll remember it. And if it was you how will you take responsibility?"

"Since your always watching you know what I said to her about revenge." Argus says.

"Ahahahaha Yeah I Know like you said what's better than watching that person slowly die."

Argus feels a chill run down his spine. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the voice laughs.

Argus awakes from his 2 day slumber in a cold sweat. He sighs then gets out of the bed he's in. He looks around the room he's in and realises it's the same room he stayed in the last time he was in Kyzan.

After exiting his room he walks down the hall to a tavern area. At the counter is a beautiful elf woman.

"Hey Saia." Argus says. Saia turns around and sees Argus. "Argus your awake!" She says hopping over the counter she then hugs him.

"Where is everyone?" Argus asks. "Well Quasar and the others you left with are in a meeting with the king. Today a declaration of war was sent to the king." Saia says.

"How long was I out?" He asks. "2 days."

At that moment Lilly and Silica walks through the front door. "Argus your awake." Lilly says rushing over to them.

"Yeah I'm fine." Argus says sitting down. They decide to have some lunch Argus devours a fair bit of food since he's been out for a couple of days.

After a while Quasar, Ash, Nile, Lisa, and Beira enter the inn. They see Argus sitting at a booth tinkering with a short sword. Argus sees them approaching. "So what's up?" Argus asks. "You had us worried." Lisa says.

"Sorry but I got us to safety didn't I." Argus says. "I suppose you did save us." Lisa says.

"Cyrus has sent a Carrier Hawk with a declaration of war." Quasar says. "I've heard from Saia." Argus replies. "So what's our plan."

"The King started talking to Reztel and The Empire for an alliance to fight Cyrus." Nile adds.

"Hmm things are moving faster than I thought they would be." Argus thinks to himself.  

"I think we need to come up with a plan of action." Ash says projecting her thoughts to everyone.

"Yeah you guys got your ads kicked." Beira says. "Didn't you hide when Cyrus showed up?" Argus swings back at Beira. "Uhhh haha…." Beira stops talking.

"If I remember right Quasar you were the most effective against Cyrus." Argus says. "Yeah I was able to withstand him thanks to my holy blade." Quasar says.

"Argus everyone has informed me you're supposed to be a powerful Lich so where was your power at?" Beira asks.

"..." Argus remains silent. "Hmm" Beira seems annoyed. "You cast that dead air spell but it didn't seem to affect Cyrus." Quasar says.

"He's very strong it seems." Argus says deciding not to tell them about his split power.  

"We have some time before the war starts so I think we need to train up a bit." Argus adds and holds up that short sword he was tinkering with.

"Woah I feel some power from that." Beira says. "You should I enchanted it with a strong soul sap spell all you need to do is make contact with Cyrus's blade and he'll start to feel fatigued." Argus says.

"I'm not sure if a regular sword can block Cyrus's." Quasar says. "I'm aware this sword his only tungsten I figure it can withstand 1 or 2 attacks from Cyrus." Argus says.

"Why not use a more durable material and enchant that?" Ash asks. "Soul sap right?" Lisa asks. "Yeah soul sap drains energy from the person who attacks you and that raw energy is very hot and since I don't have any Demon steel tungsten is the best we have." Argus says.

"Demon steel?" Everyone says wondering what that is. "None of you have heard about it. Well demon steel can't be melted." Argus says.

"Then how do you forge it into a weapon?" Ash asks.

"Well it's hard to explain but to sum it. It can't be melted because it's already a liquid."

Everyone seems even more confused. "I can't explain it if you see it you'll understand." Argus says.

"Anyways who's going use it?" Argus asks. No one speaks up. "Hmm" Argus groans "fine I'll use it all I gotta do is block his attack."

After kinda forming a plan all that's needed is to train up a bit so Quasar is teaching the Kyzan Knights and Nile how to wield a sword with power. Meanwhile Beira, Lilly, Lisa, and Ash are with Argus he's teaching advanced magic techniques.

"So I'm sure you've seen me be able to use magic without a long chant right?" Argus asks.

"Normally you need to call upon the gods or a higher power to use magic." Lisa says. "Yes but why do you need to call on a god for power. When your the one who has the magic power if it's yours use it." Argus says.

Everyone understands what he means. "Magic is sacred or unique it's a weapon your weapon so use it." Argus says.

"How can we?" Ash asks. "Argus teach us something better than these basics." Beira says annoyed by Argus saying the basics.

"Beira shut up you didn't need to come. This was for the others to learn magic." Argus says.

"What every all you need to do is use your magic you have affinity for and imagine what you want and if you have the mana for it you can do it." Beira says.

"So it's good to have a basic attack like my wind strike that doesn't use much mana." Argus says.

"Or like my Ice Needle blast." Beira says.

"So we can do anything with our affinity magic?" Lilly asks.

"Yep" both Argus and Beira says.

Ash holds her hand out "Hell Flame Slash." Ash imagined her hand as a blade and after doing a slashing motion she sends a slash of fire blasting in a line. "Woah it's that simple." Ash says surprised.

Lisa closes her eyes and imagine Six swords made of ice almost like wings three on each side of her "Six Sword Ice Strike." suddenly what she imagined happened and by moving her hands she can swing the ice blades. "I can't believe how easy this is and how many people strive for it and can never figure it out." Lisa says.

"That's why I always say magic isn't anything special." Argus says.

"Woah Lisa that's awesome I never thought of using ice like that." Beira says impressed.

"Thanks." Lisa says.

Lastly Lilly is struggling she doesn't know her magic affinity. "Hmm I don't know my magic."

"I remember you said you can see Aura right?" Argus asks. "Well yeah I can see all of your Aura except for Argus." Lilly says.

Lisa and Beira are shocked by this. "Wait Lilly you can see everyone's Aura?" Beira asks. "Everyone I see normally."

"What about yourself?" Lisa asks. "If I look at my hand I can see a faint glow." Lilly says.

"Oh imagine your Aura forming a blade from the tips of your fingers." Argus says. Lilly closes her eyes. "Aura Claw." She says and her white aura forms claws. "Wow this is cool." She says.

"Well now you know how to use magic." Argus says.

"Why didn't you teach me before?" Ash asks.

"I did combining your magic into those ninja arts is the same as this but with a foundation." Argus says.

Ash feels really stupid when she finally understands it.

"Well that's it for training let's head back."

I'm very sorry for the lack of chapters I had

writers block on top of working.

I've written this chapter 4 times but was unsatisfied with how they turned out and I only want to write the best I can for you all hopefully the long hiatus is over I'll try to get back to writing at least every other day.

anyways Thanks for reading


JamesTheLostOnecreators' thoughts