
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

He Is The Devil

Yena's face was red to the ears.

"Y-you what are you doing?"

"Hmm I'm healing your wound. Shut up," said Lucifer. He licked Yena's sore neck painstakingly.

"Uh." Yena held her breath, it was ticklish.

Does this look like treatment? Absolutely not. why did she feel Lucifer deliberately wanted to take a chance?

However, because of getting carried away or something, Yena didn't reject Lucifer's actions at all.

After a while, Yena spoke because she was too nervous.


"Mn." Lucifer immediately stopped.

"Doesn't it hurt anymore?" He asked.

"From the start, it didn't hurt either." Yena said. Only then did she realize how stupid she was.

"Oh, it doesn't hurt? Then why didn't you tell me? Did... you do it on purpose?" Lucifer looked at Yena with a hidden grin.

The girl's face just got redder. "What on purpose?! You're suddenly like that!" Yena said as she got off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

Huh, where did this reptile learn to tease like that? What a man! No human not stealth all the same!

Night came. Yena and Lucifer enjoy dinner brought by the crow. Because Arion seems to be still hanging around outside and Lucifer is also being injured.

"I heard from the crow that your name is Lee Shan." Yena said in the middle of their meal.

Lucifer glanced at him for a moment. "Yes. That's my real name, but you shouldn't say it."

"Oh, why?" Yena looked at him in surprise. His expression was a bit unkind. There seems to be something unpleasant behind the name.

Yena immediately changed the topic, "So when are we going to pick up your Yeouiju?"

"Tomorrow. I have to evolve immediately. Otherwise, Arion will always trample on me."

"Oh...." Yena's lips pursed.

"If you evolve, won't you ascend to the sky? Then… won't Arion bother me?"

"You're right. After evolving I should at least stay in the sky for a hundred years. but I have a way, I will protect you. You take it easy," promised Lucifer.

Yena saw his say it sincerely, she was quite touched. However, this made her even more uncomfortable. She had to tell the truth right away.

Lucifer finished eating. he got up, took the book, and got into bed.

Yena looked at him surprised. Was it because he was injured that today he was going to sleep in the bed? Then what about her fate?

"Would you like to sleep in the bed tonight?"

"Mn. Do you want sick people to sleep on the floor?"

"Not." Yena didn't say anything else. Well, she's not going to sleep tonight anyway.

The night was late, Lucifer had closed his book and fallen asleep. Yena isn't even sleepy yet. She just stared at Lucifer's poor face with guilt.

Yena came to a decision. She takes a notebook and pen from her bag and then writes the truth. Of course, she didn't dare to tell Lucifer directly about his Yeouiju, afraid that the man would immediately swallow her alive.

Yena put the letter under the book on the nightstand.

"Forgive me. I hope I can pay for this loss someday." Yena muttered. She took her bag and slowly walked out.

Before actually leaving Yena stared at the building for a moment with a heavy heart. For some reason, she felt reluctant.

At night the dead area looks more 'dead'. Not a speck of light. Yena used her cellphone as a light and walked quickly.

After Yena left the building, Lucifer slowly opened his eyes. From the start he never really fell asleep.

The man took the piece of paper Yena had left and read it. He then looked out the window, saw the frail figure of the girl walking quickly down the cold lonely street.

A very thin grin formed on Lucifer's lips. Meanwhile the red light in his eyes shone even sharper.

Yena quickened her pace. Cold wind stabbed her back. But strangely the air from the front was warm. There was only one possibility, and sure enough, Yena slowed her pace and then stopped when her eyes caught the familiar figure of a man intercepting her in front.

Yena swallowed her saliva as her eyes met Arion's green eyes. As she had expected, she would definitely run into this creature once she came out.

"Nuna, you made the right decision to leave Lucifer. Come with me." Arion's heavy voice traveled through the air and shocked Yena's brain.

The man's appearance was as elegant and charming as a noble human, but the aura he gave off was inversely proportional to his calm appearance.

Yena braced herself not to be afraid to face Arion's terrifying aura.

"Yeouiju is no longer with me. So stop bothering me."

"You don't have it? So have you given it to Lucifer?" Arion narrowed his sharp eyes.

"No. He will never get his Yeouiju, he will never be able to evolve because that thing has been destroyed. So I beg you, stop bothering him, aren't you ashamed to disturb a being whose level is clearly below yours?"

Arion smirked.

"Yeouiju destroyed you say? Tell me how it can be destroyed?"

"Fall, I dropped it."

"Haa...." Arion laughed lightly.

"Fall you say? How could something like Yeouiju get crushed just by falling? Nuna, don't try to play tricks with me." Arion emphasized his gaze.

Yena squeezed her fist. "I'm not lying. That thing was destroyed while I was chasing Lucifer that time...."

"This sounds even more improbable. If the yeouiju was destroyed how could Lucifer not notice? Moreover... if it was crushed nearby.... Nuna, you are so naive." Arion chuckled.

Yena furrowed her brows. "So you mean... if Yeouiju was destroyed Lucifer would have noticed. Then... that pottery... does that mean that pottery isn't Yeouiju?" Yena widened her pupils. Why had she never thought of this possibility? Only she assumed that the pottery was Yeouiju. Right, that time Lucifer should have seen the broken pottery, if it was Yeouiju how could he not have noticed.

"S-so... it wasn't a yeouiju...." The girl's face paled a bit. Yena, where did your stupidity come from?

So which yeouiju actually is?

"Nuna, have you ever seen a crystal clear ball? I'm sure it's still with you now," said Arion. Yena immediately noticed.

So the round crystal he thought imitation was a Yeouiju.

Yena felt very silly, but on the other hand felt very relieved.

"Then I must return. I must return the Yeouiju to Lucifer...."

Yena, who was still shocked, was about to walk away but suddenly her body froze stiff.

"Uhh. What is this?" Yena was surprised. Her body couldn't move at all. then she realized that it was too late with Arion.

Arion chuckled.

"Too bad, Nuna, you can't go back now."

"No! Please let me go!" Yena screamed, frightened.

"Don't scream. You don't understand, you will be safer with me than Lucifer. Nuna, do you know? Lucifer likes you."

Arion stared at Yena intently and pressed his fingers against the girl's chin.

"I mean, he wants you, even if you return the Yeouiju to him, he won't let you go. You will forever be his pet."

"What nonsense are you saying?"

"This isn't bullshit. I want to tell you why Lee Shan was called Lucifer? Why was he cursed to become an imoogi and had to get a Yeouiju in order to evolve? That's because...." Arion brought his face closer and whispered in Yena's ear, "He is an evil creature who likes to hold girls and torture them to death."