
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Shameless Girl

Yena looked down more awkwardly.

"I'm going out to buy yogurt. You wait here." Lucifer said then walked out.

"Where are you going?" Yena got up and followed the man's silhouette with her eyes.

Lucifer went to a minimarket outlet which was quite far from there.

"I'm sorry. It's not that I don't appreciate your kindness but I don't want to die." Yena smiled wryly then rushed off in the opposite direction to Lucifer.

Yena couldn't ask other people for help because she was worried that they would be dragged away if caught. so it's best now to run away as far as possible while contacting Rumi.

However, how shocked she was when she saw that all the contacts on his cell phone had disappeared.

"What the hell?" Yena's expression was a little ugly. She checked many times but all the numbers in his contacts had disappeared. Could this be Lucifer's doing? But how can that be?

"What a shame!" The more. Now she can only rely on himself.

Yena sped up her pace as fast as she could.

"Thirst...." The cold weather didn't affect her hot throat at all. She paused to buy a bottle of yogurt which was her favorite drink from a street vendor. Luckily Yena had her bag.

"Yoghurt...." Instead of drinking it straight away, Yena looked at the bottled drink with furrowed brows.

'Did he . . . buy me yogurt?' Yena suddenly felt a very disturbing feeling.

"I'm so mean...."

"Yena!" A familiar shrill cry startled Yena.

She turned to the source of the sound and saw Rumi's figure staring at her with puffy eyes across the train tracks.



Lucifer had bought a few bottles of yogurt and immediately returned to Buckhon Mandu's tavern with a bright expression.

As soon as he got to the tavern the man's expression changed slightly with his pupils dilated.

"Hey, what's taking so long?" Yena smiled widely but looked awkward.

"You are okay?" asked Lucifer.


'Shit! It hurts!" Yena frowned slightly against the pain in her ankle. I don't know what possessed her until she ran away from Rumi and came back here in a hurry until her leg sprained.

Yena just felt guilty if she left Lucifer like this.

"You look pale." Lucifer said as he sat down and then opened a bottle of Yoghurt.

Yena thought Lucifer had opened it for her but the man finished it in one gulp. didn't even get there, he opened it again and drank it again.

Yena gawked in surprise to see Lucifer finish all the Yoghurts.

"You... didn't you buy it for me?"

"I was, but it turns out you bought it yourself." lucifer reached out his hand and wiped the yogurt stain on the corner of Yena's lips.

The girl was quick for a moment.

Lucifer lowered his gaze to Yena's leg which was starting to swell and then raised the corner of her lips sarcastically.

"You don't have to rush back though because, in the end, I'll still find you."

"H...haha." Yena smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't mean to run away. I mean... well, b-but... sorry." Yena looked down.

"Let's go home," said Lucifer as he got up.

Yena suspects that he is angry and will vent his anger in the nest. But even so, she still got up and followed him with a limp.

"That... my leg hurts. Why don't we just take a taxi?" Yena suggested.

"No money."

"What?" Yena felt that she heard wrong.

"I said no money. You really can't walk?"

"Can't! It hurts so much. if you don't have money what will happen to my feet? I can't possibly walk home." Yena was worried because there was no money in her bag either. At that time she left her ATM card with Rumi and only pocketed a few wins in her wallet.

"I'll heal your leg later. Now come on up." Lucifer said as he stepped forward and crouched in front of Yena.

Yena is stunned.

"You want me to go up? Want to carry me?"

"Hurry up! Lucifer ordered without leaving room for compromise.

"Shame to know! I'd rather just crawl, it's fine!" Yena said as she trudged past Lucifer. However, after just a few steps his legs felt like they were about to break. It really hurts.

"Ugh disgusted!" Yena backed away and finally climbed onto Lucifer's back.

"Not crawling?" The man smiled mockingly. Too bad Yena couldn't see his expression.

"Uh, walk faster. Everyone is staring at us." Yena frowns embarrassed. She didn't dare open her eyes until they were out of the crowd.

Entering the dead city area, then Yena felt relieved. Even so, she still felt awkward. She could feel Lucifer's body as cold as night.

"You're so hot," said Lucifer suddenly.

"Hot? No, it's warm. You're just too cold. Don't worry, I'll warm you up." Yena somehow has the guts to close her body and hug tightly making Lucifer roll his eyes.

"Warm, right?"

"Stop it."

"Why? All creatures love warmth."

Yena put her palm on Lucifer's shoulder making the man shudder and hiss.

"Shh. Don't touch it!"

"Uh, why?" Yena thought this man was funny, so she wanted to keep bothering him.

"I said stop it!"

"Don't want to!" Yena giggled.

"Shit, you want to be thrown, huh? Hush off!" Lucifer couldn't stand it anymore until his face turned red.

Yena even stubbornly tickled his shoulder.

"Stop it, idiot!"




"Huhu you crazy ...." Under the thick blanket, Yena curled up and grumbled while holding her neck. She was so engrossed in disturbing that she forgot that Lucifer was a beast. Yena was grateful that Lucifer didn't bite her neck until it broke.

Just holding the shoulder why is he that sensitive, anyway? What's worse now is that the man is cranky and doesn't want to heal her leg.

"If I don't get it fixed soon my leg could be crippled forever. Can't! Where is he now?" Yena got up. he took the broom handle in the corner of the room and used it as a stick then went downstairs carefully to look for Lucifer.

The creature is not on the pole. Yena went backward to a part of the house she had never been to.

There was the sound of splashing water. Yena was amazed when she found a super large swimming pool behind there.

Her eyes sparkled reflecting the clear water of the pool.

"So fresh...." Yena was just about to dip her feet into the water when suddenly a very large figure appeared from the pool and spilled water everywhere. The imoogi looked at Yena sharply.

Instead of being afraid, Yena looked back at him in annoyance because her body was drenched in spilled water.


"Why are you glaring? Heal my leg here!" Yena said as she raised one of her injured leg right in the snake's face.

"Shameless girl!" cursed Lucifer softly. He went back into the pool and a moment later reappeared to the surface in human form.

"Stretch your leg." He ordered.

Yena sat down and stretched her legs into the pool. Lucifer's cold hands massaged her injured ankle gently. Doesn't hurt at all.

"That... you don't have any money anymore?" Yena opened the tip.

"There isn't any."

"Well. Then what about my fate? You have to work, I don't want to starve." Yena said.

"Just because you're being treated well, you're becoming shameless."