
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

You're Beautifull

"I mean, he wants you, even if you return The Yeouiju to him, he won't let you go. You will forever be his pet."

Arion's words that day suddenly echoed in her mind.

"He's an evil who enjoys holding girls and torturing them to death."

"Lucifer ... how can that be!" Yena shook her head, refusing to believe in this terrifying possibility.

"Yena!" Lucifer's voice interrupted her. For no apparent reason, Yena suddenly felt uncomfortable when she heard Lucifer's voice.

The man came with a bright face. His hands are full of luggage. He showed all of that to Yena while smiling proudly, "See what I brought? I bought all the gems in Seoul as you wish."

'The reason why he is called Lucifer is because of his behavior that rivals that of a devil. Don't be fooled by his good attitude.' Arion's words once again appeared and further emphasized the fear in her heart.

It made Lucifer's rare smile that usually looked beautiful, currently extremely frightening.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Yena just unmoving and looking at her strangely, Lucifer put his things down then walked over to Yena and pulled her out of the bathroom.

"Look at these gems, do you like them?" Lucifer opened one of the many jewelry boxes, then an object that looked like a crown with a shiny Red Beryl stone was seen.

Yena should have been mesmerized, but right now her mind was a mess.

Lucifer put the tiara on Yena's head carefully.

"I think this is the best look, now you just look like Gongju." He said with a flat expression. However, a look of adoration radiated from his red eyes.

Yena, who still didn't know what to say, touched the tiara on her head and created a frown on her lips.

"Why the tiara?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Lucifer frowned, not understanding what she meant.

"Why the tiara?" Yena repeated. The girl raised her head and looked at Lucifer with her misty eyes.

"You know? A famous artist once made a tiara inlaid with gemstones for his pet dog. I'm not even a princess, why did you give me a tiara? What do you mean?" Yena urged Lucifer with her gaze.

The man blinked, looking confused.

"What do I mean? I just thought this tiara with Red Beryl would suit you very well. why do you associate it with artists and pet dog?"

Now it was Lucifer's turn to look at Yena probingly. It was only then that he realized the girl's gaze was unusual, a confused look filled with disbelief.

Lucifer's expressionless face turned cold.

"Who just came here? Who's talking nonsense to you?" asked Lucifer with a sharp gaze.

"Nonsense? I don't think it's talking nonsense! Now you have to tell me the truth, what evil intentions are you hiding!?" Yena looked at Lucifer in disappointment. It felt like something fragile inside her chest had broken for no reason.

Imagining Lucifer's kind and gentle demeanor all this time turned out to be just a cover that made her heartache.

"Don't tell me you don't understand? This symbol on my shoulder, how do you explain it? Since when and for what purpose did you give me this symbol?" Yena tucked her hair and pointed at the symbol on her shoulder while looking at Lucifer with a thousand question marks and accusations.

The mist in her eyes had turned to dew.

Even at this time, Lucifer's cold expression only turned back to being flat. He reached out his hand and held Yena's face.

"That symbol, I created it since the Cheuksin attacked you. I have no other intention. I just want to protect you from those lowly creatures!" said Lucifer.

"You lying!" Yena couldn't believe it.

"I'm not lying. If you don't like it, I'll delete it. I really... have no intention of restraining you." Lucifer reassured.

Even so, Yena was still skeptical.

"You're not lying? Alright, then let's take Yeouiju now. You just got out safely, Arion isn't after us anymore. It's been too long, so let's go and get your Yeouiju. That way our business is done!" Yena said.

Hearing that, Lucifer's face twitched. He withdrew his hand and put on a dazed expression.

Yena smiled sarcastically. Seeing Lucifer's reaction he finally understood, that this creature had no intention of letting her go.

"You don't want to? So it's true, even if I return Yeouiju you won't set me free! Sneaky creature!" Yena screamed and hit Lucifer furiously with her two hands.

Lucifer locked his wrist and said quietly, "Never mind, you just need to live in peace. I'll take care of all your needs. Why bother wanting to live alone when someone here will take good care of and pamper you?"

Yena could hardly believe what she was hearing. Her eyes widened perfectly when she saw Lucifer's vile face. For some reason, that beautiful face now looked scary.

Yena suddenly seemed to lose all her energy and desire to curse the man in front of her. She stumbled to the floor so limply that the tiara over her head fell.

"Stay here obediently. I will prepare this room." Lucifer's cold voice rang out. Yena just looked down in a daze. Meanwhile, Lucifer's feet had already stepped out.

When night fell, Yena was still sitting against the wall with a frantic mind.

Meanwhile, now the room is filled with a king-size bed and various other furniture. Lucifer had arranged it that way. From start to finish Yena didn't help, didn't even pay attention at all.

"Kwak! Dinner dinner!" Leon's signature voice sounded and at the same time the black crow arrived. He put the food he was carrying on a small table.

Saw Yena sitting glumly on the floor Leon tilted his head in surprise.

"Yena, are you okay, kwakk!?"

Hearing Leon's loud voice, Yena took action. She lifted her head and almost opened her mouth to say until suddenly the bathroom door opened and Lucifer came out.

"You go and watch over the border." He told Leon.

"Oh okay." Leon looked at Yena hesitantly then left.

Yena turned her face away, not wanting to see Lucifer.

"Eat it," said Lucifer.

Yena flinched.

Lucifer took a box of sushi on the table then walked over to Yena and squatted in front of her.

Without further ado, he forced Yena to open her mouth and feed her.

"Chew!" He orders.

The poor girl with teary eyes was forced to chew and swallow it with difficulty.

"Don't cry." Lucifer spoke while wiping the tears that rolled down Yena's tiny cheeks with his thumb.

However, the girl burst into tears instead. Tears flowed from her eyes.

"Please...." Yena grabbed Lucifer's collar and looked at him pleadingly.

"Please please let me go. I want to meet my family, and my friends. My mother, she has no one but me. If I'm not around, who will take care of her?" Yena said in a choked voice.

Looked at Lucifer wistfully, wishing the creature had some conscience.

However, the man's expression didn't change at all, he didn't seem to waver in the slightest.

Yena squeezed her tears in desperation. She grabbed Lucifer's shirt and hit him lightly.

"Haa...I beg you…, didn't you ever say that you have no interest in keeping an ugly girl like me? Please, please let me go, okay?" Yena raised her head and smiled pleadingly.

Lucifer heartlessly just lifted the corner of his lips and said, "No, you're beautiful. You're so beautiful."

It was the only compliment Yena didn't want, the only compliment that made her lose hope even more.

In the end, she could only look down languidly, even crying was useless. She couldn't believe it, she really couldn't believe it. Yena hoped that Lucifer was just playing a prank on her.

Well, he was just kidding, wasn't he?

How could it be? That her heart... already admired this man. how could Lucifer break her heart with this fact? The fact is that the good relationship between them is not that of a man and a woman, but that of a master and a 'pet'.